A few videos that captured the moments:
Kegan's proud brother waiting for the preformance to start.
Always alert and ready...haha..
there is that preformance smile...haha..CHEESE
Anyone ready to huddle up?
Whatever he can do for a laugh...
sweet love (I am sure they will be very imberressed about this picture in a few years)
So proud of Kegan
I found a new way to keep Ty entertained: He stood at the door and watched those dogs for an eternity in baby time...so at least 5-10 minutes...haha..
We got there in time to check-out the end of Kegan's school Christmas party
Happy Ty enjoying the festivities, too...
Thursday night Mtthew and I went to a Sunday School Christmas party and Matthew won a lovely singing Jack-a-lobe in the White elephant gift exchange...the boys loved it Friday morning...
Just a picture I Loved :)
Why would they give Kegan a jingle bell that looks like a ball? Of course he's going to make it a ball - at least he didn't it go flying! He know God is mighty!
Can't decide what I liked more --- watching Kegan or the kid next to him picking his nose! haha! Great videos...but not sure I am going to let Karsyn watch them though...she might try to lift her skirt up the next time she performs (like Kegan did with his shirt)! ;-)
Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!
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