Monday, February 26, 2007

Yee haw!

This past weekend we made a 6 hour trip to San Angelo to go to a wedding of one of Matthew's friends from college. Kegan did real well in the car. He was however WIDE awake when we got to San Angelo at 1:30 in the morning on Saturday - he had already slept 6 hours. I think we finally got him down around 3...and then everyone was up again at rest for the weary. The wedding was nice and Kegan slept the entire time - good boy! :)

Saturday night Kegan got to go to the rodeo (hince the Yee haw) in San Angelo (his first rodeo) and he seemed to really like it...well at least he did not really cry too much. At one point he even seemed to really be looking around to see what was going on. That, or he was looking at some cute blond girls walking in front of us. For those of you who do not know, Kegan REALLY seems to like all the blond girls who have held him - Lindsay, Goo, name a few. He always give them big grins! The biggest news from the night at the rodeo - Kegan's daddy fed him cotton candy. Yep - I looked over and saw Matthew putting that right up to his mouth. Granted he was probably slobbering on it and making it melt more so than eating it...but still. I did not seem to have a say in the matter, however. Kegan was smiling and enjoying it and Matthew was having a good time watching him gum on it. Kegan continued to stare at the rest of the cotton candy every time we passed it down in front of him. No harm done - he was that night, and still is, as happy as can be. I am sorry I do not have pictures of him - he looked real cute in jeans, a shirt with a denim star on it, and boots - there was some miscomunication.

We came home Sunday and began another busy week today. Below are some pictures I took of him this morning. In two of them he is taking his medicine with a medinurser (I think that is what they are called). He is as content as can be sucking on that thing, and I thought he looked cute. The other one is him in his bumpo (check out the chubby cheeks) and one of him in his car seat ready to go. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

We've had our first ear infection

The past few days have been full. Tuesday morning Kegan woke up with a terrible cough. Each time he would cough he would just start crying out in pain. Luckily, Matthew was already planning on being at work late because both he and Kegan were going to the chiropractor. (Kegan goes for his acid reflux - it is amazing to watch them work on an infant - no popping or cracking is involved.) Matthew was feeling terrible too - a fever, coughing, etc... so he called his mom in to help him out with Kegan at the chiropractor and for when he went to the doctor. Kegan continued to get worse as the morning went on so Matthew called and made a doctors appointment for 4:00 that afternoon. Kegan spent the day with his Grandma. She spent most of the day holding him and trying to comfort him. Poor little man - his nose was clogged and he was coughing and between those two he could not get a good nap and he was not eating well. At 3:00 Mrs. Setliff came and picked me up form school and we rushed down to Corpus for his appointment. By the time we got there he was running a 100.9 temperature. When we saw the doctor I had to do one of the hardest things I have had to do for Kegan. When the doctor looked in his ear he said it looked red, but there was some wax in the way that he would have to get out. I was holding him and had to hold his head down, while Mrs. Setliff was holding his arms out of the way, while the doctor took this small probe and began to dig the wax out of Kegan's ear. It must have hurt him real bad because he was screaming and crying and trying to wiggle away as hard as he could...oh it seemed to last forever. Finally the doctor got it cleaned out (thank goodness...I don't know how long I could have kept holding was just killing me to hear him scream like that and oh...the big tears that rolled down his face). He looked in his ear again and said it was defiantly red and he had an infection. Kegan was put on an antibiotic, some ear drops (as needed), and a cough medicine (as needed), and Tylenol to bring down his temperature.

By the next morning, after only one dose of the antibiotic, Kegan was already feeling better. He woke up smiling and talking, ready to start his day. The doctor suggested we keep him at home for at least a day to let the medicine kick in and also so he could get a little more special care stepped Grandma. Kegan got to spend all Wednesday with her. From what I heard when I got home from work - they had a GREAT day together, he was back to his happy self, and he was probably a little spoiled! :) In fact, I even heard his Grandpa stopped by for a little bit that morning to come and hold him.

This morning he was still doing good - sleeping through the night and everything! In fact, I think he was a bit perturb at us for waking him up at 6:30, again. When I went to go pick him up this afternoon, they said he had a great day at day care. Hopefully this means we found the infection in time to stop it before it really got bad.

I heard from my mom today that Karsyn, his cousin, has an ear infection, too. Poor Ms. Karsyn. We hope she gets to feeling better. Kegan can certainly relate with her about how uncomfortable they are.

Tomorrow is school picture day for Kegan. Isn't that so cute? I can't believe my baby is getting his first school pictures! Oh yes, for those of you who have not seen Kegan in a while, when we weighed him at the doctors he was 13 lbs. 4oz. Little man better be careful or he is going to become a chunky monkey. I will still think he is a cutie pie! :) Sorry there are no pictures this time - I will try to get some on here soon.

Monday, February 19, 2007

And they say he is easy going...

Well, it was Kegan's first full day at day care and my first day back to teaching. I think today was much harder on me than it was on him. Although, I do not think he liked being the one woken up in the morning. I think, by his fussing when being woken up, that he would rather be the one waking up mommy and daddy when he is ready. All in all though, the morning went well. We were all dressed and ready and out the door in plenty of time. I am not a morning person, therefore this was a big accomplishment. Guess what - we even had time for pictures. Look below to see how absolutely adorable he is - even though by the raise of his eyebrow, I am not too sure he was happy about having his picture taken. For those of you who know Matt and his facial expressions - don't you think Kegan looks like his daddy when he is doing this?

Dropping him off at daycare went real well - he did not cry and neither did I...well I was a little misty in the eyes.

When I went to go pick him up today they said he did great today and that he was a very easy going baby. Which parent do you think he gets that from? (Probably not the one writing this entry right now!) I missed him a lot, but hey, one day down and only 62 more to go...but who is counting!?!?

Thank you to all of you who emailed us and left comments on how you enjoyed the pictures...and since you enjoyed those so much I am going to add on a few more pictures, I took the other day, of my "tough guy". Enjoy!


Saturday, February 17, 2007

3 months gone by way too fast

My sister convinced me this would be easy and a great way to keep everyone updated on Kegan and give me a chance to brag on my little here we go! :)

A quick run down on the past 3 months - yes 3 months already - time has gone by SOOO fast. Kegan was born on November 14, 2006, at 11:01 in the morning. He weighed in at 6lbs. 10 oz. and was a little over 19 inches long. Now he is over 12 lbs. and longer than 23 inches.

I have had the joy of staying home with my little man for the past 3 months to watch him grow and I have enjoyed EVERY minute - some more than others (middle of the night feedings for those first couple of months were not my favorite - but still a time to cherish). During this time I have seen him go from not being able to control his wobbling head to now being able to hold it up for a little bit on his own. He can lift his upper body of the ground and has rolled from his stomach to his back 7 times - although he has not done it in about 2 weeks. I think he did his trick for me and then got board with it. :) Kegan has started smiling ALOT and talking to us - loudly usually - not crying, just talking loudly. I wonder who he gets that from???? He makes these sounds like he is saying "ok", "hey" and "hello". I think it is because he can make the "o" shape with his mouth real well.

He found his hands, although I do not know if he knows exactly what they are yet, but he loves to put them in his mouth and swing them around. There are so many other things that he has learned and discovered. IT has been amazing to watch this little creation of God discover the world around him. Every day is something new and exciting.

I would have to say the best moments so far are when Matthew and I are talking to him and his face forms that adorable gummy grin and he lets out a giggle or squeal! It is one of the greatest joys!

For those of you wondering - yes, Kegan has ridden on a tractor...more than once actually. He fell right to sleep - the rumble of the engine and the bummpy ride - he was out like a light. He has also gone exploring around the barn with his daddy. I am sure there will be MANY more days put on the farm for him.

On Monday I will start back to work and Kegan will have his official, full, first day of day care. I think it is harder on his mom and dad than on him. He went twice this week for a few hours so we could get all the kinks worked out. His teachers seem great and he seemed happy each time I left him and picked him up.

I have included some more pictures below to quickly update y'all on the past few months - in pictures. (The Beautiful little lady he is with in one of the pictures is his cousin, Karsyn who is now almost 6 months old.)