Weight: 18 lbs 6 oz
Height: 28 1/4 inches
Ty did great at the doctor's appointment and checked out very healthy! In fact, thank you Lord, an answer to continued prayers, Dr. Gutherie said he was doing so well in growth and that his last set of blood work came back in the normal range for his thyroid, he was going to hold off on more blood work till later - yeah!!! Thank you Lord for taking care of our little baby boy!!! :)
He gave the go ahead to start on more foods and said he can have 3 meals a day (just like the rest of the family). I thought good...because Ty just stares at us when we are eating and if you are holding him...his mouth opens every time the fork goes to your mouth - I think he is interested and ready.
Ok, truth be told - Ty did good till the nurse came in to give him his shots. He was laying there ok, till she wiped his leg with the rubbing alcohol pad, then he looked at me, looked at her, back at me, and started he remembered what was supposed to come next. Poor, guy.... Otherwise, like I said, he did great.
(Just a side note, no, Kegan did not join us for the doctor's appointment. He went to "go work" with his daddy. He insisted on taking his own tools and everything so he could work while out on the farm - how adorable is that! I think he had much more fun with daddy on the farm than sitting with me at a doctors...and I think I got Dr. Gutherie from probably having to do a double exam, ie "Dr. Gutherie check my ear, listen to my heart, look in my ear...etc...."...and if you have ever been around Kegan, you know this is true. The child talks and he actually really likes the doctor...and even ask to go see him...ok, I will go with it.)
Back to Ty. He is, today, 6 months and 1 week old. Below are some pictures of some things he is doing. (These were all taken the morning he turned 6 months)
This is a new face we get a lot...that is usually followed with a raspberry being blown...then a giggle/squeal
Ty LOVES his feet and if they are bare...he is grabbing them.
caught ya'
next to that teddy bear...and yes, Ty was shorter than this bear at one point in time...crazy! (Isn't that such a goofy face Ty is making - I LOVE it! He makes me laugh so much!)
Oh...Mommy I got that bear. I noticed these pictures are not going to be as easy as they used to - once he got the bear, there was no more laying the bear next to him for pictures...
So strong!
Ty is not rolling, yet, but he does this, a he is getting there. He just needs to get that arm under and the legs swung over and he will be in business.
Umm...why is there no one around while I, the baby, am sitting all by myself...
That question is to YOU mom...
So yes, he does sit by himself, hunched over, for short periods of time.
Time has flown. I was just looking at my sister's blog and pictures she has up from sonogram pictures she had of Coleman from this past was sweet to see him, but if reminded me of how it was really not that long ago that Ty was being formed in my womb and we were anxiously awaiting his arrival...and not he is here and already 6 months (1/2 a year) old - where has the time gone. I must eyes got misty at thinking how fast it goes by...both happiness of where we are and a little sad of how fast we got here, all felt at once.
Ty's personality seems to really be starting to show itself, which makes this time in a baby's life, so fun. He seems to have a pretty easy going and doesn't really fuss or cry much...just if he is tired of being in one spot and wants to be moved and then it is a little fuss. Otherwise he cries just slightly. Easy kid, happy to go with the flow. He is a pretty happy kid and smiles at everyone. When we are in the store - we get stopped a lot and people just start talking to him and he gives them big ol' grins and smiles. Ty also seems to be VERY observant. This past week or so, as we have gone to the farm, I have noticed just how observant he is about his surroundings. He would sit there and study (really, he was so intent on looking) and follow what was going on all around him. I also notice this in groups of people.
We love you baby boy and look forward to getting to know you more and more!
Such a BIG boy! And soooo cute too!
I looked you up - here are your stats.
Length = between percentile 90 and 95
Weight = between percentile 50 and 75
You are going to pass Karsyn soon - ha ha!
I can't wait to see you this weekend!!
Aunt Wendy
Ty is so cute! Love his facial expressions!
Where has the time gone?! Ty - you are every inch a sweetheart and a joy! Gotta watch out for those strong, silent types that can "rope" you in with a smile or a cute little funny face:)
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