Before I get into that, and pictures, I would like to just say that it is official. I saw him roll over tonight from his back to his stomach - he can do it. He leans his head back, arches his back and plop over he flops. It is so fun to watch him do it! What a strong little man!!!
Back to new stuff to tell!
Sunday we had some time, felt daring, and tried to feed him some rice and green beans. (Green beans you may ask - the doctor said to start with went with these.) First, I believe he was more interested in looking around the room than eating and second he still is working on the whole tongue in the mouth when you eat concept. Needless to say, more ending up on his chin, cheeks, nose, and bib than in his mouth. What little did get in there though, he made the most adorable gagging face. It was too cute. I could not catch it on camera though. Just picture a person being over dramatic about something not tasting good...and that is what he looked like.
I am ready to go!
Rice everywhere but in his mouth. Some is even being drooled out at the moment!
Hmmm...I am not to sure of these green beans???
Yup...yop...not too good...
This is the closest I could get to one of him "gagging" on this "horrid" food. (He is not crying that was the face going...yucky!)
Cute pictures - but as you can see - the first feeding was not a super success. We will try again this week and perhaps it will start getting better with time. Meanwhile - Matthew and I are enjoying trying to get him to eat and laughing at his little facial expressions! :)
Kegan had a GREAT day at school and the evening joined mom and dad and a friend for dinner. He did wonderful sat there and looked around and grinned at everyone. Our friend had his two little girls with him and they were so cute with Kegan. They loved to tickle his toes and "pet" his head.
That night when we got home he helped me go through the mail. It is fun to hand him stuff now, he will grab for it, hold on to it...and just observe it so intently...for the 5-10 second attention span a child at his age has - hehe! Anyways, I thought these were cute. Doesn't it look like he is reading the "Business Report".
Finally, we concluded Monday night with a rub a dub dub...Kegan was not in his tub. Monday night Kegan hopped in the shower with his daddy. He LOVED the water. Kegan would just laugh and hold out his tongue to the water pouring down. He did not mind the water in his face or anything. Needless to say, both daddy and son had a good time!
The little guy with a 1,000 expressions! Oh how I want to see him!!!
Are you sure he isn't really my kid...reading the business paper and all? he he! They say he could be twins with Karsyn! :-)
Ok, the shower story is TOO cute! I can totally see Michael getting into that. And, if Jonathan is anything like his daddy, he'll be making all of those "icky" faces at every green veggie! Are you going to Plano any this summer?
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