Matthew went to go help a friend move on Saturday, so Kegan and I had lots of time to hang out and have fun on Saturday. We spent most of the day rolling and playing on the floor (The rolling is talked about in the previous message!) Below is a picture of him feeding himself. He had pretty much finished the bottle and was just playing, so I layed him on the floor to play while I started to take the bottle out to put it in the sink. Well, as soon as those little eyes got sight of the bottle there was no way I was taking that out of the room with out him finishing it, unless I wanted to hear him LOUDLY tell me what he thought of that plan. So...I gave him the bottle and he put it in his mouth and finished it up. Not too bad for a 5 (almost 5 1/2 month old)!
We finally started getting ready for the rodeo! After I got him ready, I put him in his play saucer while I finished getting things ready to go. He LOVES his play saucer now. It is like he is just starting to discover all this neat stuff, how to play with it, and how to use his hands to do what he wants them to do. He just turns and turns from toy to toy on it. It is so fun to watch him - a bit crazy to think that about 3 weeks ago he would last about 1-3 minutes and get he can entertain himself for a good amount of time!

(Let me take a closer look...ooooo!)

(Check out those cowboy boots!)

Saturday evening was the rodeo. He did good, for the most part. Kegan and I did have to listen to the introduction and watch the first events from downstairs because it was a bit too loud for him. OH - you should have seen the crocodile tears. It broke my heart. After the noise level went down some, he did much better. You will see in a picture below, however, he did spend the majority of the rodeo sitting in his grandpa's lap. Any time it got too loud his grandpa would take him out till it quited down some. All in all, as I said earlier, he did real well. He did not cry or anything, unless the sound was loud. I was so proud of him! :)
(Check out those cowboy boots!)
Saturday evening was the rodeo. He did good, for the most part. Kegan and I did have to listen to the introduction and watch the first events from downstairs because it was a bit too loud for him. OH - you should have seen the crocodile tears. It broke my heart. After the noise level went down some, he did much better. You will see in a picture below, however, he did spend the majority of the rodeo sitting in his grandpa's lap. Any time it got too loud his grandpa would take him out till it quited down some. All in all, as I said earlier, he did real well. He did not cry or anything, unless the sound was loud. I was so proud of him! :)
(sitting in our seats waiting for it to start)
(someone was missing his nap...look at those tired eyes!)
(Watching the horses from grandpa's shoulder)
What a day - we both needed a Sunday afternoon nap - he is the only one that got one though! haha! :)