Sunday, April 29, 2007

A day with Mom and the Rodeo

Matthew went to go help a friend move on Saturday, so Kegan and I had lots of time to hang out and have fun on Saturday. We spent most of the day rolling and playing on the floor (The rolling is talked about in the previous message!) Below is a picture of him feeding himself. He had pretty much finished the bottle and was just playing, so I layed him on the floor to play while I started to take the bottle out to put it in the sink. Well, as soon as those little eyes got sight of the bottle there was no way I was taking that out of the room with out him finishing it, unless I wanted to hear him LOUDLY tell me what he thought of that plan. So...I gave him the bottle and he put it in his mouth and finished it up. Not too bad for a 5 (almost 5 1/2 month old)!
We finally started getting ready for the rodeo! After I got him ready, I put him in his play saucer while I finished getting things ready to go. He LOVES his play saucer now. It is like he is just starting to discover all this neat stuff, how to play with it, and how to use his hands to do what he wants them to do. He just turns and turns from toy to toy on it. It is so fun to watch him - a bit crazy to think that about 3 weeks ago he would last about 1-3 minutes and get he can entertain himself for a good amount of time!
(Let me take a closer look...ooooo!)

(Check out those cowboy boots!)

Saturday evening was the rodeo. He did good, for the most part. Kegan and I did have to listen to the introduction and watch the first events from downstairs because it was a bit too loud for him. OH - you should have seen the crocodile tears. It broke my heart. After the noise level went down some, he did much better. You will see in a picture below, however, he did spend the majority of the rodeo sitting in his grandpa's lap. Any time it got too loud his grandpa would take him out till it quited down some. All in all, as I said earlier, he did real well. He did not cry or anything, unless the sound was loud. I was so proud of him! :)
(sitting in our seats waiting for it to start)
(someone was missing his nap...look at those tired eyes!)
(Watching the horses from grandpa's shoulder)
What a day - we both needed a Sunday afternoon nap - he is the only one that got one though! haha! :)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Now that he has figured out how to roll, he just rolls all the time. If he is on his back, he will eventually put himself on his stomach. He loves his new trick!

Things mommy is having to change now that he can roll. I can no longer step away from the changing table for a moment to grab clothes - if he decides to roll...he will roll not matter where he is. If I lay him down on Matthew's and my bed while I am doing things around the room I have to put him in the very middle. I also now see why ALL things have to be taken out of his crib. I went in to get him from a nap and he had moved from where I put him - he laying side to side (not up and down) in the crib and was on his belly!

He continues to LOVE to talk to people. When I went and picked him up yesterday, Sharon the director, was telling me about how Ms. Lisa (the co-director) had gone in the baby room earlier that day and was talking to Kegan and he was just smiling and laughing at her. :) It makes me so happy to know that the directors (and other teachers, from what I have seen) go in and out of that room and talk to the babies. To be honest, any teacher that walks through the office, while I am holding Kegan on my way in or out, stops and says hi to him (they all know who he is) and waits to see his smile! :)

I finally told his director yesterday day that May would be Kegan's last month and that I would be staying home with him after that - and I began to get teary eyed. She was so sweet and supportive. I think that last day in May will be hard.

Tonight we are going to Kegan's second rodeo. Yee ha! I will get some pictures tonight of him, while we are there. It should be fun!

Below are some pictures taken from Thursday night. I had my Discovery Toys grand opening party so Matthew and Kegan went out with Scott and August (Scott and Stacy's son who is about 6 wks. younger than Kegan) while Stacy was here for the party. Anyways, after they all had a boys night out to get Chinese food, they came home and we all sat around and talked while we were talking we realized Kegan was reaching out and touching...grabbing really...for Gus. It was cute to see. (Look at the second picture. It looks like he know what to do know when he sees a camera. For the first one he did not know it was there, so we got an action shot. By the second shot he knew the camera was there and so her turned and smiled. haha...)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

So Much To Tell About and CUTE Pictures!

WOW! Matthew and I were talking and we feel like Kegan has just grown by leaps and bounds over these past couple of weeks. It is amazing to watch how much he is learning so quickly.

Before I get into that, and pictures, I would like to just say that it is official. I saw him roll over tonight from his back to his stomach - he can do it. He leans his head back, arches his back and plop over he flops. It is so fun to watch him do it! What a strong little man!!!

Back to new stuff to tell!

Sunday we had some time, felt daring, and tried to feed him some rice and green beans. (Green beans you may ask - the doctor said to start with went with these.) First, I believe he was more interested in looking around the room than eating and second he still is working on the whole tongue in the mouth when you eat concept. Needless to say, more ending up on his chin, cheeks, nose, and bib than in his mouth. What little did get in there though, he made the most adorable gagging face. It was too cute. I could not catch it on camera though. Just picture a person being over dramatic about something not tasting good...and that is what he looked like.

I am ready to go!

Rice everywhere but in his mouth. Some is even being drooled out at the moment!

Hmmm...I am not to sure of these green beans???

Yup...yop...not too good...

This is the closest I could get to one of him "gagging" on this "horrid" food. (He is not crying that was the face going...yucky!)

Cute pictures - but as you can see - the first feeding was not a super success. We will try again this week and perhaps it will start getting better with time. Meanwhile - Matthew and I are enjoying trying to get him to eat and laughing at his little facial expressions! :)

Kegan had a GREAT day at school and the evening joined mom and dad and a friend for dinner. He did wonderful sat there and looked around and grinned at everyone. Our friend had his two little girls with him and they were so cute with Kegan. They loved to tickle his toes and "pet" his head.

That night when we got home he helped me go through the mail. It is fun to hand him stuff now, he will grab for it, hold on to it...and just observe it so intently...for the 5-10 second attention span a child at his age has - hehe! Anyways, I thought these were cute. Doesn't it look like he is reading the "Business Report".

Finally, we concluded Monday night with a rub a dub dub...Kegan was not in his tub. Monday night Kegan hopped in the shower with his daddy. He LOVED the water. Kegan would just laugh and hold out his tongue to the water pouring down. He did not mind the water in his face or anything. Needless to say, both daddy and son had a good time!

Our Little Farmer

This picture was taken last week at Kegan's Aunt and Uncle's house. Isn't he just too cute!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Oh how NEAT...Kegan found his FEET!

Ok...we learned another new trick this week! He is just growing and learning things so quickly it is amazing!

Last week Kegan had started tugging on his socks when I was trying to dress him and change him...and just about any time he could reach far enough to grab that sock, but he had not quite been able to get to his feet...till this Wednesday! It is so adorable to watch him reach out and grab them and hold on to them - it just fascinates him that those things are down there. The skill of feet holding has also been helping in doing a very quick roll to the side. He grabs on to them and gets almost into a little ball and - flop - over to the side he goes. There are just a few pictures from the first night he was doing this!

Along with feet holding I have been trying to work with him on his sitting. All we have now, as you can see below is a really good sitting hamstring stretch! He is not falling to the quickly...anymore, so progress is being made. Now, though, he just likes to fold his body in half. Still look at the effort in this picture! :)

Last night, we had 7th and 8th grade boys staying over at our house for a worship and work weekend and Kegan was so cute with them this morning. We propped Kegan up in his bumbo on the counter while all the boys were eating and he just sat and stared at them and watched them in fascination. He did not even get fussy. I think he liked feeling like "one of the boys" was cute. (My camera was in the other room, so I have no pictures...but it was really cute!)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Yummy - Orange Sherbet!

This past Sunday the family was having a relaxing Sunday afternoon, after church, and Matthew decides he wants an orange Sherbet push-up pop. Well, little to mom's knowledge, until it was too late, the push-up pop became dessert for two! I couldn't get upset, though, Kegan just looked to cute enjoying this wonderful new flavor. Therefore instead of making Matthew stop, I opted for getting out the camera and taking some funny pictures of Kegan's first experience with orange sherbet.
I love this first picture, it looks like Kegan is saying "Oh! She caught me!"

Next, we see the culprit of who is feeding Kegan this delightful treat - the father, of course!

Can't you just see the eagerness in Kegan's face as he gumming on and slurping up the push-up pop.

Finally in the story of this experience - the orange mustache that came after! He is sooo cute - even orange and sticky! (To let you in on a little secret - we got Kegan to look up and keep his eyes opened so big by holding the sherbet out in front of him. Notice - the lips that are ready to suck on it a little more!)

What a Sunday, Matthew and I also put together Kegan's jumper and he got to play in that some and seemed to enjoy it...for his 5 minute attention span! I love the second picture - look at those skinny legs - hehe!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Happy 5 months to Kegan!

I can not believe that we have had Kegan in our lives for 5 months, already. Time flies so fast. Everyone said it would and I do not think I understood how fast it really would go by. He is such a part of our lives I can not imagine it with out him.

Well, with it being 5 months, and me not being the most diligent about updating this with every new thing he does - believe me when I say it seems like there is something new EVERY day - I am going to give a brief run down of some new things little man has done between 4 and 5 months.

1. He really is starting to like kicking around in the water during his bath. He does however, still looks down at his feet like, "hmmm...what are those and why is the water moving when they move?"...and then he kicks some more!

2. He loves to laugh and smile when you make silly noises, play peek a boo (Where is Kegan?), and kiss with loud smooching sounds on his neck and belly. It is so fun to get him laughing doing this.

3. It began with some great rolls to his side and as of last night, so his dad tells me, he rolled from his back to his stomach - yea! (Of course I, the mom, who works with him on this during tummy time and just playing on the floor time, does not get the joy of seeing the trick for the first time, after such made Matthew happy, though!)

4. He is starting to really get interactive with his bottle and feeding time. Whenever I start fixing that bottle he follows the bottle around, with his eyes. Then, as I am holding him and the bottle, he will reach out for the bottle and start opening his mouth, trying to get his head closer to the bottle. If he is really hungry he will start moving his lips like he is prepping them to start sucking. It is sooo cute to see. When we get ready to eat he will often put out his hands and help me bring the bottle closer to his mouth and if he is really feeling strong he will reach up with his hands and hold on to the bottle. (Look at the pictures below for proof of my little strong man!)

5. EVERYTHING goes straight to his mouth. If it is in his hands and he can lift it, in his mouth it goes. We have to be careful of what we lay around him now. He will wiggle and move to try and get anything in his reach...and then put it in his mouth. Here he is one morning this week playing with one of his new favorite toys!

6. Kegan loves to blow raspberries with his mouth - it creates a lot of spit and drool - such a boy already!

There are sooo many, but those are just a few of the highlights!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Few More Easter Pictures

I said I would put out a few more pictures of Kegan from this Easter. He is sitting on the couch with his Easter basket for this year. It is camo with camo eggs inside - how fun! :) (I apologize that the lighting is so bad in the pictures.)

I love his little smile in this picture! (Do you see those fingers he is trying to put in his mouth - oh, mommy is trying hard to not let that become a habit.)

The next 2 are just 2 cute pictures of him sitting in his bumpo. Check out the second picture - That is one BIG yawn!!!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy First Easter

Kegan had his first Easter and he looked adorable for it. Such a little man!

We got up Sunday morning bright and early to go to the 8:00 service (Hence why there are no pictures from first thing in the morning and we have no pictures from him looking through his Easter basket first thing.) Pictures will be up tomorrow with him searching through his basket from the Easter bunny.

After church we went over to his Setliff grandparent's house and took lots of pictures.

First, look at Kegan and his daddy. Aren't they sooo cute in their matching shirts!?! Matthew and Kegan were both so proud of how they looked that day!

Next Kegan and his mommy took some pictures. Do you see that mischievous look on his face. It is almost as if he is already plotting what he wants to be doing when he can get up on those feet and run. Oh - I am definitely going to have my hands full with this little guy!

Then we took some family photos. I love Kegan's facial expressions in these pictures. They make me laugh!

The grandparents then got in on the photo action!

As you can see Kegan is getting real good at hamming it up for the camera. (They even told me the other day at day care, when they handed me some pictures they had taken of him, that he took the best pictures in the entire class - naturally - he is sooo cute and...he gets lots of practice in front of the camera!)

Kegan's Aunt Stephani and Uncle Josh came over and joined in on the Easter festivities. We had a great meal - that Kegan cried through (so I went and got him and made a bottle) and ended up being held then fed through (by his grandpa Setliff). I am really starting to like my food real cooled off...haha!

That afternoon Matthew and I got a great Easter gift. We took much needed naps while Grandma and aunt Staphani entertained Kegan for a while. We then went to church that night, came home, gave him a bottle, put him to bed (for which he wanted to be held till he went to sleep - he was a bit spoiled that afternoon..hehe...) and we all crashed. Kegan had a good and first Easter.

The rest of the weekend was pretty good. On Friday Kegan and I ran some errands and I am pretty sure Kegan decided he did not like to go shopping with his mommy - I think I took a little too long for him. Then on Saturday, Matthew and Kegan got to spend some daddy son time together while I went out and ran a few more errands. It was crazy, so based on Kegan's joy in shopping from the day before, it is good that he was spending time at home with his daddy!

I have off this week, so hopefully I can get some videos uploaded so everyone can hear him and see him. I should also be able to catch some cute photos while we are home together!