The week before Thanksgiving Kegan's MDO had a family Thanksgiving feast.
Kegan dressed up in his Thanksgiving attire...
I think he would rather be eating than smiling for me.
A few more pictures from the week.
Ty is pulling up/trying to pull up on EVERYTHING! He gets to his knees fairly easy...but still needs some assitence to get to his feet.
I loved his smile inthis shot!
Playing with cars together (this is how my floor looks many afternoons)
I know you are not supposed to give a kid a balloon - but Ty LOVES them....and this kind will not pop so....
Leaning forward...still trying to get into that crawling position
After a day of work with Daddy. I asked Kegan to stop so I could take a picture and this is the pose I got...haha!
Wednesday (before Thanksgiving)
Kegan helping me shuck some corn (seriouse work)
I was so proud of this merange on my lemon pie
This Thanksgiving we stayed down here in Corpus and celebrated Thanksgiving with Gramma and Pampa, Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Kyle, and Aunt Stephani, Uncle Josh and the newest additino Whitley. It was wonderful all getting together and talking, laughing, eating...and just relaxing together.
Thursday morning - The boys getting to spend some time with their Aunt and Uncle
Kyle and Lindsay had brought doen Kegan's b-day gifts. Here he is with one of the gifts, a dinosaur shirt they got him (which he has worn once, and has asked to where 2 more times...but unfortunantly I have not been on top of my laundry pile...getting washed today, though). He likes the t-rex on the front and the "pose" he is in.
Kegan got us all outside and got a game of family baseball going.
Pitching the ball to Undle Kyle.
Woohoo - look who is up on all 4s (he was put into this position)...but he held it, finally!
...but this is how he realy felt about it
Daddy taking a whirl at entertaining both boys.
Great grin!
A little serious/a little happy
Haha...a few days after Thanksgiving
Is this against child labor laws? Kegan has begged to help for the longest time, so Matthew finally let him behind the wheel (so to speak)
1 comment:
Looks like a fun T-day weekend!!
Love the smiles!
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