Monday, December 21, 2009

We have ourselves a crawler...

Well, last night, after church, Ty took his first few wobbly moves forward in a real "crawling" position! Matthew had sat Ty down in our room with some Toy while he took some things to the kitchen. While I was bringing things in from the car, I looked through to door and saw Ty, up on all fours, looking like he was about to crawl, and as I stood and watched and made the first wobble wobble attempt to scoot his knees across the floor and move his hands forward. Then this morning he did it some more while we were all playing in his room - still short distances, still not very cordinated and still a bit slow on the get up and go....but he is doing it! :)


Wendy said...

I have a feeling by the time he gets up here it won't be a little crawling anymore! He will be all over the place! haha!

Kegan looks so grown up!

And what are they wearing? Shorts in December! :-)

Grams said...

Okay, now we know he can say "hi" and "bye". I've got the baby gate ready to go up!