We had a wonderful Easter! Kegan is finally in that stage where he is "getting" the entire Easter bunny thing. He STILL talks about the bunny coming to visit and how the bunny left him toys and eggs to hunt - so cute! He kind-of got Santa around Christmas...but it all really kicked in now! :) Most important though, Matthew has been reading to Kegan out a children's Easter book. It was broken down into different stories about the events leading up to and the events of Jesus' death, burial, and Resurrection - told in a way for kids to understand. Anyways, as Matthew would read it each night he would talk about what they head read on previous nights and Kegan had remembered and could tell him. Early steps in understanding the real reason to celebrate on Easter Sunday - Jesus had risen from the dead and conquered death so that we could have eternal life. Above the bunny and all the other fun of Easter, this is what we most want both of our sons to realize - there is a God who loved them so much that He sent His only Son, to die on a cross, so that whoever believes in Him would not die but live eternally.
Below are some pictures from our weekend!
I just thought it was cute of their feet together (doesn't it make Kegan's feet look huge!)
Kegan coloring eggs at Gramma's house - I think he only broke about half a dozen ("gentle" was not a concept he was learning quickly with the eggs!)
We all went to Aunt Steph's and Uncle Josh's to check out the progress on their remodeling...and Kegan did a little orange tree picking while he was there. He thought he had hit the mother load of balls when he saw all the oranges on the ground!
Getting ready for bed...waiting on the Easter bunny...
Ty is not quite sure if he is in to this whole picture thing...
Definitely NOT into the picture thing!
The Easter bunny had come!
Ohhh..what is in that egg!?
Taking another look at the loot he got...
Haha...I LOVE this picture...is Ty's face not hilarious!
One happy...one...again not found of the pictures
My three HANDSOME men all dressed up and ready for church
Mommy and her sons
At Gramma and Pampa's after church
(I don't remember what he was asking...but he was really thinking about it)
Ok...so trying to contain a 2 year old...on a beautiful day...full of candy...outside...just for some pictures...well this is what you get...(below are the best of the MANY that were taken)
The Setliff men
Hmm...how many attempts for a family picture (again MANY more than you see here...haha!)
Gramma, Pampa, Kegan and Ty
Kegan and Pampa playing around!
Check out those kicks cowboy! :)
(a gift picked out by a boy Matthew taught in Sunday School - aren't they great!!)
OOOO...the Easter bunny found Kegan at Gramma's too!
One happy crew
More eggs!
But the best part...confetti eggs!!! (Last year Kegan cried when these came out...this year...we did not have enough for the child...he loved it!)
(No we did not break an egg on Ty...just the confetti that went his way as eggs were flying)
Uncle Josh and Ty chillin'
Later in the week:
I had mentioned Ty was looking like he really wants to start trying to figure out how to grab what he is looking at...here is a picture showing his deep concentration on trying to figure it out. (I think he is actually getting the hang of hit...we shall see in the coming weeks if those hands purpose is discovered!)
Kegan helping mommy make breakfast...the many faces he has...
Notice the stickers...
hmm...I don't know if you quite fit in that bouncer anymore???
Ok...so Ty was FULL of smiles...till I got out the camera...(this is the closest I got)
he did manage this smug look
angelic face...
hey mom...look at me!
5 years ago
What a fun easter! I see you had better luck with the egg dying than we did...or maybe that is becaues Aunt Wendy wasn't there to spill everything!
How fun that Kegan is now fully enjoying the holidays and getting into the spirit of things! Before you know it you will have 2 little boys running around crushing confetti eggs. Love the pictures as always :0)
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