* Fun word and phrases:
*"gummy gum" - bubble gum (Which he informed me when I told him he could not have any of mommy's bubble gum that "Pampa give little piece of gummy gum" to him...ah-ha!...)
* I love to say big words to him (that he has no clue what they mean) and have him repeat them back to me...because he repeats any "new" word I say to him, just about.
* "crane" - we have a new fascination with cranes and he points one out to me whenever we see one (surprisingly I don't think I ever realized how many cranes there were around here)
* "1 minute" or "4 minute" - if he is enjoying something and I tell him he needs to start cleaning up he will say this to me. Or...perhaps if I tell him he has one more minute to play he will say "4 minute". Then there are times he is switching between activities and as he starts the new one he will say "4 minute".
* Don't rush me" - Say what??? The other day he was doing his thing on the toilet and I went to check on him and asked if he was done, he looked at me and said "Don't rush me!" - well...excuse me (and for the life of me I can't think of where he heard that unless I told that to Matthew Sunday morning while I was finishing getting ready and he was ready to go...)
* Other stuff:
* Kegan's new favorite song - ABC...he will just randomly brake out in singing this song...of course he does forget a few letters, the same ones each time d,i, and u...I is always the same ones...but he is doing so well and is so very proud of himself
* This past weekend Uncle Kyle and Aunt Lindsay came in town and some of their friends came with them, who had a little 6 month old son. They were packing up the car and had left Barret in the house with us while they loaded their bags (this concerned Kegan) and he said "don't forget baby"...then while we waited for them to get back in the house, I asked him to sing "Jesus Loves Me" to the baby and he did...the whole thing, while rocking the baby in his car seat...awww!!! Good sign of things to come! :)
* Where the title of this post comes from...
Yesterday (Monday, March 16, 2009) at just under 5 weeks old, Ty rolled over from his tummy to his back - no lie!!! He did it the first time and it shocked me, but I was like, must have been a fluke, so I just put him back on his tummy, and as I sat and watched (while playing tractors) I saw Ty push and struggle with his feet for a bit and then flip...over he went again (1st time over his right shoulder and 2nd time over his left). Now I don't know if I count this as officially rolling from tummy to back...but gracious!!! Please don't tell me crawling and walking will be so soon...haha!!! :)
* As of yesterday I feel like he has lost some of that "newborn" look to him (why so soon???). His eyes are still that puffy look, but not as much...and he is still lacking eyebrows, but his looks have changed some...and he is definitely growing. TOO is just FLYING by!
* Lifting and turning his head is still his main trick and he is starting to do this better and higher. The video below is not the best of him doing it...he had been on his belly for a while turning his head before I thought to get out the camera...but it shows him moving around and making some grunts (for those of you to enjoy who have not seen him or seen him in a while). He also lifts his head well to look around when you are holding him up over your shoulder.
* His awake time is getting longer and more frequent and he is much more alert during wake time, now.
Ty's growth tracker:
1 month old (His tummy looks HUGE doesn't it?) The white thing you see on his right arm is the gaze taped on from where they drew his blood...poor baby.
I thought this was a sweet moment - daddy and Kegan reading Kegan's bedtime Bible story together.
Thursday Kegan got to ride with Matthew in his 18 wheeler, while I went to the doctor...needless to say Kegan was THRILLED!!!
Friday at Stroller Strides - the plants and fountain were of big interest to the boys. (Kegan is second from the right)
Friday night Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Kyle arrived!
Lindsay holding Ty for the first time. (Kyle opted to wait and hold Ty till next time. My guess b/c we ragged him so much about how he held Kegan when Kegan was that small - sorry Kyle.
Is Kegan entertaining the group or is the group entertaining Kegan?
(ps - see the lady Kegan is showing his toy too, that was Alyssa and Kegan fell in love with her...seriously he was always wondering where she was and showing off for her (even brought out the flips..woah!) - isn't 2 too young to flirt?
Kegan is showing Bearret the tractors...again hopefully a good sign for the future!
ALL Smiles :) precious is this!?! Kegan LOVED being able to hold Ty (Ty is thrilled...huh?)
At the aquarium
Kegan and the turtle in a staring contest.
Ty is really enjoying himself, can't you tell...haha...
Nice sunny weather - a good time to soak up some vitamin D! someone relaxed or what!?!
Happy St. Patrick's Day
(The orange shorts were a request by Kegan...some things are just not worth arguing we went with it)
He looks so proud, doesn't he...
Kegan and I had been dancing to some music, together, till he decided he needed to provide his own music, so off he went to get his harmonica. When he came out playing it he kept telling me to "spin mommy" - aka dance to his music...
I call these next 3 "Some of the Many Faces of Kegan"
Another beautiful day - too pretty to stay indoors, so out we headed.
Ty did a little sun bathing (but not for long till he went into the shade on a bouncer...)
Kegan did a little, well a little of everything to do in the back yard, but we started with bubble blowing.
Chillin' too sure about all this.
Showing baby Ty the bubbles...which is all fun and games, until....
a bubble pops in some one's face...(seriously, it really did not phase Ty - I think it bothered him more, me wiping the bubble stuff off his face)
just another look...check out those eyebrows..such curl in them...
He's out...too much excitement for one afternoon!
1 comment:
Patrick is soooo jealous of Kegan right now!:) Matt is such a good dad and hubby. BTW-saw the SS blog and you look fantabulous! Way to have a flat tummy back so soon!
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