Last weekend Kegan, Ty, and I headed up to Austin for my friend Julie's wedding. That is right, just me and the 2 boys...just for the ride though. Grams met us in Austin for the weekend!
While I was packing Friday morning, Ty and Kegan were keeping themselves entertained. :)
(Kegan and I have a compromise to keep the peace - he can sit in the bouncer, just not the swing.)
We left after lunch with Daddy and Ty's 1:00 feeding. The trip went well with both boys sleeping most of the way and waking up just as we arrived at Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Kyle's house. They are the perfect distance, time-wise, between Ty's it worked out perfectly, I go to feed Ty and Kegan got to play with his Aunt and Uncle and we all got to visit with them. And...Aunt Lindsay got to see Ty, whom she had not seen in about a month - and a newborn changes a ton (no pun intended about Ty's sudden chunky cheeks!) in a month.
Lindsay and Ty
Uncle Kyle's first time to hold Ty. (You are starting to look so natural Uncle Kyle!)
haha...Kegan helped Aunt Lindsay cook a very yummy chicken Parmesan dinner...and well, as my son was NOT using table manners AT ALL some noodles ended up on poor Ty. (and like a good parent I of course took pictures...)
Yee-haw Uncle Kyle
After a great visit and some more play time, we headed off to Austin where Grams was ready and waiting to see her 2 grandsons (and I guess her daughter, too...haha)
Saturday morning, before the wedding, we went and had a breakfast at Chick-fil-a and let Kegan play on the playground for a while. He had fun, and it got us out of the hotel room for a while - a big plus for a 2 year old.
Mr. Ty decided this was the weekend to let ALL smiles break out - Grams brought them out in him...and he hasn't stopped smiling since. He had been smiling a little here and there...but wow he was FULL of grins and has been since we returned. I LOVE this statge of development - nothing beats a great, gummy, smile when you are just exhausted, it makes you so all more than worth the tiredness.
A few grins while him and Grams were "talking".
Kegan has really taken to pretend play lately. He pretends objects are different/have a different purpose than what they are/normally do. He pretends to play football and baseball (with no balls or bats...just and imagination or making bottles into bats and whatever into balls). One of his favorite things to pretend is "cooking" - he loves helping me and so he now likes to "cook" himself. At home he uses sand and his sand tools as the food and cooking pots, and the top of his little slide, table, whatever, as his stove. At the hotel he amused himself a lot with this stacking cups and "cooked" with them. The best part is the smallest cup he called "salt" and that is what it stayed all weekend, if we tried to make it into something else, he would say, "No, salt!".
Here he is cooking with his cups and using the flashlight as...something???
Julie and I...and Ty. (Everyone at the reception thought Ty and Kegan were adorable). Unfortunately I did not get out my camera except for this no adorable pictures to show.
Playing around in Grams's shoes Saturday night...nice, huh??...especially with the striped socks!
Sunday morning Ty decided to share some smiles with mommy while we talked a little.
Handsome boy!
Grams had brought Kegan some tractor stickers and stickers with lots of construction trucks...well of course Kegan had to put them ALL on himself...and share some with Ty.
See....he is showing us.
After lunch with Grams we headed south and got to stop again at Uncle Kyle and Aunt Lindsay's house...where Ty showed off his grins for his Aunt and Uncle.
Say cheese!
Kegan took over photography for a while...not too bad of a shot...photographing Kyle photographing him.
Tuesday at the park - no, not a black eye, just dirt!
Wednesday - more happy faces to share.
To show the progress of his strength - seriously the boy is strong!
and exhausted after working so hard
The man's club.
learning to blow raspberry sherbets on Ty
BIG smiles!
Woah - bright light momma!
Ty loves his daddy!
Once again, Kegan the photographer...nice feet.
Taking pictures of his baby brother. (Kegan absolutely LOVES his baby brother - he loves to show him off, hold him, hug him, give him kisses, help out....absolutely just loves him....and it seems he likes to take his picture, too.)
heads up...right after taking this picture, he rolled over his right shoulder...which apparently scared him because he started crying...poor guy
Well, the main point of this picture -I thought Ty's "hands on hip" pose was cute. However, cute side show - notice Kegan's hands and feet...he always wants to help with Ty's baths...or at least sit on the sink and watch. picture...
Friday morning (while getting the house ready for this past weekend of Disciple Now at church) Kegan, Daddy, and Mr. James took a little brake after mowing the lawn to fly Kegan's kite.
One of my favorite shirts from always makes me laugh!
Ok....not the most handsome, but you gotta love the chins!!!
pretty eyes
What a GRIN!!!!
I can see this smile being mischevious one day!?!...see how it curls up.
Kegan was checking out all the plates and things I had set out on the table for the weekend...and came in holding the plates and said he wanted a picture taken...while I was taking all the smile pictures of Ty...well, who can resist that grin!
Saturday morning - Matthew was out at the farm, showing some wheat to one of the members of the band that was in for the weekend, and the boys staying at our house were having a session in the living room, and with Kegan being at Gramma and Pampa's for the weekend, Ty and I had lots of time of course I took some pictures. Well...I noticed his hair was growing a little so I decided to see what "style" I liked better...
brushed forward
or off to the side...what do you think?
Then just some funny seriouse man faces
Last - to the doctor we went. Kegan had a horrible cough, so before the weekend started we went to the doctor. Kegan was VERY excited to see the doctor and when the doctor came in, he took the doctors stool over to him, and looked up and smiled, like ok...I am cute is that. He sat up on the table for the doctor and did everything the doctor asked with out a cry or fuss. I was so PROUD. The doctor did say one ear looked pretty bad, but his chest sounded really bad and we needed to get on some medicine for that - so we did and he takes it very well, even though, from the looks of his face, it taste nasty. We are now on are way to recovery - still coughing some, but much, much better.
Looking forward to another big week - 2 highlights: STIC golf tournament on Monday and Kegan's spring show at school on Thursday - of course pictures and videos will be coming! :)
1 comment:
wow those grins have just gotten bigger. Tell Ty to save some grins for Grams when I get to see him and my other sweet little boy in a couple of weeks (and their sweet momma). Great way to start the day!
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