Friday, October 30, 2009

Update...before the month ends

Ahh...too much to sum it all here are some things the boys are doing...and some pictures

1. Getting closer to 3 and behaving (both good and bad) every bit of it
- wants to be very independent, but gets super frustrated when he can not do something by himself
- obsessed with bubble gum and actually chews it well, and does not swallow it (anymore!)
- now that he is almost 3 he has finally accomplished the fine art of holding up 2 fingers to show everyone he is 2...we have started to work on 3 fingers, and he almost has hopefully he will not be almost 4 by the time he gets that down...hehe...
- loves to tell me crazy stories: some true, some true with a bit of an exaggeration, and some just bonkers
- current obsession: Spiderman...and what makes this weird, he has NEVER seen Spiderman. This all started by playing "Spiderman" with 2 boys at church...we now have a book (thank you Gramma), but that kid was paying attention while playing with the other boys, because he knows alot
- we also like cars the movie...and Kegan thinks Mator is very funny,,,
- still enjoys entertaining Ty - sometimes helpful..and other times...well, he tries
- getting better at his one to one ratio understanding
- has learned how to successfully drop kick a football (thanks to our across the street friend!)
- I can't keep up with the growing vocabulary...but it is very cute to hear him try to use "new" words the right way...or use words he knows to describe something he is not familiar with...
- when he tells us he loves us, he always says "I love you, too" (even when he starts the "I love yous")...not just "I love you"...and he thinks saying this will get him out of any trouble...sadly he is learning it does not work like that, I love him, but he is still in trouble..haha...
- getting taller...has moved on to the next size up pants - 3T (because of length) and we have had to put up some shirts that were looking a little short
- and just a random funny comment from tonight
Kegan: Mom I got to the farm with Uncle Josh, Daddy, Pampa and Larry (Josh's dad)
Me: What will Gramma, Aunt Stephani, Mrs, Sherri and mommy do
Kegan: putting finger to chin, tapping it, looking up and thinking, "Hmm...y'all could maybe go get us lunch or something..."
haha....just thought I would share

- LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of different sounds and noises proceed from his mouth. He has made the blessed dadada sound (for a long time now) but FINALLY after all my hard word he made some mamama sounds (neither of which does he seem to associate with either of us) He does say something like babab when he sees his bottle...soo...progression being made verbally (I think he is going to be a talker)
- Still not crawling...however he will get his feet in an almost straddle and lean all the way down and over to reach something...just as long has he does not have to pick up those legs to get anywhere hear a crawling position
- Gets VERY mad when I put him on his tummy and will put one hand across the other pulling himself in circles trying to get off his belly...all while pouting loudly...
- Can stand and hold on to things (if I stand him up and put his hands on the object)
- loves to take things out of boxes
- gets into anything and everything around him (which may be a plus that he is not moving!)
- no teeth yet
- can pick up and feed himself soft fruits, puffs and crackers with his thumb and pointer finger
- drinks from a straw
- Matthew gave him a bite of steak the other night - Ty LOVED it...why start 'em on just regular no...start 'em on the good stuff so they will not want to plain stuff...haha...
- facing forward in his car seat (he met and surpassed the weight requirement)
- tight grip!
- great abbs: If you hold down his feet, while he is laying down, he will pull himself up to sitting, on a soft kidding...

Organizing one's tractors takes time and talent...

Finally, some great cooler weather to play outside in!
Ready to pitch the ball to one excited and ready dog

Why hold onto the front strings like everyone else...reach for a back string (this is how he holds the swing...not both in front, but one in front and one in back...I don't know why!?!)

When mom can't push, this is the next best thing...

...randome...but fyi...this is what happens in one's kitchen when you don't fully slide the grain mill's (big white thing in the middle) tray in all the way...then you walk away...and come back to see all your counters covered in freshly milled flour...super fun to clean up, let me tell you

Ty got to attend a baby shower for Steph, given by Josh's side of the family...only man in attendance...hehe...he did well, and really enjoyed the cups...but I think he was a bit disappointed this one was empty...

You know your church is a little country when...
We had a "wild game tasting" night at a ranch some members of our church have. After the food and fellowship, they brought out the sparklers...Kegan enjoyed them!!!
Pampa helping him light one of many he played with that evening...


what person doesn't have fond childhood memories of dancing around (and being careful of those around you) with a sparkler in their hand...

A quick lunch at Whataburger after church on Sunday
I don't know why Ty's arm is up...but it totally looks like he is volunteering for something
"Anyone want a french fry?" I think Ty does...hehe...

Silly boys...

I am 8 months old (and 1 week) in this picture...and I was NOT happy to be having my picture taken

still not happy

Umm...I don't know...he is 3 and he is a boy...enough of an explanation, right?

Thanks for the cute shirts Grams...umm..Ty, could you cooperate and look at the camera?

Ok, Ty, that is time, could you manage a smile with that. Kegan, very cute smile, clearly you have had lots of practice with picture taking ;)

We went to a pumpkin patch with our play group. Before going out into the pumpkin patch they kids were shown "weird" pumpkins and had some books read to them.
Kegan is the keeper of the special pumpkins...and Ty is trying to peek around and see what is going on...

I don't know who he is giving this look to, but they better not touch his pumpkin is what I am thinking he is telling them...

Well, once again, I try for pictures...


ohh...there's that sweet face!

woah...round surface = not stable

sweet hugs for all

Look who is VERY HAPPY to be facing forward!

Don't we all like to hold onto traps above us as we sleep...I don't get it, surely that is not comfortable, but he was out like a light and just gripping tight...

Make shift poncho on a rainy day - what bag or tart can we find in the barn???

tortilla anyone???

Sweet grins! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

More Detail of Pics from our Trip to Plano

Finally the rest of our pictures from our crazy, yet FUN week at Gram's and Poppa's house with LOTS of cousins together time... (One big thing I leanred: Kegan has taken after his dad - he is very onerary! Example: Karsyn likes to sleep with a night light on and Kegan realized he could really upset her if he "threatend" to turn it off...all day long...any time of the day. He would say it, until she started to get upset, then he would smile and kind-of let out a little snicker.... Oh, what does my future hold...eek!)

Tuesday evening we arrived. Matthew dropped Kegan and I off at the hospital to see Coleman, Karsyn....and oh yes, Grams, Aunt Wendy and Uncle Nolan...haha...while he went home to unload the car and run an arrend with Papa for the fishing trip they were leaving the next morning for.
Karsyn was sitting down to hold Coleman right as we were walking in...and was quite sure if she wanted to share or baby brother just yet...

But soon Coleman was left behind for the adults to coo over and the cousins got down to playing...and staring out the hidden window behind the desk

...and take pictures of eachother taking pictures....

Us with Coleman (Kegan was an ol' pro at holding babies to take a pictures by this time)

Wednesday morning:
This face made me he happy, scared, upset??? I don't know...and I don't think he is 100% sure either...haha...

Playing this fun game Grams get to actually hit things that pop up, with hammers!!! Kegan was thrilled

...and shocked...haha...

Oh...your daddy would be so proud that you liked Karsyn's pink jellies...haha... (this took no coaxing...he just wanted to try them out...and it worked, becuase Karsyn liked trying out his boots...)

Grams's bribery while we were running some arrends - go to a store or two, then get a ride

Sorry Aunt Wendy, but this look on Karsyn's face cracked me up! Kegan is thrilled with what is going on...Karsyn, not so much!

A rainy morning...great time for a BIG umbrella

Happy boy!

Future drummer??? (not if he has his mommy's rhythm...haha)

Friday morning, Wendy had scheduled for Grams and I to take the kids to get their imprints done for their Christmas ornaments this year (so cool looking from the ladies site...can't wait to see them! (Coleman is getting his done a little later - he is not being left out!) Kegan and Karsyn both got their hands done and Ty, his foot.
Kegan was facinated by this special "clay"...

One chubby little foot ready to be imprinted


After the imprints we headed over to a bounce house in Plano...the kids LOVED IT.
The first bouncer we saw when we arrived...a huge 2 sided climbing and sliding one of CARS with a huge Lighting McQuine (hmm...not sure about the spelling. I have heard/seen the movie enough with Kegan you would think I would....)

Crawling under and through an obsticle course

climbing up...strong boy!

ready to slide down (Which he did very fast and I could not catch a picture. My mom did get one, but I am not sure how to get it off her account...anyways...)

More rides...

riding along

oh...sooo sweet

Enjoying a little safe bounce

haha...playing some games...aren't their facial expressions cute...

...and if the convintional method doesn't work, try another way (wo which I quikly had him get down...but they, it was work a try, I guess)

Kegan got to join Karsyn for her Saturday music class (Grams, Ty and I got to take them). It was very fun...and Kegan really seemed to enjoy it. Thanks for letting us join you, Karsyn!
Doing some songs with rhythm sticks (What boy wouldn't enjoy that!)

Next, playing the xylephones...


Then practicing fluidness in music with some scarf dancing...haha...daddy was not too excided when seeing this portion of the pictures from the class...haha...(see Ty supporting his cousins from the back)

...running around the room with the scarf...that is a little more manly than dancing...

Happy boy! He liked the music, too!


After class and some lunch we headed to the Dallas Aboretum (it was a little chilly)
Look at that adorable face!!!!

Bundled up and ready to go. (Ok - side note - I had been asked a number of times durring the week if the kids were twins, and if people did not ask, they would look at Kegan and Karsyn, then Ty, then me with this looks of, "My goodness, your hands are full...are you are crazy!?!" But, while wondering around the aboretum with them side-by-side in the stroller...we had a TON of people ask. Not twin, but cute cousins!

And one cute bundle of joy!

Inside with pumpkin house (with the lady who would not move out of the picture).

Haha...I thought this was a cute picture - standing on pumpkins trying to peer out the window

Climbing pumpkin stacks least they are both looking!

Karsyn looking (cute smile by the way)

...and now Kegan looking with his cute smile...and Ty still checking out his surroundings

I love these next 2 pictures of Ty

Haha...does someone look a little worried?

A little better - protective brother

What a look!

surrounded by pumpkins

Stopping for a photo opp before going back to exploring hte hay maze...or really just running around it

Nice Kegan - nothing like spitting out of the window while I am trying to take a picture

Who is looking good in Daddy's hat?

After church, Papa and Matthew took Kegan fishing down at the PSHS pond
Casting out..

I think there is somthing on the line?

(check out the face) There's the fish!

One proud little guy!

Confident on his own...

That night Coleman and his family ;) haeded over for dinner...and one last time for the cousin's to hang out seems like forever ago since Ty was this sweet Coleman

Baby switch-up...Aunt Wendy with Ty

Uncle Matthew showing his baby skills - Ty looks snuggled and comfy

Sweet picture of Wendy and Coleman

What a difference 8 months makes...

...attack of the large baby....haha...

We stopped at a Braum's one the way home and after lunch could't resist a little ice cream...neither could Ty

We had a great time!