Wendy came in Wednesday evening to help me (THANK YOU!) for a few days and to meet Ty (whom she said was very cute...of course...and had forgotten how small newborns are...tell me about it). It was great to see her! I had been worrying about Kegan asking where Karsyn was when he saw aunt Wendy, but he did pretty good...only asking a few times. He has actually asked me about when he would get to see Karsyn again, more, since Wendy has been gone. I guess he figures, that playmate is gone, when will the next playmate come!?! I just keep telling him hopefully in a few months and we can all go to the beach...so naturally...a few months means he needs to ask in a few hours...oh well...at least he loves his cousin! We had a great time, found out my sister really is a pretty good cook (great job on all the meals, Wendy...especially that CAKE!), and can't wait to see her...and Karsyn and No no, again! :)
We went in for Ty's 2 month check-up today. New stats:
weight: 7 lbs 13 ounces (that is right...little boy is quickly packing on the pounds...that is 2 pounds 2 ounces gained since his lowest at 5 lbs. 11ounces - wow!
height: 20 1/2 inches (something like that...he was a bit squirmy on the table)
Ty also received his second hep B shot...did, ok...fussed a bit, but quickly fell right back to sleep.
We did have to go have some blood work done today because his first pku test came back irregular (possibly thyroid problems). When we went in to get the blood drawn it surprised me, she took out a mini-band (like they wrap around your arm to give blood, only smaller, and a syringe, with a long tube on it, that had a little needle at the bottom. Then he started looking for veins in his arms. I don't know why, but this just took me back for a moment - I guess I had figured they would take from his foot again, or in his leg...or somewhere bigger than his little arms. Ty did NOT like the band around his arm nor was he a fan when the needle went in, but once it was in and she took the band off, he settled down some. Anyways, back to the thyroid - the doctor had said not to worry, it could just be something with his protein levels, but he needed this test done. (worst case would be that Ty would need to be on thyroid meds the rest of his life) This afternoon the doctor called with the results. Praise the Lord, he said everything was ok, but that his proteins were low (whatever it is that carries things between the thyroid and liver) but that his free roaming thyroid hormones (the most important) were "smack dab in the middle of normal" and that whatever it is that send the messages between his thyroid and brain were good. Yeah!!! He will keep an eye on it - which means more blood work - over the next few months, then at a year, and 2 years, just to make sure nothing shows up. Sooo...a bit of a scare, but things seem ok. We will just keep praying that the Lord helps Ty and things continue to be ok.
Kegan continues to do well - just VERY VERY active...put that together with a 1 month old and I am usually one tired mommy by day's end :)...but I love it and wouldn't change it for the world!!!!
Kegan and Aunt Wendy drawing with the "magic" markers Karsyn sent to him. oooo....
Ty, showing off his strong neck muscles...look an inch at least (Thursday 3/5)
Friday (3/6)
Ok....so he really does not notice the green whale yet, but it looks like he is looking at and laughing at the whale...I just thought it was cute
We all met Matthew for lunch at the Cafe...super yummy! I just thought Kegan looked cute here - he was enjoying putting on his hat and daddy's hat
(ok, so Kegan is sitting here with me now and he just goes "picture, eat...Wendy's eating, too...Kegan eating" Wow...he remembered and could tell from the picture, cool!
A few more inches up...
relaxing with Aunt Wendy
Enjoying some of Aunt Wendy's super yummy chocolate cake...(Kegan's comments right now "uh oh...messy Kegan...eye's open...arms dirty")
(Side note that has nothing to do with anything - Kegan, as I said is sitting on my lap - he just tooted, laughed and said "toot on mommy's laugh"...fabulous)
Just a few pictures to show Kegan's nurturing side:
As always, lots of kisses for Ty (whom Matthew and I think Kegan thinks name is "baby Ty"...we are working on that...haha)
rocking his "bear"
"bear crying...need passy"
Sunday (3/8)
We went over to the Setliff's a little before church that night so Kegan could play some with Gramma and Pampa (a Sunday favorite that he misses if we don't go see th em)...and I was not quite ready to go back to just me and 2 kids...hehe...(Matthew was out visiting with the church)
Still working out the neck...a few more inches, in lift, gained!
phew...so tiring
Hey mom!
Kegan's MANY tractors...playing with Pampa (who seems to make the best tractor noises, because if you don't make the noise like Pampa you are told "no...no")
Sooo...we trek on, having fun and learning LOTS along the way!
1 comment:
I had a wonderful time with you guys as well - and I miss you all dearly! And Karsyn thinks Ty's name is "Baby Ty" as well - oops! ha ha! I love the picture of Kegan "rocking" is bear...wink, wink. ha ha!
I hope we get to see you all soon - Karsyn wants to get down there as much as Kegan wants her down there!
Love you all - Wendy
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