Ty went to his 2 month doctor's appointment (a week early to do some more blood work for his thyroid). After seeing my typed list of questions, the doctor laughed and said I was not following his orders to just "enjoy" my baby after my concerns over his thyroid blood work. The sweet doctor did then proceed to go through each question and answer them - I feel like I much better understand why Ty has (his thyroid bonding globulin's are low) much better and feel much better that that will not effect him. In fact, super news from the blood work - his numbers had actually IMPROVED!!! Wow!!! The Lord is hearing our prayers and answering them!!! Thank you Jesus. That was a huge positive. Then, while doing the exam and checking his muscle strength, Dr. Guthrie turned and asked me if he was rolling over yet. I told him yes, a few times from his stomach to back (something he should not really be doing till the next month or so). Anyways, he held him up and showed me the way that Ty was holding his head was that more of a 3-4 month old - SUPER - a child with thyroid issues is typically slow to develop and in movement. That was a great thing to hear, then! Also, child is really porking out and growing up. He now weighs 10 lbs. and 10 oz (gained more than 4 pounds since birth) and is 22 1/2 inches long - growing boy...growing boy!!!
Other new things he is doing:
* girgles and coos more
* sharing more precious smiles
* loves staring into faces (and bright lights....)
* rolling from his back to his side...both ways
* I think he is wanting to start reaching out for things in front of him (toys, etc...) but is still trying to fully figure it out...
Ok...on to TONS of pictures...almost 2 weeks worth...
Friday, March 27th
Uncle Kyle was in town and came over for dinner. Kegan loved playing with his Uncle Kyle...wrestling with him...splashing water all over him at bath time...you know...haha..
Nice boots, kid!
Saturday March 28
Kegan and his "girl friend", Reese holding hands and walking down the hallway...(totally cute, they do this often)
Mainly I took this, because I loved the outfit...but...haha...check out the look, a little curl in his lip
The teacher in me...
Kegan is really trying to figure out "holding a pen correctly" a totally milestone in development.
Oh...random other thing. We have starting really working on days of the week and calendar stuff. I was tired of always answering the question of "when..." or "where is..."...so we can juts go look at the calendar and see how much longer till, let's say, we get to see Karsyn (a VERY frequent question in this house)...or where is daddy...we look to see it is a day in the middle of the week so he must be at work. I know he does not fully understand...but it is getting the idea of the stuff in his mind, he can say most days of the week in order, and well...it stops the questions for a while...haha!
Trying to hold the pen another way
And yet another method to hold a pen...just exploring
Sunday March 29
Kegan found some old pair of Aunt Stephani's boots and decided to try them out
Helping to feed baby Ty...Kegan liked this arrangement more than Ty did...haha...Lucky for Ty, Kegan did not last long...
Monday March 30th
So, why this picture you are probably wondering??? Look at what is in Kegan's hand - an apple core. Do you see how it looks like the top has been bit off - well it has. Kegan will eat EVERY part of the apple till NOTHING is left...core and all. Isn't that odd - he always has, though. Weird, but at least he waste nothing!
TY on has on his "little brother" shirt and is taking a BIG stretch
Tuesday March 31
The following 3 pictures of Ty are brought to you by yours truly....Mr Kegan - a progressing photographer...haha...interesting perspective on things. (Hince only 3...his perspective tended to cut off heads or legs...and sometimes involved a finger over the lens...haha)
I actually thought this one was pretty sweet...and possibly the closest I will get to pictures of Ty and I during the day...
Diaper anyone???
Notice the little toe at the bottom of the photo.
Camera back to mom
This made me laugh it is really just the camera perspective and catching it at the right time, but it totally looks like Ty is pulling on Kegan and saying "Leave my toy alone!"
Hey mom!
Pretty face...and we only have 1 chin from this angle as apposed to the 2 we normally see...haha
What a face...he is serious about something
Wednesday April 1
Gramma found Kegan a black felt hat like his daddy's. You can see - he LOVES it....
My other little cowboy
Thursday March 2
Kegan got the JOY of going to a Hooks/Astroes baseball game (it was an exhibition game before the season started)
Dressed, excited, and ready to go!
Watching intensely
I LOVE this grin :) (A total mischievous Kegan face.)
Explaining about the firecrackers. He love to see them, loves to talk about them, but still finds them a bit loud!
Daddy and Kegan
Thursday morning had been "Breakfast with Dad" at Kegan's school. It was a construction theme so all the kids got little "hard" hats. Kegan insisted on wearing it Friday morning. Isn't he cute!
Saturday April 4
Kegan really wanted to hold Ty. I decided the boppy would be the safest way while they were sitting in bed - Ty is not so sure it is a good idea
Saturday afternoon Kegan's "girl friend" Reese and her mommy came over for pizza and some play time. Kegan, needless to say, was thrilled to have her over and play!
Chillin' on the back porch
Ty and mommy a few moments of just us 2 while Kegan was napping
I see you mommy!
Two pictures showing hints of the grins he is starting to give
Sunday April 5
While waiting for Matthew to get home with some yummy breakfast, Kegan decided to get down his cowboy hat and do some horse riding before getting ready himself...
Eating an entire breakfast taquito (ta-tic-co) himself before getting ready for church
Daddy and Ty...Ty in a shirt with a tie...haha. I just love this shirt - it makes me laugh :). The tie is just painted on there, but it totally looks like he is wearing a tie.
Pampa and Ty
Nothing beats boots and underwear for some good baseball playing!
Monday April 6
Kegan helping Mommy give Ty a bath. One things if for sure - Kegan loves to "help"!
Once again...I don't know if Ty is always so sure about Kegan's help...haha...isn't that a great face!
Happy boy!
Tuesday April 7th
This is what Ty thinks about going to the doctor
This is why - 2 shots in his legs, an oral liqued vaccine, and some blood drawn from his arm
Wednesday April 8
We went to a birthday party that afternoon. There was an egg hunt and the Eater bunny came :)
(Kegan still does what he did last year - he picks up an egg and opens it right away. It does not fully have the concept of just putting them in his basket and waiting. Of course he is 2, and I think that is sanonomous with no patience in waiting...haha!)
Ty enjoying the festivities...haha...
Thursday April 9
Ty's first time in some John Deere clothes - the first of many times I am sure... Doesn't he look so big and grown up with the jeans on!?!
Kegan had his school Easter party
Heading out to the playgournd for anothe egg hunt!
What treasure did that egg hold?
Enjoy some party goodies
Very handsome boys!
Does someone like their icing???
Friday April 10
Happy 2 months Ty!
Kegan after spending the morning with Daddy on the farm.
Sweet hugs good-bye
Helping mom cut some bananas (no the knife is not sharp....it is his special knife, just sharp enough to cut a banana)
Well...a little messy, but he loves to help...once again, "help" :)
I have been meaning to post these. Here are 2 pictures of Ty's room completed. CHeck out the letters and stars Aunt Wendy got Ty - they are painted to match the bedding perfectly - so cool!
I'm tried just reading about your week! My goodness - what a busy family, but what fun! I love all the pictures - what adorable little boys...they must take after their Aunt Wendy! I can't wait to see you all in May!
I was going to say the same thing as Wendy - I'm tired just reading about all you guys are doing!
Anxious to see you guys this weekend!
We love the pictures of your little boys. Little Ty isn't so little any more. He's filling out and has such a handsome face. I love the pictures of Kegan and his girlfriend. What a cutie!
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