Things are running a LITTLE more smoothly at the Setliff house hold. Ty is starting to get into his routine/schedule a little more and I am figuring out how to better blend the 2 boys schedules. Plus - we started back to Stroller Strides this week - it gets us out of the house, and Kegan back to his normal routine, which has been great for him. And, I think my body is becoming more accustomed to the 2 short spurts or 2 1/2 - 3 hours of sleep in the night :)! I can't complain though, technically, Ty only wakes up once in the middle of the night after his last 11ish feeding, then again at 6:30 or 7 in the morning - really not too bad. All in all...we are getting this down a little better...and things are running a little smoother. I must admit it helps that I have yet to have to cook a meal...and Matthew has taken Kegan with him to work the past 2 Fridays...but hey, small steps.
Why is Kegan growing up? Stories below:
1. First, I must say physically, he seems to be growing up and out...haha. Pants, new pants in fact, seemed to have just gotten shorter the past few days and last night I was trying to pus some button up pjs on him and the would not button...what??? They just fit him a few weeks ago!?!
2. Mr. Independent!!!
* Kegan makes breakfast! Sunday morning, I was finishing getting dressed(after getting Ty ready), Matthew was finishing getting ready (after getting Kegan ready), and Kegan was hungry. He went to the pantry and got out the breakfast bars, brought the box into the bathroom, opened it up, gave a bar to himself, a bar to Matthew, and a bar to me - haha...he made breakfast...get-t! :) Anyways, I guess he could get himself through breakfast now.
* Then he makes lunch...haha... Monday, I had gotten Kegan out of the car and sent him inside, while I was lifting Ty and the car seat out. All of a sudden, there comes Kegan out the door with a container of some left over pasta from the day before. Why the big deal...well, he had opened the refrigerator, moved the containers on top of the pasta container, closed the refrigerator, and carried the pasta out to me and said "Lunch Mommy" well we heated up lunch and ate. (It really was lunch time, so I guess he was hungry)...ok so he can now make it through till lunch...haha...
* "Me try" - still a favorite phrase in our home...super! Everything from brushing his teeth, to brushing his hair, to going to the potty, getting out his shoes, trying to take off and put on his shirt, going potty - everything he wants to do on his own. I must say he is getting pretty good at taking off his shirt (if his arm does not get stuck) and shorts before his bath. Then he likes to try and put his pants on by himself (well sometimes...sometimes I think he just sees it as easier for us to do it), but he has done it on his own. He will sometimes, now, go to the potty all by himself, without telling us or asking us for help, and just call us when he finishes. If we happen to go to the door while he is trying he says, "No mommy, go, me try." - ok! He wants to open the refrigerator and get his own drink or fruit. He wants to get his own crackers from the pantry.
* He wants to buckle his own seats - high chair seat and car seat. High chair, great - set him up there and he does the rest. Car seat, he can do the top and knows how to do the bottom to buckles, but is not strong enough to push them in...good thing, because that means he is not strong enough to push the button to release them!
ohhh...these are just a few I can think of, but he is DEFINITELY gaining some independence!
3. Monday I took Kegan and Ty out to the farm to see Matthew and for Ty to go on his first tractor ride. When we got out there, Kegan showed this new sense of confidence. Usually he points out a few things, here and there, but mainly I tell him what we are seeing and he observes. NOT MONDAY - from the moment we got out there, he began telling me all about the barn, what was in the barn, how things were hooked up, pointing out the engine to the sprinkler and telling me what it did...well "engine...sprinkler" (he knew what it was for), then while he was "driving" the trac tractor (his new favorite) he told me that there was no "hook" (his word for trailer) on it and kept looking around like Matthew does, like he knew what he was doing and was in control of it all - ohh...what 2 days of helping daddy on the farm did. So confident and sure of himself - it was cute...but made me see another way that he is not my baby anymore, but growing into a boy....
4. Random new word that has stuck out as funny:
"hitas" - fajitas (Matthew loves to get Kegan laughing and going by tickling him...specifically his sides...the "fajita" cut of meat, so Matthew taught Kegan to call his sides his fajitas. Along with this is a new found passion in tickling Mommy, Daddy, and Ty's fajitas...he gets a huge kick out of it)
5. Typical boy - when he poops in the potty or toots...he loves to make a big ado about it being "stinky...eww...gross"
6. Questions questions: He is so totally at that "ask a question about everything" stage...even if he just asked it, and knows the answer...ohhh...patience patience!!!
7. Conversation: His talking/speech is moving away from simple and familiar phrases, or just pointing out items and a few verbs here and there, to more of a conversation like speech (as pointed out to me by Sara, today). I guess I had noticed it, but not really, because it happens gradually, but after she said something it got me thinking. He really does create new sentences, say them, then re say them to make more sense (sometimes you can really see him thinking while he rearranges the words in a better way). He really wants to describe and tell all about things, using many words in a sentence or story to tell or ask something. I don't know if it that all made sense, but basically, we have more of a conversation now than just me talking and him answering or saying a few things here and there....makes for much more interesting car conversations. haha.... I know he has a long ways to go and grow...but it is fun to see his progress!
8. We always like to ask Kegan what he did/learned at school. Last Tuesday Matthew asked him and Kegan said "opposites"...what??? Did we hear that right? Did he really say opposite, like he knew exactly what he was talking about. Thursday I asked his teachers, and they looked surprised and said, Yes, we did talk about them and he was looking at a book about opposites on Tuesday. Well, there ya go - he knew exactly what he had learned...haha...
Why is Ty growing up?
1. Last Thursday Ty had his second doctors appointment
weight: 6 lbs. 10 oz (regaining and surpassing his birth weight...this also means almost gaining an entire pound in a week - wow!)
height: 20 inches
2. Well...I am thinking more and more that we have another refluxer on our hands...he is on 2 meds now for it...but not nearly what Kegan was on. Hopefully it does not get that bad, but let's just say I have had to do a few outfit changes because of his spit-up...and the back of his seat in the car has been blessed with a projected spit-up...we shall see how it all shakes out in the next few weeks, before his 1 month check up. (Which is NEXT week...oh my, can you believe it, almost a month old...ahhh!!!)
3. Strong neck - When laying on his belly he lifts his head and can turn it from one side to the other. While hold him he holds up his head for short periods of time.
4. He is FINALLY, just this week, starting to stay awake more frequently and for longer during the day....still not a lot, by any means...but more than he had been (which was almost no awake time except to eat)
5. Just a random funny - The child is gassy...he can't stretch at all with out something squeaking out...and Kegan loves to laugh and say "Ty tooted"...oh...just a glimpse at my future with 2 boys...haha!
Pictures, Pictures!
Trying on a pair of daddy's boots
Keeping warm one morning...after a diaper change and before getting dressed. Doesn't he look so peaceful!
Sexy yard worker...haha... (Yes, he has on crocs and socks...eek! I know!)
Every picture I tried to take on this night, Ty's eyes turned out bright red...scary eyes
Gig'em ags! We start them young!
Ty going for his first ride on a tractor (a trac tractor to be exact)...yes, he slept through it all...
Kegan, close up...concentrating on driving
My 3 men on the tracor
Ty and his daddy...
I don't know...but the tounge out made me laugh...
Haha...Kegan decided him and Ty needed to be covered up the other morning after I had stripped down the bed to change the he pulled the covers up over Ty and then himself...
1 comment:
Gosh, I'm torn between being so excited on reading about their accomplishments and growth - to being so sad that I'm missing so much. Such wonderful little blessings
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