Well, with it being 5 months, and me not being the most diligent about updating this with every new thing he does - believe me when I say it seems like there is something new EVERY day - I am going to give a brief run down of some new things little man has done between 4 and 5 months.
1. He really is starting to like kicking around in the water during his bath. He does however, still looks down at his feet like, "hmmm...what are those and why is the water moving when they move?"...and then he kicks some more!
2. He loves to laugh and smile when you make silly noises, play peek a boo (Where is Kegan?), and kiss with loud smooching sounds on his neck and belly. It is so fun to get him laughing doing this.
3. It began with some great rolls to his side and as of last night, so his dad tells me, he rolled from his back to his stomach - yea! (Of course I, the mom, who works with him on this during tummy time and just playing on the floor time, does not get the joy of seeing the trick for the first time, after such hard...hehe...it made Matthew happy, though!)
4. He is starting to really get interactive with his bottle and feeding time. Whenever I start fixing that bottle he follows the bottle around, with his eyes. Then, as I am holding him and the bottle, he will reach out for the bottle and start opening his mouth, trying to get his head closer to the bottle. If he is really hungry he will start moving his lips like he is prepping them to start sucking. It is sooo cute to see. When we get ready to eat he will often put out his hands and help me bring the bottle closer to his mouth and if he is really feeling strong he will reach up with his hands and hold on to the bottle. (Look at the pictures below for proof of my little strong man!)
5. EVERYTHING goes straight to his mouth. If it is in his hands and he can lift it, in his mouth it goes. We have to be careful of what we lay around him now. He will wiggle and move to try and get anything in his reach...and then put it in his mouth. Here he is one morning this week playing with one of his new favorite toys!
6. Kegan loves to blow raspberries with his mouth - it creates a lot of spit and drool - such a boy already!
There are sooo many, but those are just a few of the highlights!
Well, all that just goes to prove that he is the smartest, strongest, and cutest little 5 month old around. If you need more proof, just ask Grams!
How cute!! It is so fun seeing what all he is able to do. I can't wait until Jonathan is doing all of those things! I know the time will fly, though-he'll be a month tomorrow and I can't believe a month has already passed! Anyway, keep the updates coming!
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