Hmm...not sure if that is how you spell just sounded more fun than "turtle". BUT, that is what I am here to quickly write about today.
If you looked at the most recent post, prior to this one, you would have seen that Kegan got to meet a turtle at Grandma's house. Well...let me tell you that little bit of schema (for all the non-teachers out there, that is merely a fancy word for background knowledge) went a long way! This morning Kegan had finished his breakfast of waffles, almond butter, cherries, blueberries, and milk to which NONE of it got on him or his tray...he stayed perfectly clean...not even a little almond butter went into his hair, which is HUGE for him. Anyways, back to my story - I was not done with my boring bowl of cereal, so I let him down to play before we got in the car to head to VBS. I heard him playing around with the toys in his room, so I just sat there enjoying a little serenity for a brief moment...THEN here comes Mr. Kegan bounding around the corner carrying a little board book he has on sea creature opened up to a certain page. He brings it over to me, puts the book in my lap, points to the picture (of a turtle) and says tootle...aka "turtle"! Wow! No one showed him the book, pointed out the turtle to him...nothing, he did that all on his own. I was so proud! He also pointed out to me the star fish and said "sta" - he has 2 puzzles (he calls those "puz") which have star fish in them. Wow!
One more thing - he put his little crocs on again, all by himself, on the correct feet and everything (one shoe with the back part up and the other shoe with the back part behind his foot)!
Ok - I am done bragging!!! :)
5 years ago
He's just proving what we have always know - smartest little boy around!! So proud!!
What a smartie pants!! You have good reason to be proud, and it's not bragging if it's your kid - it's just telling a story!
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