Last week Kegan had started tugging on his socks when I was trying to dress him and change him...and just about any time he could reach far enough to grab that sock, but he had not quite been able to get to his feet...till this Wednesday! It is so adorable to watch him reach out and grab them and hold on to them - it just fascinates him that those things are down there. The skill of feet holding has also been helping in doing a very quick roll to the side. He grabs on to them and gets almost into a little ball and - flop - over to the side he goes. There are just a few pictures from the first night he was doing this!
Along with feet holding I have been trying to work with him on his sitting. All we have now, as you can see below is a really good sitting hamstring stretch! He is not falling to the quickly...anymore, so progress is being made. Now, though, he just likes to fold his body in half. Still look at the effort in this picture! :)

Last night, we had 7th and 8th grade boys staying over at our house for a worship and work weekend and Kegan was so cute with them this morning. We propped Kegan up in his bumbo on the counter while all the boys were eating and he just sat and stared at them and watched them in fascination. He did not even get fussy. I think he liked feeling like "one of the boys" was cute. (My camera was in the other room, so I have no pictures...but it was really cute!)
What a smart little boy! Over achiever in my book!!
He is getting to be such a big boy! He will be sitting up straight any day now - once they learn they never want to stop sitting up...until they start reaching and want to get back on the groud! ha ha!
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