Wednesday, December 10, 2008

San Antonio, COLD Weather Hats, and Getting Ready for CHRISTmas

This past Friday got VERY cold in Corpus...well, for Corpus, anyways! I was excited because I had the opportunity to get out another one of Kegan's winter hats and he got to try out his new walrus mittens I found on sale...and could NOT pass up. Something to note about my child - he keeps on hat and the mittens...and a coat, ONLY when necessary (ie - the hat is on for the trip from the door to the car, and then off as soon as we are in the car, then on for the trip from the car to wherever...repeat). No extra accessories for the sake of cuteness or fashion for this boy!

Snuggled up and ready to go!

Friday afternoon we headed to San Antonio to take my car to get some work done and meet up with the Setliff's Saturday to celebrate Kyle's birthday and go to a Spurs basketball game!
Eating out on Friday night - super yummy! I know...spaghetti while out??? He loves it though and the fact that he usually eats it a noodle at a time - his meal actually takes as long as Matthew's and mine! :)
Over ambitious bite of goodness! noodle at a time is much easier!...but I will hold the fork like I am going to use it...

After running around San Antonio Saturday morning and meeting up with Uncle Kyle (Aunt Lindsay has been VERY busy studying for law school finals - eek - go Lindsay!) mid-afternoon we headed to meet the rest of the family (Gramma, Pampa, Aunt Stephani, and Uncle Josh) for dinner at PF Changs! Yummm to the rest of us...what do you think Kegan's opinion of it was???

Where did Kegan go?
We got to the stadium a little over an hour before tip-off. Thank goodness for the box seats so Kegan could run around with a little more freedom! Kegan was actually very into the game - he loved watching the bounce the ball, throw the ball, shoot, run up and much to keep his attention!
Checking things out with Uncle Kyle. Kegan kept telling me to, "watch basketball bounce"...while I was trying to take the photo. I think he was more interested in the basketball warm-up than my photo op...cute photo still!
What a view - he can see it all from there! (That glass "wall" was not so clean by night's end...some one's little fingers were up and down it...)
Ahhh...a great seat, watching basketball, and snacking with Gramma - great stuff!
For the first quarter Kegan got a special treat and got to go down to some seats the Setliff's have near the court - what a view from down there...even more activity to watch!
Can you find them???...look at the middle right hand side...
Hello!!! There they are!
If any of you have been around my child, although very adorable, he is very active, but he sat an ENTIRE quarter like in the picture below (eased my fear of seeing him run across the court on a quick get away!) - did not move, just clapped and cheered along.
Since the game, he talks more and more about basketball: "bounce ball", and "Shoot ball up high", getting basket...another sport to add to his repertoire!
Leaving the game - him and Uncle Kyle had a great trade off - Kyle carried Kegan so he did not have to walk and Kegan put his mittens over Kyle's ears to keep them warm...hehe...
Sunday afternoon Matthew had to go into Corpus for a meeting so Kegan and I spent the day at the Setliff's house.
Kegan is "helping" to trim the tree with the "heavy", as he described it, top piece.
Checking out Pampa's tractor with Santa on it.
*Funny story: After checking out Santa for a while, Kegan decided it was his turn and said "Clause off tractor...Clause off tractor" how do you explain to a 2 year old Santa can't share his was rather funny! Then to add to it, the next day we were driving through the neighborhood and we saw a Santa figure and Kegan said "Santa off tractor!" funny...he though that was Pampa's Santa and he had finally gotten off the tractor! Oh...the mind of a 2 year old - how fun it is to follow!
Kegan also got to "ride" a tri-cycle at Gramma's. Poor guy's feet are still a bit short - he comes by it naturally...from both sides...but he loves to scoot around on it and LOVED riding down the slight slope of the neighbors driveway! No fear - the faster he went the better!
Today it was cold again - in the 30's and 40's...brr (specially since he was in shorts yesterday!)...and yet another chance to get out a winter hat!!! This one belonged to Matthew when he was a little boy. How cute does it look on Kegan !?!
A note about the above: I don't think cold weather phases little kids - I was so cold and my hands were numb and I was running around and doing everything to stay warm...Kegan did not even seem to notice!
Well, let me welcome you into my home for a moment and show our Christmas ready house. I have done a little each night the past week and a half (I know...a long spread out time, but having a belly kind-of impedes some speed...and balance!). I am mostly done now and I just wanted to show my family and friends what it looks like - I absolutely LOVE decorating for many memories from being a little girl and helping my mom, flood my head and it just makes me happy to do it all! Then, to top it all off, Kegan is starting to appreciate it more. He loves the "Chirst...mas lights"
The dining area...

By the entry way door
A wheel barrel full of stuffed toys...umm...can you tell I decorate around a boy's toys!?
One side of the bookcases - just little touches here and there!
The living room and family ornament tree - one of my favorite parts to decorate - Matthew's and my mom both collected ornaments for us each Christmas as we grew up, and now we have one each year for us/our family, and we get one for Kegan. So many memories come to mind as I unwrap each ornament and remember what it is from, etc...
Notice also the "Little People Manger Scene" on the fireplace. I highly recommend this to any parent. One, I can talk to Kegan about the true meaning of Christmas - Jesus coming to earth, and he has is own manger scene to look at and is not tempted to touch mine!
Awww...the glow of the Christmas tree... :)

Tyson update:
I am around 28 weeks along; only 2 to 2 1/2 months to go -ahhh...I can't believe how FAST this pregnancy is going.
According to the parenting website Ty should be a little over 2 lbs.
Still VERY active and seems to love Christmas music. I promise, he starts dancing when I sing/play Christmas music, especially while riding around in the car.
I go for my next check-up in a week!
Still NOTHING done in his room...I need to get started...anyone want to come help...haha! :)


John said...

Hi there, did you watch the Spurs/Hawks game...

Starter or Sixth Man, it's all the same when Manu starts rock and roll for the San Antonio Spurs. The outcome will always be the same.

You gotta feel the aura and the vibe when he makes his way from the bench into the court. The whole crowd will be on their feet waiting for something explosive to happen.

Against the Hawks, it happened. As they say in the NBA where amazing happens. For me when Manu is on fire, MORE than amazing happens.

Check out my review on the Spurs/Hawks game.

Grams said...

What a cute little guy!! Your house looks very pretty - can't wait to be up there in about 11 days! I'll help with Ty's room

Anonymous said...

Decorations look great and Kegan is SO cute in all of his winter accessories. Hope to see you at HGBC for Christmas!