The group:
Matthew, Kegan and Gail (Ty is with Gramma); Stacy, Scott and August (friends); Grandad and Madeline, Pampa, Gramma (Ty) and Uncle Kyle
Arrived - Kegan waste no time to start playing.
Ty meeting Grandad and Madeline for the first time
Kegan found a new game he likes - shuffleboard
Well, I think it was the fact that he could purposely hit things together and send them soaring to the other end of the table that he really liked :)
Checking out the surroundings
Ty listening to Pampa sing - you can see on his face he really likes this, it calms him if he is fussy :)
It was too late to get in the water...but we found some great entertainment anyways - rock throwing...check out the joy on Kegan's face. Of course he only wanted to throw BIG ones that made a loud "kerplunk"
tossing a rock out to the water
woah...what a splash!
pure joy...he loved it better when the water splashed back onto shore
One strong boy!
At it again - more shuffleboard with Grandad supervising
Finally in the water
Haha....anyone up for some snorkeling???
2 handsome men enjoying some fun in the sun and water
...and like the splashing and diving at the beach...he continued it at the water fear here
My three men enjoying some R&R together
In fact all the meant were enjoying some R&R together...The boys getting a lesson in "shooting the bull" with the men
The fun was briefly interrupted by a rather rough and loud rainstorm...which included a little hale (thank goodness no damage)...but we did learn a little lesson in weather that night :)
My 2 boys and their feet: big foot, little foot, lots and lots of feet
Look who grabbed onto a toy for the first time :)...and once he started grabbing, he now is grabbing EVERYTHING - hair, glasses, earring, toys, towels, etc...
Enjoying some Kegan and Mom time
Grandad making my 2 sons laugh (he had a way with the kids all week - so cute!)
Early fishing lessons (Popa, you should be proud! Kegan enjoyed it!)
More water play - blowing bubbles with dad
Playing with Gramma
Family time in the water
...and Ty enjoying his time with Grandad - who lulled him to sleep with a little string on the end of his cane...haha. Hey, there are days I would be willing to try anything to get him to nap!
Later that day after a much needed nap for Kegan
More fishing
Kegan just COULD not be that close to the water, with his daddy in the water, and stay in he went!
I love Kegan's laugh/smile in this picture - it so captures who he is
Picking daddy up out of the water
Everyone enjoying a little game of shuffleboard (I told you, it is a new favorite)
My 3 men. I think this is a sweet picture :)
Kegan showing mom a little about shuffleboard
More toy grabbing - he is getting so strong and gaining so many fast it seems
Kegan learning a little about dominoes from the men
I like this picture (Uncle Kyle, Kegan, Daddy and Ty)
August and Kegan...who would not sit down next to each other
There we go...
One last picture of the family before we left :)
On our way home we stopped and saw our friends Brian and Jessica and their kids. While Matthew and Brian went and looked at some farm land with Brian's son Matthew, Kegan played in the water with Kaylee and Emily, 2 of their other kids.
Ahhh...and then he sleeps...much needed rest and sleep from his R&R...haha
Looks like you guys stayed VERY busy while having fun at the same time. Love the pictures as always and it's amazing to see how big your boys are getting!
Sounds like a wonderful week!!
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