This past weekend my mom and Meme came in town, one to see Kegan (this was Meme's first time to meet Ty) and two, it was my birthday. It was great to have them in town to celebrate (and Friday night they took Kegan back to the hotel so I could have a somewhat more quite morning on Saturday - my birthday). Then that day, Meme watched Kegan - much to Kegan's joy, she is great at playing with him!!! - while Mom and I went and did some shopping and running of errands. It was wonderful to see them, both and I know Kegan enjoyed it because he will ask for Meme and Grams and where they fact when I told him Meme was in Pasadena he said "I go to Pasadena (sort-of got out that word) to see meme"...then the same thing about going to Plano. I wish saying we will see Grams in a month meant more to him - it would certainly help ease the persistence of the question. Anyways, we had a great time!!! Here are some pictures and stories to go with, from the weekend and the first part of this week.
Oh, wait! Some great updates on Ty.
* He continues to hold his head up high for longer periods of time, just looking around.
* Scoots around in circles (like a pivot) when trying to flip himself...which he did again on Sunday and keeps trying to do.
* He SMILED at me on Monday...2 times...has not since then, but he did those 2 times!!!
* He is tracking things very well with his eyes - side to side and up and down!
Friday, March 20th
Meme decided Kegan needed a little gift, so she brought him this cool "simple remote for 3-5 year olds" controlled car, it flips and everything. Kegan is still working on not pushing the two buttons at the same time, which causes the car to just sit and spin it's wheels.
Friday night bath.
ahhh...sweet grin for the camera!
Haha...I just thought this was a great face...he looks so grumpy, huh!?! You can see those CHEEKS though!
Aww...this looks like a comfy shoulder to rest on.
Saturday: March 21st
(at the hotel)
Grams got some stickers for Kegan...he decided he needed to try them out...try them ALL out at the same time!
He is very good at sharing!
Meme and Ty having some time together! know he is with a grandparent when you see a soda to his mouth (mom does not give him any...but I don't deprive grandparents...haha) ps - he did not drink that entire bottle...that was some my mom had left.
Mommy and Ty looking at each other.
Who would have thought this is where I would be at 27... :)!
precious baby...I love who sweet and innocent they look in their sleep
Funny story:
We were going out to eat for my birthday, so I pumped before we left, to have some milk, and so I would not have to worry about feeding him/finding a place to feed him while at the restaurant. Well, Matthew decided my car needed a wash (which it did) and Ty got hungry while pulling we took him out and fed him in the car while the car was getting washed. Well, Ty had used a bottle before (2 or 3 times), with formula, and had obviously had my milk...but never my milk in a bottle before. Well, when Grams started feeding him he took to the bottle then gave a horribly confused this taste like Mom's milk, but this is NOT mom...eventually he got over the weirdness of that and ate happily...but you could totally see in his face that it through him for a loop. Unfortunately I did not have out my camera...but I did get this sweet photo of Ty looking at Grams, a little later in the feeding.
Cake time...after dinner...can you tell someone is excited!
Kegan loves to sing "happy birthday" and does anytime he sees a candle lit...any kind of candle lit...and he loves candles and well...cake...he was excited!
Meme and Matthew waiting for their piece!
Sunday, March 22nd
Haha...some crazy hair after his nap...haha...
Kegan LOVES to hold baby Ty and is always asking prop them up on the couch and he "holds" Ty.
I love this one!
Monday, March 23rd
The birthday celebrations continued...more cake and of course...more candles and singing!
Helping Aunt Stephani and Gramma put the candles on.
Then he got sneaky and decided while he was down there, he would place a candle and try to take a quick lick before anyone noticed...haha...seriously that is what he did!
After the candles are blown out what is the best thing to do...lick EACH candle as you pull them out of the cake.
What a piece!
3 generations sitting together and enjoying each other...
Haha...Gramma gave him a bath that night and he came out to the living room proud of his little ensemble - Gramma's shoes and a nice etire of towel rapped around
Tuesday, March 24th
My 3 men on the farm!
Kegan doing what...playing in the dirt of course!
Ty stayed awake for ALL of this, his second, tractor ride!
I love his little face in this one...
Dirty Kegan and mommy...still have fun and full of smiles, though!
More of Ty riding the tractor
2 going on 15...
Gramma called and Matthew handed Kegan the phone to talk, he took the phone in one hand, grabbed the handle with the other hand to balance himself, and then turned like this, as if he wanted to maker sure it was a private conversation and Matthew and I did not was funny...the picture does not give the moment justice, but it really was like what you would see a teenager do when trying to talk on the phone in front of their parents.
Wednesday, March 25
Look who is sitting up bright and early in the morning. (Ok with lots of help from the boppy!)
BIG yawn!
Kegan decided to help me water the flowers. He loves to help with stuff in the yard (hopefully he still will when he is a teenager...what do you think, though?!?)
Matthew was reading to Kegan to put him down for the night, and when I went to his room to grab something, Kegan wanted to Ty to join them...
...but not with daddy holding him. Kegan wanted to "hold baby Ty"
We told him to watch his head and hold it up...he took us literally
Haha...I love the smile on Kegan's face...and the fist still holding up Ty's head!
Ty was squirming here and it made Kegan laugh and he kept saying Ty was tickling him...
You can tell, we stay busy...busy, but loving it...memories being made each day!
during bath time Ty looked a lot like Kegan..but then other times I think they are very different...but both very cute...and my daughter agrees with me on that one
What cute pictures - and what fun! You look so pretty in that one with you and, such sweet times!
Hi Gail! This is Kayla Peck, well Kayla Dunson now. Your boys are so cute! God has blessed you with such a beautiful family! I am so glad you are doing well :o)
I read the blog last week and forgot to write and thank you for a wonderful weekend. It was so much fun to have Kegan spend the night with us in the hotel room. Kegan is such fun and little Ty is so adorable. I miss them both so much - and their mommy!! The outlaw - well, he knows where he stands!
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