Friday, May 30, 2008

Setliff Family Frio River Fun 2008

Kegan just got home - yesterday - from a fun trip to Concan with his Setliff Grandparents, Mom and Dad, Grandad and Madeline, and Scott, Stacy and Gus...and his Uncle Kyle, too. What a crew, huh?

Before we headed out on Monday, we headed off to a wedding Saturday evening and Sunday we went to church. After church and some lunch at the Cafe in Mathis, Daddy had to go check the farm - Kegan drove him around...and what fun he had doing it!

After all the driving, Kegan was too tired to enjoy the children's musical at church that night. We had brought him into the service (we figured there would be enough noise to drown out his noise, but Kegan slept through 3/4 of the program). He does look peaceful, though.

Monday morning we got up, packed up and headed out right after lunch...just in time for Kegan to fall asleep for nap time! When we got there, Grandma, Grandpa, Grandad and Madeline were already there. Kegan too this opportunity to hand out with Grandpa on the back porch while his mommy and daddy unloaded some things.
(Yes...I realize once again, Kegan had on no pants. I changed his diaper when we got there and he was so ready to run and play, so I just said, forget it. Before the pants were gone he looked very patriotic for Memorial Day - blue pants and flip flops with his red and white stripe was cute!)

Finding a rocking chair just his size.

A little after we got there, our friends, Scott, Stacy and August (6 wks. younger than Kegan) arrived and Kegan was ready to play with August...and some of the fun toys he brought.
Playing in front of the house while August's parents unloaded.

Mowing...the uh...concrete...but hey, he looks cute doing it!

" OOhhhh...such hard work...especially since I can't figure out the pedals."

Later that evening everyone headed back out to the back porch...where we spent a lot of time over the 4 days we were play some more. I had brought a bubble machine and boy did Kegan ever LOVE it!!!! (He quickly learned how to turn it on and off...that was a good and bad thing...)

Trying to catch the bubbles...he ran everywhere going after them...


Riding the tricycle through the bubbles. I just thought this was a cute face.

Well, Kegan has learned well from his cousin, Karsyn...give hugs to all friends! Kegan went up and hugged August and because everyone made such a fuss over it because it was sooo cute, he kept doing really was very sweet (August got some hugs all week long...what a sweet boy Kegan is). However, I am not sure August was a fan of the man hug...every time he tried to move or push Kegan off...haha....

Hanging out Tuesday morning. The step into the house, from the porch, was just the right size for sitting. (Seriously, I had to take about 5 pictures till I got one with both boys looking up...and still neither is looking at the camera...oh well!)

Adorable little man...

Kegan is greased up with sunblock and ready for his first floating trip down the river!

I have no pictures from the float trip...unfortunaltly...water and the camera do not mix. I will say, though, Kegan LOVED floating...well not really floating so much as "swimming" down the river. He did not want to be in that float...he wanted to be in the water. We had on a life vest...which seemed to be a big inconvenience for him...but he had to keep it on despite protest. Back to swimming down the river - we of course were not going to just let him be in the Matthew or I...mainly Matthew ending up holding on to him as he kicked his way down the majority of the river...only getting in the float with one of us to go through rapids or deeper parts...and then, not too happily. Water in his face did not matter, the fact that it was slightly cook did not matter...he just wanted to be in it! The child loves LOVES LOVES water!
After getting the wet clothes off - back to the back porch we went (notice no nap...he was VERY keyed up and did not fall off to sleep till about 5:30ish on a walk we took...and pretty much slept till morning except for about 30 minutes when we tried to wake him up for dinner, realized that was pointless, gave him a bath and put him to bed)
Playing on the back porch with no shoes on was a very messy job. Check out the feet...Kegan is!

"Oh man, those are some DIRTY feet!" "How did this happen?"

Wednesday morning we were up and going, ready for another fun day. Matthew and Scott surprised Stacy and I and suggested they take the boys down to the river by the house while we go float and have some time to Stacy and I went....and off the boys went, with their Daddies, to play in the water. I gave Matthew the camera to take some pictures...since they would be stationed on dry land, and with a wagon, I figured the camera would be safe. Well, here are 2 of the ONLY FOUR token shots Matthew took. We certainly know who is the picture freak of the family...and it is not Matthew...haha!
Heading off in August's wagon. (Now those tires are made for some off-raoding.)

I can just imagine this scenario.
Matthew - "Kegan, I need to take a picture for mom."
Kegan - "Ok, I'm ready."
Matthew - "Say cheese!"
Kegan - "Cheeeese!"
Matthew - "Ok, you can go back to playing, now."

After Stacy and I got back and the boys napped, we all headed down to the river by the house for some family fun in the water time.
Frio Fun Trip 2008, official family picture. (Kegan was not happy that he was having to take a picture and not getting to play in the water.)

A small glimpse at Kegan's joy in the water. Check it out...

down...down...down...splash...followed by a squeal of excitement.

Side note - If you lift your child up over your head, and hold on tight to them as they splash into the water, multiple a row...a few different times...your back will hurt the next day...bad...
Both family playing in the water.

Grandpa Bruce, this one is for you. There were lots of little perch and Minos in the water and when you stirred up the bottom they would all come over trying to get something to eat...sooo...I stirred up the rocks and when the fishies came I pointed them all out to Kegan. He was thrilled when he saw them! He is getting ready to go fishing!

Mommy and Kegan..."cheese"...

All that playing in the water makes little guys THIRSTY!

Haha...Grandad was being silly on the other side of the door and caught BOTH boys attention. I need to know his trick, because I can never hold Kegan's attention as long as Grandad did...haha!
I thought this just made a very cute shot...both attentive to what was going on on the other side of the door.

While we waited for dinner to finish up, the boys had a little more fun in the water and sun.

Yes...Kegan still really likes to play with the water hose.

Swinging on the big boy swing. He is getting very good at this...we still stand close by, but he holds on pretty good and lets us know when he wants down by saying "dow...dow"

Father and son swinging together!

Thursday morning we packed up and left around 10:30. It was a very nice and relaxing trip. I look forward to next year...can't wait to try and float wit him again...maybe more float and less swim...although I highly doubt it.

Friday - Today was a nice relaxing day, just hanging out around the house, trying to get caught up on some things, and Kegan enjoying all his toys like they were new, all over again! OH, he has learned some more words.
cold/cool - "coo..." (Says when he touches or drinks something cold)
muffin - "mup mup" (I had made some muffins and he was having one this morning and it sounded like he kept saying "mupmup" when we was telling me that is what he wanted, but I wasn't sure, till this evening when he walked over to the counter, pointed to the container with the muffins and said "mupmup".

There ya have it. Kegan is growing, changing, and having fun, and just think...summer has just begun! :)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

18 months

A year and has the time gone. I can not believe I am the mother to a 1 1/2 year old!

***There are 3 very adorable videos on this post - they get me laughing - so if you don't have time to ready it all...just go look at those. They are sure to serve up a smile!

Last Monday (5-19-08) Kegan went in for his 18 month check-up (18 months on May 14). Let's just say he has a great memory. He knew EXACTLY where we were and what usually goes on as soon as we walked into the room, at the doctors office. He cried with the nurse who took his measurements -
weight: 24 lbs.
height: 33 inches (roughly...he was a bit say the least...while she was getting his height)

He stopped crying when the nurse left, but as soon as Dr. Guthrie walked through that water works and wailing started again. However, I must say, that when the doctor was done doing his check-up and moved to the other side of the room to update Kegan's charts on the computer and talk to me about questions I had, Kegan stopped crying and even offered the doctor a smile and "bye-bye", with a wave when he left. Update from the doctor - Kegan is doing well - 100% boy with all the bumps and scratches he has! We are still keeping him on the inhaler and just keeping an eye on his breathing, till he gets a little older. Otherwise, things are good!

The visit, much to Kegan's fears, was not over. The nurse who gives shots came in next, and up his engine roared again. I decided to dress him first, before the shot - it is not too easy to dress a freshly shot given, distressed, child. Well, Kegan started to calm down while I was dressing him, whimpering just enough and keeping a close eye on the nurse who was waiting in the room while I got him ready - not sure if he still needed to worry or not. Poor guy, after he was dressed and he saw the nurse move closer to him, up started the wailing poor baby. I must say though, as soon as she left the room...he was ok, again. So much drama!

Well, with the 1 1/2 milestone being crossed comes a lot of new tricks.
* A runner - who needs to walk...really...
* A lover - Kegan loves to give kisses - still. This morning, he woke up around 7ish and I went and got him and brought him into our bed to go "wake up" his daddy. He got on the bed, next to Matthew, then leaned over and gave him a kiss, looked at me and said "shhh..." withe his finger over his mouth, kissed Matthew again...repeat this scenario a few time...I was cracking up, which made him go "shhh..." even more. Matthew, was of course, loving it and trying to hold back his own laughter. Seriously though, this is not out of character for Kegan, he loves to give Matthew and I kisses.
* A talker - Words...words...words...some are right on and everyone can understand them and others...well he is consistent in what he says, it just may not sound exactly right.
Roo and Maggie (our dogs) - woo and nannie
flip flop (yes he can tell the difference between, boot, flip-flop, and other shoes) - fi fa
shoe - shoe
up - uh
train - choo choo
outside - shi shi
water - la la
taost - to
Elmo - Melmo
toot (his daddy taught him to say it, hear it, know what it was, and mimic it...super...) - toot
Karsyn - kar ka (something like is hard to spell it out)
please - peas
Bible - Bible
Josh/Stephani/Josh and Stephani (for all three) - Josssshhhh
My favore...and only said once so far - "wuv ooo" (Last Thursday night Matthew and I were getting Kegan ready for bed and Matthew said " I love you" , to Kegan , and Kegan goes "wuv oo" back to heart jumped!)
I know there are more...but I can't keep up with them all. He is also getting more animal sounds and motions down.
* Did I mention a runner???
*A puzzler - We have been working a lot with two of his puzzles (shape puzzles and a puzzle of things that move) and he puts these back together pretty good - barring distractions ( With the things that move puzzle he likes to roll the bus or car on the ground or fly the plane in the air, etc...) - he needs to be refocused a lot, but he can do it!...haha...
*He is climbing you will see in a bit.
* Still LOVES the swing. We can go to the park - lots of new and different things to play on and he still will go right over the the swings.
* When he hears something of interest, or a new sound in the environment, he points to his ear. If he knows what it is he will say the name, or doing the motion (ex: hearing a train - "choo choo" while moving his hand up and down, or if he hears a plane he will point up in the sky and look)
* He feeds himself very well and will wipe his mouth with a napkin or rag if you ask him to.
* How could I forget, the doctor said we should start thinking about potty-training...ok, well I am thinking about it, and to get Kegan thinking about it, I decided to get him a potty chair, so off we headed to Wal-Mart. As I was looking at the wall of training toilets, Kegan starts going crazy saying "Melmo, Melmo, Melmo"...there, right in front of Kegan was an Elmo training potty. He seemed to excited, I splurged the extra $5 and we got Elmo. Kegan, so far, as just looked at the potty, and Elmo and said "Melmo"...and pushed his little hand that makes Elmo talk. Well...we are thinking about it, and certainly not scared of it - that may be as far as we get for a while...we shall see!
* Runner....

Well, that is enough facts and figures for now, lets get to the fun stuff - the life of Kegan, this past week, in pictures!

After the shots on Monday (hence the band-aid on the arm), and a good nap Kegan decided he wanted to go outside. It was a beautiful day, so after an application of sunscreen, out we went to the back yard and played in the water and swung and played some more in the water.

Now, I did bring his sippie cup outside, but I guess that was just not what he wanted. He wanted the outside water.
Attempt #1

Attempt #2 (A little more successful)

Attempt # 3 (Success - the most efficient way to drink the water outside)

Oh, Maggie is thirsty. No fear puppy, Kegan will share.

Hmm...I can't remember if this is the same day, or the next (we were outside a lot this week). I know - the diaper. The child does have clothes...cute ones, but when he goes outside, he gets wet and dirty and this is so much easier. Anyways, since we put up the fence, Kegan loves to pretend he is hammering nails into the fence post. He gets the hard, rubber, dog-bone, will walk up to the fence and start hammering - very seriously...I think it is so cute!

Wednesday, after a nap, and playing around the house, I could not keep him in any longer - he wanted out...and we needed out of the house, so to the back yard we trekked. If you will notice, he was dressed rather adorably - we had lunch with some friends that day and he was going to Grandma's that night, so he was dressed to impress...UNTIL...if there is a little bit of mud...even the smallest one tiny area of the entire back yard, he will find it...and find it he did!
Using the dogs empty food bowl to play in the little area of mud from water that dripped form the faucet...and yes, by the end of it all, he did have mud on his shirt, hands, shoes, and a little on his face.

Before the mud - a silly face on the swing. Raspberries anyone?

Thursday - he realized he could climb up on the rocking chair in his room all on his own. He now loves to get up there and rock...crazy rock!

A former teacher, turned full time mommy's dream - Kegan LOVES his books. He goes over to his bookshelf constantly, get out books and looks through them. He now can look at books and point to the pictures when questions are asked, will usually turn them right way up if they are upside down, and really familiar books he will look at them and tell me with his little words, actions, motions, sounds, etc... what is going on or what he sees on that page (example: He has a little book about dogs and on one page it talks about them drinking their water (a picture is shown) and now when he looks through that book he makes a sipping sound and brings his hands to his face like he is drinking). I know, part of that is a proud momma bragging, but seriously, I think he is so smart!

Thursday night we went to a chat n' play - out door water fun.
Splashing in the pool with some friends.

Playing in the water hose, crazy squiter, thing... (Aren't the swim trunks cute!?!)

Wow...this ball has water coming out of it!

All wound up Thursday night...seriously. He did not go down till almost 11:00...if not a little later...even then it was with a lot of protesting and crying. He was having a ball playing with his mommy and daddy.

Crazy rocker!

Aaaa-choo...'scuse me..., a little dancing, and a little talking...

Friday - Kegan played around the house most of the day. We did take a trip to the park where, yes, we swung. Matthew did come home briefly and Kegan woke up right as he was leaving, so Matthew took him with him while I ran some errands. Then, that night he stayed with his grandparents, so Matthew and I could have a night out to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. From what I heard they had a LOT of fun.
Back to Friday - I said earlier in the post Kegan was climbing more. Here he is climbing his slide toy. I love this face!

Video footage of little man getting around and up and down.

Tomorrow we leave to go to the Frio with the Setliff's. I can't wait to see Kegan playing around in the water - it will be a total different experience than last year!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Before leaving for Pasadena, late Monday night, we had all gone to the STIC gold tournament. Matthew to play, Kegan to look cute, and me to enjoy and support.
Kegan in his wagon, headed to the course.

He looks so cute in hats...too bad it came right off after this picture.

Begining steps of learning to play the game. At least he knows to put the golf balls in the bad it is not always as easy as dropping it in with your hands!

Ready to go...who is gonna ride with him?

My two VERY HANDSOME men!!! (whistle whistle)

Trying to help load up the water cooler.

Driving Grandpa around in the Gator. (Just in case you were wondering...he is not really driving...phew...)

Monday night, we fed Kegan, gave him a bath, and hopped in the car. He wanted to play with his "car" so I handed it to him. He quickly fell asleep like this. I tried to move the "car" out of his lap, but he woke up and started crying, so I have it back to him and with-in seconds, he was back asleep holding onto the "gear shift". He slept the majority of the way like this...I thought it was so funny. His blanket was packed, so I guess this was the next best thing to hold to while he slept.

Wednesday morning - Uncle Nolan, Aunt Wendy, and Karsyn arrive. The kids, as always were so fun together...and had fun together.
If someone shows their you need to show your belly, too? Well, I guess so!

"Oh...we were caught!"

Singing outside while Grandpa makes them laugh.

Kegan pushing Karsyn in the stroller. (This scenario happened many times through the course of the week.) Kegan would be pushing around the stroller and Karsyn would walk up, back into the stroller, and sit down. If Kegan tried to argue she would turn, look at him, say something...I am guessing he must have understood...because she would then take her seat, happily, to no more protesting by him. Isn't he a great cousin...or she is just very purswasive...haha...or something...haha...

Cool whip bowls...meant for water for the doggies...but really...what great hats they make!

Hey ma...look at me!

Bubbles...we learned how to say bubbles...and learned how much fun they are when we clap our hands together and the go everywhere!

Playing in the tub.
(Side note...Kegan just walked into the office, saw these pictures, pointed, and said "Karka"...aka...Karsyn)

Hey...where did these bubbles come from? I do look good in that mirror, though!

Kegan does really well when I brush his he likes to try and brush them on his own a little, after I have brushed them. He does good, till he puts the toothbrush in the bath water...then we say good-bye to the toothbrush for the evening.

Playing around with some fun chef hats at Meme and Poppa's.
Where's Kegan?


I see you...

Everything is more fun when you do it with a friend!

Thursday morning, before the viewing, Uncle Nolan decided to wash all the cars (all 5 of them out in he driveway)... the kids played around in the water...

and discovered earthworms. (both learned how to say "worm")
I love how she is standing back...just looking...and he is ready to reach down and pick it up...which he tried to do!

Kegan did pretty good at the viewing. We took the kids that night because they were not going to be coming to the funeral on Friday. He did pretty good while meeting a lot of new people. (I was sure to have food on hand...that always keeps him happy.) One very sweet moment was when Kegan was looking into the casket...and recognized Poppa...said Poppa and Matthew told him Poppa was with Jesus. Kegan looked at Poppa again and said "Jesus" touching.
After the funeral on Friday, the family came back over to the house. Kegan's cousin Katy brought over some dolls and doll strollers...Kegan of course took the very manly boy doll to push around in the purple and pink stroller.

What better way to keep all the kids in the water. Kegan "accidentally" getting all the cousins wet.

OOO...feel the spray of the water!

Kegan defiantly preferred holding the hose and spraying it, as opposed to being sprayed.

Pure excitement!

Saturday morning, Kegan was helping his daddy look through Poppa's tools. (Before he passed away, Poppa had told Matthew he could take what tools he could use.)

Hugging goodbye...

Saturday afternoon Meme wanted to go look at the grave site, so Grams, Meme, Kegan and Mommy all headed to the grave-site.
Kegan looking at some of Poppa's pretty flower, out at the burial site.

Sunday morning we went to church with Meme, went to eat lunch at one of Poppa's favorite places to take his family to eat seafood and headed home late in the afternoon. After a not so great ride...or fussing and crying...Kegan finally fell asleep. I thought he looked cute with his hand propped up behind him...he left it up there for quite a while.

Wednesday (5-7-08) Kegan and I got to run up to Beeville with Matthew. On the way back we got a malt from Whataburger...Kegan did his part in helping us finish it off. Once he figured out how to slurp the thick malt up the straw...he did not want to give it up. Haha...the malt is almost as big has half of him. It didn't seem to discourage him, though!

Sunday, May 11, 2008.
Happy Mother's Day (my second)
Family Photo number sweet...

Family photo number mischievous...

Mommy and Kegan giving Eskimo kisses

Thursday (5-15-08) Kegan and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather...and I really needed to water our we headed to the back yard. I recently bought a water table for Kegan, which he enjoyed, but I think he enjoyed the water hose used to fill the table up, more. Later on I attached the water shooter (in pictures from Meme and Poppa's house) and he REALLY enjoyed spraying that around...especially at me!
Look at that concentration. Pouring the water into the bucket, so the propeller below will spin.

Wow...look at the water come out.

What happens if I put my hand over the shoots everywhere.

He loves going up and grabbing the sprinkler. Notice how big his eyes are...that is because water kept getting him in the face...but it did not stop him.

He loves say the least. I have a feeling we will be spending a lot more time outside this summer. I would like to have had more pictures...but I was getting to wet...and was afraid the camera would not make it through all the water spraying everywhere.

Wendy, here are pictures of our backyard landscaping.
This bed and another one that looks like it (minus the tractor) are in the corners.

Come down a little on the fence, from each direction, and there are two beds that look like this. (This flower bed has had one fatalitly from the dogs...some little purple plants did not make it...I will have to replant.)

This flower bed is in the middle of the fence.


Saturday morning (5-17-08) Kegan and daddy got to hang out and have "guy time" (looking around at a field and to the John Deere store) becuase I had to get up super early to go run the Beach to Bay relay. They must have had a good morning because Kegan was sound asleep when Matthew and him pulled into the garage later that morning, after I got home.
We had some errands to run, so we all loaded up in the car and headed into Corpus. Kegan was in need a a little life jacket for our upcomeing trip to Concan. What do you think...he looks cute, huh!?!
...noodles...that about describes that little man sometimes...haha...
Well...that is one way to lift him up...Kegan thought this was funny!

Mommy, Daddy and Kegan had all gone out for a walk - it was a beautiful night. Part way through the walk Kegan decided he did not want to ride, but rather, pull...this lasted a couple of minutes, then he was back in the was a little hard staying on the sidewalk...and getting the concept of pull and not push....

A busted lip: Although Kegan is very good at walking...and running...there are still times when the furniture just jumps out at him and causes him to get a busted lip...or a fat lip in this instance.
Just a little swollen...a little bleeding...and a whole lot of hurt...but

a busted lip does mean a nice cold popsicle to help the swelling and the pain! (This was a great idea I got from a lady in stroller strides. No way would Kegan let me put ice on his lip...but if you let him suck on a popsicle...! It also took away the tears amazingly. To all you knew mom's out there...keep popsicles on hand!)

Kegan goes to the doctor on Monday for his 18 month check-up. I can't believe he is already that old...oh.... I will update with his hight and weight after that!