Kegan is doing great - and staying VERY active and busy as usual. Pretend still occupies much of his play time and thoughts. It is great to hear the TALL tales and he will weave together. Supposedly, he has a brown horse...big brown horse, daddy has a big horse, mommy has a black horse and a blue cow, and Ty has a little horse...I don't know where it all came from but we have heard many stories about our animals in the barn. Then, and this is totally out of left field, he has loved pretending that it is snowing...snow??? Pretend cooking still is popular, as is pretending to be a dinosaur, and in true boy form, he does pick up random objects and make them into guns...sound effects and everything. It is so fun to talk to him or just sit back and watch where his imagination takes him...and what objects turn into with his imagination.
I believe I had mentioned that we had put a calendar in Kegan's room and use it to look at days of the week, months, things that are coming up, etc.... We he now loves calendars, has a small one from Gramma he carries around and "writes" in, and likes to take notes in this little notebook (from Aunt Betsy) and calls it a calendar...basically making list of what we are to cute!
Well that is kind-of the non-picture update of will get on with the pictures, now! :)
Monday April 27
Golf Tournament
Each year STIC has a golf tournament where all the farmers, and their white legs, get together and just enjoy a day of great bar-b-que, golfing and prizes. I have always enjoyed going to it since Matthew and I got married - it is funny to see all these farmers out, having a good time, and just enjoying a day with out worrying quite SO much about the farm...if only briefly. Anyways, it is always a good time and Kegan had fun at it last year. Sooo...Monday morning we all packed up and headed to the golf course.
Ty, prepped out, smiling and ready to go!
A thoughtful look
Daddy and Kegan ready for a day of golf.
Now, a golf cart can be fun...
but a JD gator ride is so much better!
Or even taking a ride in your own "golf cart" that Gramma brought for you to play with.
A few pictures of Kegan's putting skills:
check out the form on that stance...lining up and preparing to putt
Will it make it???
haha...I believe he had made the ball in the hole and declared a "home run" we have our sports a little mixed up (Just to add...if he missed on a was definantly called a "strike 1"...haha)
Notice how the club is being held...he hits the ball with the tiny end of the putter, instead of the side where you are supposed to. I tried to hold it the proper way and he said " you." According to him I was doing it wrong. Hey...if he can hit the ball off the little end, then he will be great with the long side :)
What follow through! (Great teaching Pampa)
Kegan, Mommy, and Ty (Notice they are both sporting their JD hats!)
This picture makes me was windy so gramma was trying to keep the wind off of him. The blanket totally looks like one of those abbots (I think that is what they are called) that nuns where.
Just a chillin' and ready to nap in the stroller...
I see you momma
Taking a little drive by himself...pretend drive of course
He said something broke, so he had to crawl under it to "fix it" guess, he has seen his daddy do this a few times.
Taking a walk back with Pampa after a long ride down the hill
Gramma and Ty
Ty and Daddy talking about the day.
Ty's first shower - he did great with it. No fussing! Let's hope he continues to be this ok with water on his face.
Matthew picked up a tractor sprinkler for our back yard...Kegan of course had to go check it his shoes and clothes...
Ty LOVES this frog and the little creatures hanging down for it...keeps him entertained for minutes on end...and it baby time that is great!
My 3 men
Playing with some hoo-la-hoops and some friends
Give some boys buckets and shovels and what do they do...go find the closest area of dirt they can and start diggin'
Ty is thrilled...can you tell?
Kegan had his school's spring performance - western theme. Doesn't he look handsome!
One good daddy (he had stayed up all night the night before spraying some fields...but he was sure to be there for his matter how tired)!
A handsome group
Howdy partner...
Let's see that strength...those leg kicks have been paying off....
Waiting for Kegan to come
Here he comes...
He went right to his spot...and like at Christmas was one of the first on the stage...
Having lots of fun with his star
Helping to clean responsible
We had lunch with Matthew and Kegan tuckered out on the way home...
Kegan discovered these big foam letters in one of the we got them out, why not. He loved them - great LONG entertainment. We put them together, we jumped on them, we talked about the letters, and we jumped some more...
Daddy took Kegan for his first swim of 2009, on Saturday, over to Mr. James's house. Kegan was SO excited! Matthew said he constantly wanted to go jump in the deep end...thank goodness for floaties!
kick kick
he can even "cheese" in the water
Mommy and her 2 boys...
That evening 2 of the boys on our street came and asked if Kegan could play. He totally loves trying to keep up with the older boys...he had a blast tackling and running around with the football.
After church we headed over to Gramma and Pampa's for some steak...whick Kegan devoured.
Well...this is what happens if Pampa gets you redressed after pottying...nice shorts...haha...
Ty showing off his talking skills and grins to everyone!
I'm looking at you!!!
Can I take a nap??? I'm tired! ha ha!
Ty is getting to big - I can't wait to see all of you guys in a few weeks! And Kegan - wow!! You are such a big boy these days! Do you think they will allow you to play golf in your boots when you get older?
What fun times!! Kegan is going to be one of those kids that is just good at everything he does. And Ty - my how he is growing! Love the conversation between him and his daddy. So cute!!
See ya this weekend
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