1 month
4 months
The boy is growing!!!
weight: 15 lbs 5 oz
height: 25 3/4 in.
He was born at 6 lbs. 2 oz and went down to 5 lbs. 11 oz and he was only 19 1/2 long at birth - the child has done well! Dr. Gutherie put it best when he said that Ty went from being a kind-of petite child to, well, VERY normal...haha...!
Praise the Lord, though, because of his great growth, staying up to speed on mastered skills, and his blood work being so wonderful at 2 months, the doctor decided not to do more blood work till 6 months and then if that is as good as it was at 2 months, then no more! God is so amazing and does things that doctor's just can't explain (Dr. G said there is not medical explanation for why his blood work came back showing his thyroid proteins getting better....).
All to say - great appointment!
Here are a few more shots of Ty at 4 months...that I just thought were cute!
OHHHH I LOVE this grin!!! His whole face just smiles when he turns on the grins!
Showing off his buff self
Growing Growing Strong
Last week I had 2 very dear friends, Courtney and Angela, come to visit me and my family. It was so wonderful to see those girls and from the pictures below you can tell the boys enjoyed their visit, too!
Courtney flew in Wednesday. Kegan enjoyed waiting at the airport and loved looking at and talking about the airplanes. New obsession of Kegan's: Airplanes have wheels and helicopters do not...we now talk about this every time we see an airplane flying in the sky.
Enjoying a little after nap snack with Mrs. Courtney
Mrs. Courtney came bearing some very fun gifts for Kegan and Ty - Kegan was quite "excited" about it!
Ty chillin' on the couch...he looks thrilled to be apart of Kegan's playing of doctor
checking Mrs. Courtney's health...haha...
Sweet smiles
My two ADORABLE boys!!!!
what is it momma??
Mrs. Courtney and Ty
Thursday we had to go up to church for part of the day to do some work for VBS, so Kegan got to go to the farm with Matthew. Ready to go!
Angela arrived Thursday evening and took no time in jumping into loving on the boys
haha...Kegan being a typical male and trying to show off his muscles. He was holding himself up, off the floor, with this arms on the table and couch...he kept doing it and made sure Ms. Angela and Mrs. Courtney were watching....haha
I love this grin
Awww....sweet hugs
Friday morning - snuggling with Mrs. Courtney on the couch. It was so sweet he saw her laying down and just climb himself right up there with her and snuggled in.
A little dip in the pool....
and do a little swimming and spitting...
Ty enjoying the pool time in the shade
taking a little time to discover his hand
Mexican food dinner date with his 2 ladies...haha...(of course he wanted to sit with them and not on the same side as his mom and dad
Daddy and Ty
On the way to the baseball game - what a happy boy looking at Ms. Angela
Getting a little burp before we head into the game...boo mom!
Ready for the game
cheering on the hooks
Pampa will give me the good stuff to drink!
Taking Mrs. Courtney to the farm to look around...wuz up!
Courtney spending sweet time with Ty
Sunday afternoon - I had to go work up at the church all afternoon, to get ready for VBS this week, so Matthew was flying solo in watching the boys. This is how I found them when I got home - ahhhh!!!
We are still go go going this week - VBS all week long. Kegan is actually in a class this year. There is a 2 year old class that is for worker's kids that he goes to. They do a small chapel, music, crafts, Bible story and play time - just like the big kids! This morning while dropping off Kegan, Mrs. Cindy, his teacher, told me I really need to come watch him during chapel b/c he is singing and dancing and loving it - ahhhh, my little not shy son! I also heard that he said a good prayer for his class after their Bible story today - oh, what sweeter words to a mother's heart!