Little man, mommy and daddy are thankful for you and the blessing you have been in our lives - you have brought so much joy and laughter into our home and lives. Mommy and Daddy thank the Lord for you all the time!
So much to be thankful for...these are just a few biggies. I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving and have had a merry beginning to the CHRISTmas season!!
Well...I am just going to put up the pictures from our big Bentley Family Thanksgiving get together (Gail's mom's side)! It was WONDERFUL to see everyone and great memories were made! :)
Tuesday: Playing blocks with Pappa
and....a little basketball...
That night we went to the Wharton Christmas parade....Kegen LOVED it...all the lights and cars and trailers and big trucks...he had a great time!!!
as he would say...."ciding!!!" (aka: exciting)....
Wednesday: We spent all day at the church cooking and getting ready...Kegan found plently of fun things to play with...
...are a little messy on tile floor, so they went outside...check out the action jump!
Playing with his cousins - Juliann, Tori, and Kaycie
Yumm Yumm...enjoying some of his great-grandma's super yummy chocolate cake (seriously....the best chocolate cake and icing a person has ever had!)
No chairs....I will use a ball....
Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving!...I think Kegan was munching on something...which he did ALL day long!
That family sitting down to eat...check out the group!
Gramma and Pappa saying a few words of thanks before we all prayed and ate. (A side note: not only was the family getting together to celebrate Thanksgiving but this past year, my Grandma turned 85 and my Pappa 88...and the celebrate 68or 69 years of marriage...I am not positive of the year...but!!! We love you both!!!)
Dinner up!
Hmm...whose fingers are we spotting in the side of Grandma's birthday cake?
...and snatching even more desserts....cookies!
A great grin while his cousin Tori was tickling him!
A little help...please...anyone???
Looking through pictures with Mommy, Dadddy, Grandma, Tori and Kaycie
I guess he liked that picture???
More playing...
We love our cousin Karsyn. (Totally UNprompted photoe - they did this on their own...I just happend to catch it!)
Awww...sharing...again, all on their sweet!
Playing the flags were just well as Karsyn's nice yellow glove...and they decided they needed to play with them....silly kids....
These kids sure can dance???...well atleast have a good time! :)
Friday morning Kegan was watching me brush and blowdry my hair...then he decided it was his turn...he got it all together by was funny because he was really trying to do it "right"
Nolan, Popa and Matthew took the kids out to my Pappa's land to see the cows and ride on the tractos and gator....
...and pose for a few pictures for the mom's sake :)
Of course...what does Kegan go to?
Taking a ride with Popa
"Umm...if Karsyn is driving this thing...I am out of here!"
Just roaming around the barn...
Before heading out Kegan got in a little more play time with his great grandfather.
He would splash his hands around in a bowl of water Grandma has out for the birds...and then Pappa would dry them off....Kegan enjoyed this game...
Saturday night we went and had dinner with the Setliff's. Well, Pampa wasted no time in spoiling Kegan...he asked Kegan what dessert and he wanted and Kegan chose a HUGE piece of chocolate cake...although we all shared a little of it...little man did a pretty good job of eat it...or atleast spreading it all round on his face...haha
Uncle Josh and Aunt Stephani went to Disney World with Josh's family for Thanksgiving and they brought Kegan (and Ty) back some souvineers....Kegna really liked the Mickey doll :)
Random pictures from this week:
Does he look relaxed or what. (Just a note - feet are not allowed on the counter, but the picture was too cute to pass after pictures, the feet and boots were taken off and went back to dangling over the edge)
Thursday morning it gor really cold - well really cold for Corpus, so Kegan bundled up to go to school. Isn't he a cutie
Thursday evening was the Christmas Chat n' Play - cookie decorating...and eating!
Haha...aren't they cute! :) Matching shirts :)
Soooo....I am not sure how he put this all together, but he put on the hat, grabbed the tamborine, and the magnifying glass and starting marching around playing a little rhythm...silly boy!
Hahah...the face made me laugh!
As you can see - so much to be thankful for.
I love the pictures! Kegan is getting so big! We do have so much to be thankful for and that is so important to remember during this time of year. Hope you're feeling well!
TOO cute! I haven't kept up with blogs since moving to Houston, but am kind of getting back into. Kegan is, as always, adorable and so much fun to see! Shanna
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