Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Movements and Kicks

No no...I am not talking about Kegan. I am talking about baby #2 in my belly! I am officially feeling the baby move around and kick. I have been feeling little "butterfly" movements for about a week but I did not want to get my hopes up to quickly, but I am for sure now this is baby #2 moving around - Matthew even got to feel a little kick last night!

If anyone remembers me talking about how active Kegan was in the womb - it looks like this child is going to be plenty active like his/her older brother. We all know how active Kegan is out of the womb...sooo...it just makes me wonder...I think Matthew and I are going to have an active household!

Just wanted to share the fun news!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Frankly, he keeps me busy...

It has indeed been a while, but really, Kegan keeps me busy...as well as sometimes just being too flat out exhausted while he naps or after he has gone to bed to stay up later to write. As I tell Matthew it is exhausting to help create life each day, 24 hours a day, while you are taking care of and guiding another life. :) What a joy it all is too!!! Also due to the pregnancy, I feel like half my brain is not working...the remembering part of my brain, so this entry may be choppy and I know does not have nearly all the great and adorable stories there are to tell about Kegan, but really...sometimes my memory can't seem to remember past a few minutes ago...if even that long!

I will start with pictures and end with some tails of the two weeks and other facts on his growing up!

Last Monday (Sept. 8) Kegan and I hung out at the aquarium for a while with some other mommies and kids.
Surprised look on his face...I don't know why though...perhaps a big fish swam up to the glass.

Ahhhhh....thanks goodness we were really the only ones there. Hmm...little boys can get a bit loud at times!

Check out the sequence of these next few shots. It was so funny...it literally seemed like this big fish was staring Kegan down...and Kegan was not sure what to do about it.

Oh...that fish is still looking at me...


Due to the forecasting of Ike Matthew was working like crazy to get the rest of his cotton in...so Kegan and I took a trip out to see him on Tuesday.

A little time for some tractor facts.
John Deere is coming out with (still not for sell) some new cotton pickers that pick the cotton and bail it...all in one machine...basically it is cutting out a few middle men who move the cotton from the picker to a module builder where a guy uses a machine to makes these...

This is what comes out of the back of the new pickers...wrapped up like a gift and ready to go.

It is crazy to think that in all reality, by the time Kegan is our age these new pickers/cotton bailers will be the norm and module builders will be a thing of the past...how quickly technology changes...and for all my city friends...yes, even on the farm it changes fast! :)
Thursday Matthew finished up some stuff at the fields. By the time Thursday evening and Friday rolled around Corpus new it was definitely out of the path of Ike...but since Matthew had finished everything we got to spend some extra time with daddy Friday and over the weekend.
Daddy was left in charge of watching Kegan for a moment...and well this is the results

(Kegan had found a bottle of my lotion and decided he needed some...well lots. He was covered in it....)
Matthew trying to see if his beautiful dear mount will fit above the fireplace. I had told him I did not think it would...way to tall antlers...well as you can see...it will not fit, unless we want to cut a hole in our ceiling...which is not happening. We are trying to decide/agree on another wall to mount it on. It is a nice one, though!

Hanging out in his boxer shorts just like daddy.

Playing baseball at Grandma's and Pampa's (Kegan's decided name for Mr. Setliff...he never added the "gr" to it...so we just went with it). The child is obsessed with baseball...pretty much any game actually that involves a ball, throwing, catching, hitting, etc... The crazy thing about this little t-ball set. We did not have to show him how to do it at all the first time Mrs. Setliff got it out (a few days before this). He put the ball on the t...I don't know how he knew to do that...and hit it. Instinct I suppose...
Hit the ball...

Pampa working on form with Kegan...doesn't he look ready to just take a crack it at!

Good hit...

Ruuuun and get on base!

Short clips of Kegan hitting the ball at Grandma and Pampa'a house on another day.

Saturday we went to a party for a family member. Kegan REALLY wanted to dive on into the cake early!

Taking after daddy. Kegan kept asking and asking to put on his hat, too...although it did not stay on...still he looks cute!

Kegan and I went out for a walk around the neighborhood Tuesday evening (when it was actually cool in Corpus...crazy!)...and Kegan found the neighbors cat to pet for a while...thank goodness the neighbors patient cat!

...sooo I was not great at the pictures these past two weeks...I am telling you it is baby brain!
Kegan updates:
1. Bathroom: My car has been in the shop, and Matthew's, so we were down to one vehicle - Mr. Setliff let us barrow his for the week. Anyways, since Matthew needed the car more than us Kegan and I spent a lot of time at home so we kind-of tackled the potty thing...not super attack of it, but just to get him in the thought of potty. He is doing really well with it (we worked on it M, W, F, and some today...Tuesday and Thursday he had off so we just worked on it in the evenings). He is starting to tell me "potty" as long as he is not in the middle of playing something he really likes, but it is still mainly me suggesting it. But...he loves to get the m&m or cookies if he puts his business in the potty and stays dry so he is pretty motivated to go and tries real hard to get something out. My favorite is the dances and cheers when he does! It is something I am sure we will be working on for a while...but we are taking steps in the right direction.
2. Bedtime: Ok, so since my last post about getting into the new toddler bed...when I said things were going great...never say that...haha. He still goes to bed and takes naps great...but since then I think I have had to go scoop him off the floor, in the middle of the night, at least 3 or 4 nights...not bad, but I still think it is because I was saying all was going so great...haha!
3. Still enjoys counting. If you ask how many he will count...usually only up to 2 or 3 on his own, but with help can get to ten.
4. Continually increasing vocab. My new favorite (because he says them so cute): "raisins" (usually leaving out the "s" sound); "elephant"; "sammy"..."saaamy" (name of one of the local baseball teams mascots).
5. I went to pick him up on Tuesday from MDO and one of his teachers peeked her head out the door and said, "I just wanted to tell you that your son has the best personality I have seen in a kid. We all just love it when we sing and afterwards he claps and cheers. He is so fun." Wow! Could a mom be more proud than at a moment like that!!
6. We have been talking to him about there being a baby in my belly, so he now will lift up my shirt, say "baby" and kiss my belly...oh...my heart just melts!!!
Speaking of.. here are some baby updates:
I went to the doctor on Monday (9/15/08) for some blood work and a regular check-up. I did get to hear the babies heart beat, but let me tell you, this baby does NOT like the heart rate monitor. Every time the nurse would find the heartbeat, the baby would stay still for a second and then kick away and move. After a few rounds of this she told me, "The heart beat is 145...I think...as good as I could get with the baby moving so frequently." Sounds like we have another active one on the way....
I go in on October 15 for my next sonogram where we will be able to find out the baby's gender. (Matthew and I are still in discussion about this - I want to, he does not.)
In the mean time Grams and Aunt Wendy sent down some gifts for baby Setliff to be (as well as some goodies for Kegan, Matthew, and I - thanks!!!!)
A gender neutral gift from Grams...so sweet!!!

Aunt Wendy got tired of looking for something gender neutral so she decided to get the baby what she liked...and hopes the baby can wear....so pretty! Haha...perhaps a bit frilly if it is a boy though...haha (we have the receipt...no fear...I will not dress a boy up in this...)

I will be putting up a poll to see what you people think....boy or girl, so weigh in your votes and let's see. I already have heard strong opinions for either or from people.
If you are on of those people who looks at old wives tails...here are some things for you.
- I crave meat, cheese, bread, and pasta (with Kegan it was fruit)
- I have gained weight about the same way I did with Kegan - pace and size
- heart beat about 145
....hmmm are there any other things wives tails look at???
We shall see...in less than a month!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bed Time Chronicles, ed 1

Soo... I should have been keeping up with Kegan's adjustment to his toddler bed from the beginning, because it has been cute to see how he has gotten acquainted with his new bed and the freedoms is gives...but we will have to gram a lot into this one and as things progress...he seems to try out something new every week, so I am sure they will...I will just update under one of these titles

I believe I did write that for the first nap in the bed, he stood up when he was waking up and PLOP...face first on to the floor...legs still up on the bed - not a great welcome to the toddler bed.
After that Kegan was NOT into he bed for a few nights and would SCREAM when we put him down.
We finally were fighting this battle and starting to get over it, but one battle Kegan just could not seem to win - staying on the bed and not rolling off - rolling off the bed, onto the cushions for a more gentle roll off, and then rolling onto the floor. Matthew and I would take turns going to his room, putting him back and his bed and calming a very startled Kegan back to sleep. Unfortunately...if this happened anytime after 6 am...there was not going back to sleep....
Yea - finally we are staying on the bed and cushion pillows - we have not found the floor in a while...however...
We have a found a great new deal of Independence to just get up and leave ones bed. For the most part, he is doing really well with this and Matthew and I are enjoying it.
It is the sweetest thing in the morning to hear him get out of his bed, open his door, then close it (he always closes it behind him...I guess because it was closed when he got up...I don't know, but I think it is cute), we hear "trop trop trop" through the house, then PEEEEK...we see a little head pop around the corner of our room. For the most part still at about 7:30 (his usual wake up time). ***Yesterday morning Matthew was going to peek in on Kegan before he left for work (a little before 7:30) and he looked, Kegan was not in his bed, not on the floor...where was he...Matthew looked up and saw Kegan, in the corner, on the rocking chair reading his bedtime Bible book - OH...TOO sweet!!!!
Nap time- Same thing, he wakes up, gets out of bed, opens and then closes the door and comes to find me. Little kids are still so sweet when they are in that drowsy waking up stage!!
***The other day he did NOT want to go down for a nap, so I told him he had to at least stay in his room (not really thinking/knowing if this would happen) to my surprise, I walked out and then I could hear him getting out his tractors to play, getting out some books and doing some other things...and he did not come out for about 20-30 minutes...till I went back in there. This is a first - usually he does not stay so happy being left in his room alone to play...at least not beyond 5 minutes...growing up....

Hopefully things continue on this wonderfully progressive track!

Some of you have called with concerns about Hurricane Ike.
We seem pretty much in the clear, they are just calling for rain and some strong winds (tropical storm force winds out our way)...only because it is such a large hurricane.
I do ask that you keep Matthew' and my grandparents, family members, and friends who are in the Houston area and a little south...which is where the storm seems to be headed...in your prayers.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

First School Days...and other things

We are past the first two days of school and things were pretty "sunny", as his daily report put it. Tuesday morning we got up, had a great breakfast...I took way too many pictures...and off we headed for his first day of Mother's Day Out.

Walking towards the door...Isn't he so handsome!

How many more mom...my mouth hurts from smiling!

One last picture with the back-pack on...

We got there, walked into the building - to the sound of lots of crying kids. Phew, I thought, at least we will not be the only one. We got to his room...still going strong - no tears or clinging, I had Kegan knock on his door, he then just decided to open it...ok...looking a little timid now. He looked up at me, grabbed my hand and said, "Come mommy!". I guess he was thinking it was like the meet the teacher day. One of his teachers said I could come in and get him seated at the table where, THANK GOODNESS...they were singing a song about things that move, or have wheels, something along those lines because all the kids had a plastic toy truck in front of them to push around and play with...HOW PERFECT is that! I saw Kegan down, he began to get a bit frightened, but I quickly handed him a truck - interest grabbed and diverted - gave a quick kiss and good-bye and I was out of there. A minute or two later while I was putting his diapers and nap mat by the door another teacher from the school looked in the room and said they were all sitting happily at the table -yea for day one drop-off.
Fast forward a few hours: pick up time. I got to the building and as parents were picking up their kids and the doors were being opened...oh you could hear the cries, again. I got to Kegan's door, where one of the teacher's was outside, she recognized me as Kegan's mom and said he had a GREAT day and much to my joy when I looked into the room before knocking to go get him...he was as happy as a lark, and then came running to me with a big smile when I opened the door! It was so cute. Then when I asked him about school while we were walking out, he started saying something...I could not understand it all, but he was happy while telling me about it!
With such a great first day, and the fact I knew he needed to eat before we headed home and he fell asleep we went to a McDonald's nearby.
A little time to play after eating.
This is the highest up he has ever climbed on his own...I guess one day of school and he felt more independent already.


Wee...coming down the slide!

Taking a ride on a fish in the ground.

Wednesday we got up, met Aunt Stephani and headed over to the store at Alice to visit with and have lunch with Grandma. We got there a little early so Kegan would 1. Be in a good mood to see everyone and 2. Have time to play a little before lunch.
What a face..."Mom, really...do you always have to take pictures?"

These things look familiar...I know I can work this thing

"Watching where I am going as I back up." (Ok...so he is really not going anywhere...but he would sure like to think he was!)

Hehe...so much fun!

Grandma and Kegan taking a quick cruise around the lot on a gator!

Do you think he wants the hat on his head

OH, what fun to drive!

Being a passenger isn't' to bad, either!

Hmm...we were a bit tired from staying up to see Gov. Palin speak...so Thursday morning...breakfast was in the car on the way to MDO.

Day 2 drop off: Not so happy...he cried and clung to me, but his teachers were so good. One of his teachers took him to hold while I said good-bye and left. According to his daily sheet, by 9:20 (he gets dropped off at 9) he has stopped crying and was happy and great the rest of the day!
Pick up: I got there and again, no tears for Kegan. He was happy and came running to me with a BIG grin!
It seems we are on the right track and pretty soon I know he will be ready to just leave me at the door and go have fun. It will be fun to see him grow, learn, and change through the course of this year in MDO.

On top of school starting. Kegan and I have been watching our neighbors son after school for about an hour. The after school program starts this upcoming week, but I think Kegan is going to miss seeing Alex in the afternoon. He had the best time playing with him and Alex is so good and patient with Kegan.
Just a quick shot I got of them on Friday. They were usually not still long enough to capture a picture...haha...another reason Kegan was having fun - someone who kept up with him better than I do!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Well, my camera battery was almost gone all weekend and I always forgot to recharge it when I got home...so I have a few, but not too many pictures to show for this weekend, just a couple stories and updates.
Friday - a pretty normal day. Kegan and I just stayed busy running some errands that morning and playing that afternoon and evening...and anyone who has been around Kegan for even a little bit could tell you that just a day of playing with him and trying to keep up with Kegan is quite a day...an active day!
Saturday - Kegan and I ran some errands around town that morning and then went to meet Matthew out in the fields so Kegan could "help" his daddy cut some grain. Kegan of course, had a blast!

We left the fields around 4:30 to get ready for that evening.

I supposed Kegan decided he needed to get dressed up to...

In case you missed it in the above picture...look at his feet!
Matthew and I were getting ready and Kegan went into our closet...got this box of shoes down and came out wearing one high-heel and trying to get the other one on. After a moment of laughing, we of course had to go get the camera, make sure both shoes were own and take a photo to remember this "proud" moment in our sons life. He is so funny...keeps us laughing!
Kegan was getting to go over to our neighbors house for the evening (Kegan was excited about this because he was going to get to play with their 8 year old, son, Alex...Kegan just loves being around other guys) while Matthew and I went out with his family for some wonderful food, to honor Grandad and celebrate his 80th birthday.

A few pictures from the birthday dinner. (Like I said...my camera batter was blinking at me, so there are not many..at all!)

The birthday man himself, FULL of life!

Make a wish Grandad!

We had a very nice dinner out with everyone. How great it is to celebrate a long life of a loved one. Just a few words about Grandad for those of you who have not met him. His motto, Matthew once told me, is that "You are only as old as you feel." He is certainly a man who exemplifies that. He loves life and he loves living and enjoying every bit of life! We look forward to getting to celebrate many more years of his life and enjoying all the laughs and good times he always brings, along the way! We love you!

That evening when Matthew and I went to go pick Kegan up for the neighbors we were told they had a blast that night with Kegan and that he was such a blessing for them to watch. (PHEW!) Shelia told me that he had them laughing all night, used his manners and was so well behaved (PHEW...again!). She also said he played so well with her son Alex, and the neighbor boy Cody (PHEW). Then...here is a bragging moment...she told me what a smart boy he was, and how good of a vocabulary he had and how clear his words were...(BEAMING mom moment!) Anyways, all-in-all Shelia and her husband both said Kegan was welcomed back anytime, and I think he would be willing to go, too - he looked like he had a blast and was having a blast when we got there.

Sunday morning we got up, went to church and then Kegan and I headed to the Setliff's to spend some more time with the family while Gandad and Madeline were in town and Matthew headed to the fields.

This morning we woke up to some disappointing news to Matthew - it had rained on his fields during the night or early morning so he would not be able to get out there and finish the field he was working on (for a farmer this is not good when there are possibilities of showers and two hurricanes in the Atlantic). Like always though, we KNOW the LORD WILL provide and take care of us! Now, it was disappointing to Matthew, but Kegan and I were happy because we got to spend time with him today! (Again...no battery...no pictures)

Tomorrow Kegan starts his first day of school. (The camera is being charged so I can get some pictures of his first day.) It will be interesting to see how it goes...well let's be honest...to see how many weeks it will take till he stops crying. I am hoping he will surprise us all and walk right in, with no tears, and we will be good to go...hoping...but not counting on it...haha!

Till those updates come...