We got up Sunday morning bright and early to go to the 8:00 service (Hence why there are no pictures from first thing in the morning and we have no pictures from him looking through his Easter basket first thing.) Pictures will be up tomorrow with him searching through his basket from the Easter bunny.
After church we went over to his Setliff grandparent's house and took lots of pictures.
First, look at Kegan and his daddy. Aren't they sooo cute in their matching shirts!?! Matthew and Kegan were both so proud of how they looked that day!
Next Kegan and his mommy took some pictures. Do you see that mischievous look on his face. It is almost as if he is already plotting what he wants to be doing when he can get up on those feet and run. Oh - I am definitely going to have my hands full with this little guy!
Then we took some family photos. I love Kegan's facial expressions in these pictures. They make me laugh!
The grandparents then got in on the photo action!
As you can see Kegan is getting real good at hamming it up for the camera. (They even told me the other day at day care, when they handed me some pictures they had taken of him, that he took the best pictures in the entire class - naturally - he is sooo cute and...he gets lots of practice in front of the camera!)
Kegan's Aunt Stephani and Uncle Josh came over and joined in on the Easter festivities. We had a great meal - that Kegan cried through (so I went and got him and made a bottle) and ended up being held then fed through (by his grandpa Setliff). I am really starting to like my food real cooled off...haha!
That afternoon Matthew and I got a great Easter gift. We took much needed naps while Grandma and aunt Staphani entertained Kegan for a while. We then went to church that night, came home, gave him a bottle, put him to bed (for which he wanted to be held till he went to sleep - he was a bit spoiled that afternoon..hehe...) and we all crashed. Kegan had a good and first Easter.
The rest of the weekend was pretty good. On Friday Kegan and I ran some errands and I am pretty sure Kegan decided he did not like to go shopping with his mommy - I think I took a little too long for him. Then on Saturday, Matthew and Kegan got to spend some daddy son time together while I went out and ran a few more errands. It was crazy, so based on Kegan's joy in shopping from the day before, it is good that he was spending time at home with his daddy!
I have off this week, so hopefully I can get some videos uploaded so everyone can hear him and see him. I should also be able to catch some cute photos while we are home together!
Ohhhhh!!! That is TOOOOO cute!! Jonathan is still too small to fit into most of his clothes, so we'll have to get him all dressed up next year.
Ohhhhh!!! That is TOOOOO cute!! Jonathan is still too small to fit into most of his clothes, so we'll have to get him all dressed up next year.
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