Hmm...well once again I am a bit delayed in getting a post out - surprise! - so this post is really from not this past week...but the week before that. The boys and I took a trip up to Plano (Matthew was preparing for harvest) and we were able to stop at both my Grandparent's houses along the way.
Friday, July 17th and boys and I headed out, stopping in Wharton for a short visit and a great lunch, and then headed to Pasadena to stay the night with my Meme, and pick my mom up at the airport. Yes, she flew from Dallas to Houston so I would not have to make the 5 hour drive by myself with the 2 boys (between Corpus and Houston was ok b/c I could stop along the way in Wharton).
Kegan and Papa laughing (I love seeing my grandfather interact with my kids....he has softend up a lot over the years!)
Just a swingin', 2 guys who like to be outside
Grandma and Ty
Meme and Ty
Meme using her teacher skiss and working on a puzzle with Kegan (in yes, just a shirt and undies - I think the child would just wear undies all day, every day if I let him)
While Meme and I were playing a game of marbles Kegan decided he wanted to play...and since he is not a super help to the "real" game, he and Grams got on the floor and played "with marbles" with a differnt marble game board - Kegan loved it, Grams loved it and Meme got to beat 3 times so everyone was happy...
Big brother, little brother, playing together
Everyone now deciding mom makes a good piece of playgournd equipment...hehe...I loved it all!
After lunch and seeing some family, on Saturday, we headed to Plano...and let me tell you I am very grateful for my mom's help, between stopping to feed and potty breaks, it would have been a LONG trip by myself! :) We got in pretty late Saturday night so after unloading the car and saying hello to Popa, it was off to bed and up for church the next day.
Sunday we went to church, had lunch at Freebirds (yes!!!...Kegan loves quesadillas), and then the boys went down for a nap. After they were up, we headed over to Wendy, Nolan, and Karsyn's house to swim and cook out. It was SO great to see them. Kegan and Karsyn, of course, we THRILLED to see one another - it is so sweet. They scream each other's name (Karsyn was swinging and was doing all she could to stress to us the importance of her getting down to go see Kegan - so sweet!) and than ran to give hugs! We are so thankful that they love each other and seem to have a great friendship - I hope they can stay this close.... It was a great evening and Ty even took his first dip in the pool and seemed to enjoy it - well be content in there, at least.
Meeting Unlce Nolan for the first time (who commented later to Wendy that "That kid has some cheeks!"...and yes, yes he does Uncle Nolan! :)
First dip in the pool...thinking about it??? (isn't that a great face)
...and this is what happens with the 2nd child (I am one, too, so I know)...they just put you in a float and let you go. Does anyone see all the adults and hands and super cautiousness that went along with the first set him in a float to go...
Karsyn showing what a good big sis she is going to be to baby Colemen when he arrives!
Ever the fearless Kegan...floating backwards and dipping his head under. (Uh, thanks Karsyn for the cute pink and ruffled floaties, once again, Kegan looks so manly in them...haha)
2 peas in a pod (Karsyn has on this real cool body floater so she can move her arms...I am thinking we might need to get Kegan one of those - still keeping them afloat, but with more mobility)
Thank you Aunt Wendy for the ultra cool shades
and the matching flip flops...notice Karsyn's ultra cool throwback to the 80s shades, and her jelly flip flops
This is how they keep buff...doesn't Kegan look so serious about it...haha!!!!
coming along...
The rest of the week was so nice - a change of pace and scenery and great times with family and friends! I will let the pictures and short comments do more of the talking for the week. One big experience I will note - Popa took Kegan on his first fishing trip - you will see how much Kegan TRUELY enjoyed himself in some pictures to follow.
Look who is sitting by himself (still short spurts) and staring at the cute baby in the mirror...and look who, no surprise is in their underwear...
No matter where he is, Kegan wants to play a little baseball. Popa taking a few minutes away form working to throw around the ball
Just some cute pitures of Ty's happy face while "flying" on my shins
a good cheek view
He has GREAT belly laughs and BIG grins!
I thought this was action shot of the spit-up coming out...nice Ty!
Ok - I just want to say that I have a VERY sweet husband. These were delivered on Monday, form Matthew, b/c he missed his family...awwww!!!!!!
Ty helping Popa get a little work done
Kegan is such a big helping...he really wanted to try and feed Ty...after a few attemps he got board...I think much to Ty's pleasure...Kegan's hand didn't quite get the food high enough...haha...(also, look at Kegan's face, his mouth wide open. Do you think he has seen his momma do this a few times!?!)
One of my dear friends, Laura, came over to visit...and let me just say, she was great entertainment for us all. She has always been a person with good wit and humor...and that gets very entertaining with a 2 year old around!
Laura and Ty making faces
I don't know who is checking who's eyes???
After helping Grams make some cookies Kegan got to enjoy the best part - licking hte beaters (he didn't even offer to share!) Surprise surprise...look who is in his underwear...haha...with a mouth covered in chocolate from fresh cookies (by the was already around 8:00/8:30ish at this time...he was a bit spoiled this week)
Why stop at cookies, when you can help Popa whip up some homemade icecream from the other night...
I just thought this was a cute smile
Laura, not calming my child down as it neared 9ish...or soooo....
My parents live pretty close to this park, so I took the kids down there a couple times - Ty had a blast
First day of casting lessons (Popa got out the ol' Mickey Mouse rod and reel - which Kegan knows to call it - and showed Kegan how to cast it while I had gone to get a hair cute. Well, as soon as I returned, Kegan had to show me his new skill - he still needs some work, but it is getting there!)...and yes, in his underwear...
I love the differnt facial expression he is making in these next few shots...such thought and seriousness!
What a set-up for a cast!
Karsyn came over and got a boo Kegan is kissing it better here...awwwwwww!
Isn't he too young to be giving me a look like this??? (If you look real close he is doing the "eye brow" thing Kegan always did as a kid...and still does at times.)
Sweet brothers...once again, I just liked Kegan's smile here
Thursday afternoon we met some friends for lunch and then went swimming at Mrs. Debbie's house!
King of the world!
It was a cloudy day and the water was a bit chilly at first...Ty was not so sure about it - never cried, just gave this sad is that!
Showing off his skills...look at him float and kick- great, huh!?!
More practice sessions - I love how they are both so concentrated in this picture! What does one need to go fishing...especially if you are 2 and going fishing for the first time - worms dug up form the yard. Then, what does one need to do with those fat, wiggling worms? Bring them in the house to show everyone - of course!
He's got his worms...ready to go!
Friday - another trip to the park. Kegan went to the swings and pointed to the left one and said "for Ty" and then said the other swing was for we tried Ty out in a little bit less supported (compared to his one at home) swing.
He loved it and laughed and smiled so much! Great idea Kegan!
Finally, they had practiced, the worms were caught and was time to go fishing!
Fishing (for the first time). They went down to the pond infront of my old Senior High...and caught tons of perch. It was a great first experience - nothing is better than getting a bite every 5 seconds!
What a smile! :)
A catch!
"ooo...I got something"
fishy hands
Court and Randy came over the visit the boys, Friday night.
Mrs. Courtney - who is expecting her own little babino :) - and Ty
Look who found out he could grab his feet!
Randy and Kegan (atleast he has on shorts!) pre-tend fighting...boys!
Kegan being his usual entertaining self!
Ty getting to meet Randy - showing off a winning smile! :)
Saturday morning we - Grams, Popa, Aunt Wendy (pregnant and all), Karsyn, Kegan, Ty and I - headed off to the Dallas Zoo. This was Kegan's first trip to the zoo and he, of course, loved it - something we will defiantly be doing again! :)
So excited we can't both look at the camera at the same time
The crew headed in to the zoo (Grams pushing Ty, Aunt Wendy, and Popa pushing Karsyn and Kegan)
They are set to go!
At the zoo entrance ( Popa took the pictures, let's just say he did not wait till the kids were looking)
Where should we go first??
To see the penguins. Look - he is a little over 3 ft tall, now. Checking out a real good close view of the gorilla...who would occasionally turn and stare back
Looks like someone else is having fun, too! Seriously, he was the BEST baby - did not fuss at all!)
Why go see the real thing when you can craw around and play on the statue?
Mr. and Mrs. Independent!
Thier feet in an elephant track
Ending the day with a ride on the Marry-Go-Round, which they did NOT want to get off of!
Saturday night Wendy and I took my mom out to eat and to see Legally Blond the musical (we got the tickets for my mom's birthday, this year), while the men had the kids. We had a wonderful time - the show was funny! Popa - he did great with both boys. After swimming with Uncle Nolan and Karsyn and having some bar-b-que for dinner, Popa bathed both boys, fed Ty and got both off to a good time, no less. We enjoyed the night off and Popa got some special time with the boys.
Sunday morning, we were back to traveling. Mom, once again, headed out with the boys and I as we headed to Pasadena to put her back on a plane to Dallas and then head to Meme's house for the night. Then, Monday morning we headed home, with another stop/potty break/Kegan get to run around break/visit/good lunch at Grandma and Pappa's. I think Ty thought this was a big bottle...but he SO wanted to grab that can!
A little reading to catch up on the news...haha...
Matthew was so ready and excited to see his family, and the boys (and I too, of course) were so happy to see their daddy. Ty even gave Matthew a BIG smile when he heard his voice
It was a wonderful trip and we had a great time seeing our family up there and
Here are some pictures from this week - trying to catch up here!
Matthew turned 34 on Tuesday so the Setliffs and Josh and Stephani came over to help us celebrate. Kegan of course, had to join in with the candles being blown out...and then licked!
Once again...can we all look at the camera
One handsome kid! Matthew, Kegan and I went to a baseball game on Thursday (?) night while Ty spent some time with Gramma and Pampa.
Sitting and watching the game.
We sat on the burm (spelling?) so Kegan had lots of room to run and he "played" a little baseball himself.
Pitching the ball...
Getting ready to "hit" the ball...pretty good form...huh?
what a view
Love the pics!! We miss you guys! I can't believe how big Ty is getting!
Wow - I was there and I am tried just reading about it all over again! :-)
We had a great time with you guys - and can't wait to see you later this month!
I loved reliving the week. :) It was just to short - and to many hours at work :(
Two more weeks (approx) until we get to see you guys again. Yea!!
It was so great to see you and the boys! I love the pictures of them climbing on you - so cute!
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