Kegan has really taken an interest in saying prayers (as apposed to Matthew and I praying while he just bowed his head and listened). It is the sweetest thing to:
1. Hear him just "talk" to God
2. Hear him say "me pray" at meals and bedtime...or other times
3. Have him ask to pray again for dessert or for a second round of food
4. Hear what he is thankful for; "Dear Lord, thank you for food, for mommy, for Ty, for Daddy, for Kegan, for fun, for food, for somethings I could not understand...Amen"...awww....melts a mommies hear
5. Hear Kegan say he feel better after we pray if he hurt himself or feels sick
More sweet thing:
1. Kegan sitting down with his picture Bible and tell me about the stories
2. See his imagination at work...even when it is killing sharks, that swarm our house, with "spears"
3. Hear the words, "I love you, too, Mommy!"
4. That mommies kisses seems to make boo boos better
5. Kegan telling me about the Bible story he learned about in Sunday School and Children's church
6. A belly laugh from the gut of who he is
7. See how sweet and loving he is toward his baby brother
Kegan is not the only one in this house with some sweet things going on. Ty is also melting Mommy's heart by:
1. The SWEET smiles that covers his face when I walk by him or up to him
2. deep stares into my eyes while I hold him
3. his coos and gurgles and squeals while I am talking to him
4. seeing him laugh with his daddy
5. seeing how he loves to watch Kegan!!!
New discoveries and tricks:
1. If you hand him a toy and hold it in front of him, it takes a while with some thought and concentration but he will reach out and grab for it...and put it right into his mouth
1b. In fact...he grabs ANYTHING that passes by those hands...anything (I think I have lost some hair these past few weeks)
2. He loves looking at his feet and touching things with his feet
3. he enjoying putting his burp clothes in his mouth
4. holding his head up higher
5. can sit in his bumpo for longer (I think it is almost time to try out the activity saucer for a little bit)
6. He is really taking in his environment and is very observant of what goes on around him
7. Did I mention that everything in his hand goes to his mouth???
8. Sense of anticipation is getting better: You put him in his bouncer he looks up wanting the thing above him to move, in the swing he anticipates the lights going, etc... He also is getting to understand when I hold my fingers together and buzz like a bee as I bring my fingers closer and closer to him till they reach him and I give him big kisses - he starts to smile and squeal as I am "buzzing" around.
Sweet things in pictures:
Happy birthday Uncle Josh - sweet cake mouth!
What a look!?!
A BIG 'ol laugh coming out!
Nice...I know...but I captured it right as it as coming out...what are the odds? (Well a lot considering how often he spits up...) I like the look of desperation, plus check out the hair growth on top!
One morning playing around in mommy and daddy's bed
I love the grin on Ty's face!
Check out the rolls
haha...Kegan is well, being the silly 2 year old he is, and Ty...he is laughing and getting a kick out of something...what a precious moment to capture
2 sweet grins on my 2 sweet boys
Hey Hey...mommy in the morning too, with her 2 little guys! Sweet moments!
Helping mom cook...Ty is thrilled, huh...and Kegan...I don't know, but he makes me laugh!
That looks like a "Uh-oh...I am guilty and she knows..." look
Kegan trying to get Ty to look up...Ty saying, "I can get my eyes up...just not sure about my head...especially with you pressing on it!"
A new sweet thing: When I take Ty in to say "goodnight" to Kegan Kegan wants to kiss Ty's face and then kiss both of his hands...I have NO clue where this came from! Why the hands??? Don't know...but he does it every night...and well some during the day. Clearly Ty is thrilled...haha
A new favorite toy - his john deer barn "book" - it is soft, crinkly and taste good (I guess)...haha
Friday night baseball game - it was a little bright so he insisted he needed to "share" mom's sunglasses. (He loves to use the word "share" when he wants to use something of mommy's....hmmm...well at least he kind-of gets the concept...haha)
Yummy cow toy...everything to the mouth!
Including his hands (which we still go back and forth with)
Looking up..."Oh, I wish I could get my entire body up that high - not just my eyes..."
whistle whistle - sweet eyes
My three men chillin' together (Isn't Ty's arm funny...what a grown up pose he is in)
sweet love and genuinely happy to just be with dad
Oh yes, Kegan loves to hold Ty's hand, too. He is such a sweet and loving older brother
Look, I'm walking...sort-of
Now, with a little help from big brother Kegan who LOVES his baby brother Ty
A sweet thing to a mommy's eyes Her husband and 2 sons relaxing (don't they look peaceful...such rare moments...haha)
Kegan and the "train" he constructed...
I LOVE this sneaky!
From us to you - remember to enjoy the smallest of sweet things in life
I"m seeing a little more of you in Ty as he gets a little older.
Love all the smile pictures - and Ty looks older from even a few weeks ago!
Such sweet babies. I miss them so much. Kegan's many expressions still make me laugh!
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