Thursday night (May 21) Wendy flew in from a business trip in Denver and hung out with us till Grams, Popa, and Karsyn came in LATE Friday night.
Waiting for our food at What a burger...isn't he cute!
Kegan had gone to bed way before Karsyn arrived Friday night, so Saturday morning (he had woken up earlier and then fell back asleep in Matthew's and my bed) Karsyn came in and woke Kegan up.
A little shocked and not knowing how to react...
Then SUPER excited to see each other! They BOTH had been talking about this for a couple months, now...and we were all happy they finally got to see each other so the endless, "When do I get to see..." stopped...haha...well...almost...he has been asking again :)
Popa and his three grandchildren (Nolan and Wendy found out what number 4 will be this FRIDAY!!!)
Yankee-doodle Karsyn (this made me laugh)
Two Yankee-doodle kids hamming it up
hmmm...silly kids (a little freshening up before pictures that morning)
Just in case you were wondering if Ty was packing on the pounds or chunky monkey! :)
After taking pictures with Mrs. Ashely (check post below)we headed to eat and then to the beach! (Now they smile with no!)
I love little feet...
and hands....
Ok - so we get to the beach and Wendy is taking some pretty pictures of Karsyn frolicking nicely around the sand in shallow water in her pretty dress....Then, Matthew and I let Kegan loose and what does he do???
Runs and jumps straight into the water...clothes and all!
ohhh...that's a boy for you!
Now that he officially has on his swim gear, let's dive into the waves head first, I mean, why not!?! Seriously, he did that ALL day long. Kegan has NO fear of the water, or the waves...or anything. We could not get more than an arms length away while in the water because he would just take off...eek!
howdy momma!
Splashing around...
I told you...diving into the waves he goes...
Ty and Grams enjoying the beach....well Ty was enjoying the sound of the waves :)
Kegan trying to push out of Matthew's arms to jump in the water/Karsyn hanging on tightly to Popa to make sure she does not get too far into the water
see..."let me down daddy!"
another full body dive
perspective....Popa and Kegan way out in the water while Matthew took a much needed breather after trying to keep up with Kegan
wrinkly fingers
haha...who likes being buried in the sand???? (Isn't that a great smile on Karsyn!?!)
I don't know where this face came from...but it made me laugh
cheesy cheese grin
working hard to undig himself from the sand...what a face of struggle
Daddy and Kegan enjoying the of the FEW times Kegan sat still...and even then for just a second
Look who woke up and is so...umm...happy to be enjoying the beach...haha
happily sitting with daddy in the water (looks shallow enough)
till a wave comes and attacks...
all better now that he is a little more out of the water and safe from those waves
splish splash with your feet
Part of the family (big surprise, the 4th member was off running and jumping in the water)
Ok - now we are all here...the family at the beach :)
One tired crew on the way home
What a sleeping princess....I thought it was cute
Hmm...well he was a bit sandy and covered in sunblock when we left, so instead of getting back on his nice clothes we opted to just put him in my tank top till we got home to rinse him off...haha...nice look Ty
Relaxing with Popa (I think Karsyn had put in Cinderella at this time...Kegan looks thrilled, huh?)
Miss Karsyn set the table for her and Kegan, using her blankie for the table cloth she insisted that they use.
Karsyn, you are going to make a GREAT big sister - look how you are making Ty grin with glee :)
Hmm....trying to get two 2 year old kids and an infant to take a picture together...let's just say I took a LOT and got these 2 that...well...atleast most parties involved are somewhat looking at the camera and not rolling away. (and Wendy...I just noticed...Ty is a little over half the length of Karsyn, already)
Dressed up and ready for church - such cuties
After church and a little nap the kids played in the water outside.
I think thsi is a sweet picture of Karsyn trying to "catch" the water in her fingers.
Thirsty anyone?
Popa giving his grandkids lessons on steak seasoning
We all know how much feeding a baby a bottle both kids decided they needed to the same time. Thank goodness Ty is a good sport as milk goes to his eyes, nose, cheek, head...oh...and maybe his mouth!
In children's church Sunday morning the kids had made "sheep" headbands. They both got them out that night and ran around the house pretending to be lost sheep wanting to be found.
Monday - Memerial Day
Thank you Aunt Wendy for the super cute matching outfits for the boys and Karsyn. We love them!
The ONE picture out of like 20 I tried to take on the couch, were Kegan was kind-of co-operating...kind-of (how am I ever going to get pictures when they both can move????)
Ty showing his abb muscles...pulling his torsoe up while he was reclined in the chair (getting stronger every day!)
Here's a look for you mom!
The 3 cousins (I like the finger on the cheek Karsyn, it adds emphasis to the smile)
2 out of 3 happy isn't bad...
sweet kisses (Ty is thrilled by this...haha)
How many differnt face can we all give?
Sweet brothers
So done with picture taking!
Karsyn trying to get Ty to turn his head toward the camera (she has learned what to do when cameras are up and flashing and is passing down the know-how to the younger ones)
Hardworking cousins
What a grin...who or what cold be getting these big grins out???
One silly Popa making faces! :)
It was a great 4 days and we loved having them down. Unfortunatly, when I wait this long before posting I can't remember a lot, so I hope the pictures were enough to enjoy...and just wait...another 50 or so...are on the way in a day (hopefully) from our trip to the Frio with the Setliffs. Then...well I am already behind with pictures form this week (I can't resist ALL the smiles Ty is giving now...I love the 3 month mark in a babies life!).
I loved all the pictures and reliving our trip - we had such a good time! I hate that we live so far away! And don't worry - we get the questions from Karsyn as well...she misses her cousins!
Good memories. The one of the three in the chair where Karsyn is telling Kegan something and he doesn't look happy about it makes me laugh. I would be worried about Ty's foot in his hand, but I know Ty didn't cry, so all was good. I also noticed that we worked so hard with the three heads together on the floor - and both big kids are in their underwear/panties, not their cute shorts. fun times. wish there were more :)
I LOVE the sheep! That is so cute. And Kegan definitely is a fish. I loved those pics of him diving in head first with no fear and then Ty screaming at a little water:)
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