(notice the gun...his first...and he has learned NOT to point at people or it is taken we are trying to practice gun safety)
this picture just made me laugh...Kegean, just one of the guys by the module builder
There are things I LOVE about the farm - seeing the beauty of God's sunset being one of the top things
Just a dad and his 2 sons plyaing tractors...I think I will be seeing this scenerio for a long time in my house
Did someone enjoy their bar-b-que
A picture of the cotton
A picture of my guys
Ty's new most favorite much for fruits and veggies...
a face of pure enjoyment
the culprit of his new found taste of joy - pampa - just laughing
love this face
haha...getting facial hair a little early Ty?
even after the cookie was taken away...still trying to get every last taste off his fingers
Kegan - joful to be helping doing some farm work
Look - no one is behind him...and I am in front taking pictures...
big boys sit...but get tired and make funny faces
Kegan poking his smile in the shot - so cute!
staying cool in the pool in the back yard heat
(the ONLY picture out of a TON with BOTH looking at me...haha)
sure Maggie...have a drink...I might splash you with my toes
6 months and ready to drive
just a sweet face
ok - some comments...but no stories...
Hopefully I will have up pictures from Karsyn's birthday soon - or I will get even further behind, and there are some VERY cute ones!!!! (of course)
What cute pictures of Ty (and well, Kegan to)! I love the one of him with the tractor toy and then the cookie is so cute!
The sweetest little boys!!
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