I want to start with a little video of Kegan on Christmas Eve wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!
This year for Christmas we stayed in Corpus and celebrated with our family down here -Gramma and Pampa, Uncle Josh and Aunt Stephani, Uncle Kyle and Aunt Lindsay, and Grandad and Madeline - what a fun crew!
On Christmas Eve we all met up for the church's 4 o'clock service and then everyone headed over to Kegan's house for a Christmas Eve dinner! Now Kegan did wear a cute sweater and pants for the service, but seeing that it was up in the 80's earlier that day, he quickly got into shorts and a shirt when we got home...and I had forgotten to take a picture of him...but he did look cute in his reindeer sweater - no matter what Matthew said! :)
While finishing up some things in the kitchen Kegan was taking his family back to play in his room. Here Kegan is playing with his Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Kyle.
Uncle Kyle plays with tractors, too!
Ahh...relaxing a little on the couch after everyone had left. He got this all set up himself...and then proceeded to watch some football.
Getting ready for bed, before Santa came...
One last look at the tree to make sure everything was where it needed to be for Santa to see!
Haha...this picture gets me laughing. It is like he is saying "Oh please let Santa come and bring me lots of toys...please!"
Shhh...Santa came and look what he left...
Waking up on Christmas morning. He woke up (about 7:30), but was not ready to get up...when I turned on his light he kept going "bright...bright..." and putting his head in his pillow! Hmmm...next year I don't think that will be a problem - he will be RUNNING to the next room!
Stumbling out of bed
Finding the goodies in his stocking that Santa had left!
Wow - checking out his new, very own, Radio Flyer, "pickle" tricycle that Santa brought him!!
Trying it out...woo hoo...the feet touch the pedals!!
Taking if for a little spin around the room!
Well...one indicator we are still young and not fully into the gift thing yet...Kegan decided he wanted toast after riding his bike...and before opening all his gifts...haha...well...whatever....
Making toast...Daddy looks so happy and awake ;)
Ok, toast done, back to the gifts...and more stocking stuffers from Santa!
Wow! Santa left me cookies...mom never gives me cookies!
I am enjoying these NOW! :)
I don't think this is what you do with a Candy Cane, dad!
Candy Cane? Present? Candy Cane? Present?
Woo-hoo...something mommy will let me bang on!
A new book - surprisingly he was genuinely excited about this and started "reading" it. He recognized that it looked like his "Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you See" book and started saying those words, using the new animals in this book. I personally, was very impressed!
After opening gifts and daddy running to check a sprinkler system while Kegan played with some of his new toys, we headed over to Gramma and Pampa's house to join the rest of the family.
Helping Aunt Lindsay, Gramma, and Aunt Stephani cook some breakfast! (Yes, yes..shorts on Christmas day...ohh..hello south Texas.)
Gift opening for Christmas day, round 2!
First...a pose! (I don't know where this pose comes from but he does it all the time and it cracks me up!)
Then...a roll!
The littlest elf helping to pass out presents...this one is "heavy"
Passing out a gift to mommy. (Notice the pooch hanging over, there?)
Time to open...
Woo-hoo a basketball goal of his very own...at the perfect hight for him!!! :) This was from Aunt Stephani and Uncle Josh and for some reason Pampa wanted to be sure this one definitely went home with us...haha...
This is tough work Gramma!
I will say cheese for you mom...but then can I get back to my tractor!?!
More gifts...what is this???
OOooo...Kegan's very own Thomas the Train lap top, with a mouse and everything.
Haha...I was proud of him, here. He opened the shirt, unfolded it, and held it up to himself like this, all on his own - no one had to help him or tell him. I guess he thought he was going to look good in it!!
Sharing tractors with daddy and Uncle Josh
"I can't quite see the screen for some reason?!?!"
Using Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Kyle as a stool as he adjust the lighting in the room.
Late in the afternoon we went to Aunt Arlene and Uncle David's house to have a big family dinner. Yummy food and good fellowship!
My two handsome men on Christmas!
The family...Kegan was a little more interested in what was going on down the table, some.
Showing his musical "talents" by 'playing' the piano and singing for everyone...
Smelling the tree with Kim
oooo...smelled good!
Running around the table and tackling Uncle (Kegan's great uncle) David. I had to thank David when I saw him on Sunday - Kegan slept like a champ after running after him that evening!
One handsome man under the hat.
Why just enjoy one gift at a time...ride the tricycle and open your stocking at the same time.
Chillin' with Uncle Josh...He climbed up there by himself and stayed a while...tilled he started getting sleeping and had to move to try and stay awake...
Trying on Uncle Josh's boots. I think they are a bit tall...but could double as pants if needed.
Kegan was putting mommy to "night night". He brought me a pillow and told me to "lay down" then, got a blanket and tucked me in "tight" - which is pretty cute, because he wraps his arms around me and "tucks" the blanket around me....Then he got silly and proceeded to bring me all of Gramma's pillows and lay a lens cover on my face...
Discovering the joys of playing with a flashligh. He loved the "circle" it created on everything he shined the light on.
We had a wonderful Christmas - lots of good times, laughs, and memorires. These photoes just captured a few of the moments in time we enjoyed the past few days with everyone!
Randome other pictures:
Helping daddy work on Kegan's soon to be bed, out in the garage.
Helping mom with a little vacuming - he loves to push around the vacume or the vacume arm extension. It keeps him happy...and it has to be getting up some dirt, so I am all for it - 2 for 1 right there! :)
Such determination!
yes yes...big boy undies - we are back at it again and Kegan finally seems interested and motivated to try and go to the potty...so hopefully we are on the right track. We don't go through as many undies in a day, as before, and we are saving a bundle on diapers/pull-ups. Here is hopeing we can get this down in the next 6-8weeks.
Speaking of 6-8 weeks...that is about how long we have till Ty meets the world - wow!!! Where has the time gone!?!?! Seriously...so much to do...where has it gone....
***My tummy is growing and Ty is kicking...a lot...I think I have mentioned that before, though...haha! :)
I LOVE all of the pictures. I hope I am as good as you when we decide to have kids in keeping everyone up to date. I feel like I am just a neighbor of yours and can see all that you guys are doing. You're awesome!!! Have a Happy New Year!!!
The pictures are great and I'm so glad to see that you guys had a good Christmas! Keep us posted on Ty...any more baby bump shots coming in the near future?
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