Last Saturday day (May 31st) we had some friends come down to visit with their 3 kids...and one on the way. They are such a sweet and family and have great kids - we thoroughly enjoyed them and Kegan had a blast have 3 other kids to play with in the house.
They arrived mid-afternoon on Saturday and we all headed out to the beach. Let me tell you, it took Kegan NO time to get excited. He has not been to the beach in about a year, but as soon as Matthew let him out of the he headed to the water. I did not even have a chance to put on his little swimmer and swim trunks.
Stepping into the water with daddy...who thankfully quickly ran after our darting son.
After inspecting the umm...lovely?...Corpus water and sitting right on it, I dragged him back to the car to change him...and off his was again. No lie...that is Matthew's arm running to catch up to Kegan who is running after little Matthew, all toward the water.
Woo-hoo!! Splashing in the water!
I LOVE the face..."Catch me if you can!" - totally a Matthew face!
Running like crazy...he took a few dives into the water because of his love for running through the water...but did not cry/complain/fuss one time about the salt water. It did not seem to bother him AT ALL...thank goodness...because he did get some face fulls and he loved laying down in the area where the tide came up to and rolling around...I think he must have liked the sensation of the waves going back and forth...I don't know...but it was funny to watch, because he would lay down, but not put his head all the way down because he did not want the water in his ear, I guess, but it would throw in off balance easily...soo cute! I had to bring the sun-block out to the water, so we could get it on him. I gave it to Matthew...since I had the camera and was leery of holding the camera and putting sunscreen on Kegan all at once, Matthew did...well...tell me what you think - Did he go a little heavy on the face? Obviously, it did not stop Kegan from splashing it up and having a good ol' time.
Woo-hoo...back from a water break at the car and into the water he goes...
Helping Matthew dig a hole in the sand. The child does like to get dirty where ever he is...just like his daddy!
Matthew must have read the last blog, because once again here is one of the 4 pictures Matthew took of Kegan and I...and this was the only one were we were relatively close...he was running around and playing in the once again, my proof that Kegan does indeed have two parents.
(I don't know what he is doing in the picture...but I thought it was a funny facial expression.)
Matthew and Brian's pride for the day...the "nose" sculpture...nice, huh?
Sweet moments between daddy and son.
Kegan, daddy, and little Matthew off into the waves (Which, by-the-way, also did not bother Kegan. He loved going out deeper into the water and having it higher up on him.)
A short video of running on the beach. (Please excuse the wind noise)
Giving Kaylee a hug at the house. It was so cute...they would give each other hugs all weekend. Such a ladies man already...haha!
Emily was pushing Kegan in the rocking chair...this made me laugh - he looks very worried and she looks a little mischievous in this picture!
The Alderson's stayed till Sunday afternoon - I think Kegan was sad to see all the kids go - such excitement and entertainment.
Just playing the sticker. I don't know if Kegan put it up on his head or if Matthew did...but it made me laugh...then he walked around with it on his head for quite a while. What a nut! Speaking of stickers...Kegan has really gotten into stickers lately. He loves to stick them on himself and pull them off....on and off...on and off.
What a great grin!!!
Monday - June 2nd
I promise, no animals were hurt in the making of this picture. Kegan wanted to see outside...I wanted to take a picture of the flowers, but not have to go out I raised the window a little. I guess Maggie underestimated her size!
Kegan liked seeing his puppy, though!
I got it on film...the first set of shoes Kegan put on all by himself! Way to go big boy!
(Granted, they are his easy to slip on laces, buckles, or Velcro involved...but he did have to use his fine motor skills to match up the foot to the hole in the shoe, turn the shoe the right way, and he put them on the correct feet (lucky)....)
Woah...I did good! I think he looks like he is looking down at his feet, shocked he got them on.
Monday we were out running lots of errands with aunt Stephani (Stephy is sort-of what he tries to call her...working on that long name...) to get some stuff for VBS next week. He actually did very well for all the places we ran to. I was proud.
Monday night he got to help daddy set the sprinkler in the back.
This is what happens when daddies are left in charge...for even a little bit. Yep..I opened up the back door and this adorable drenched child greeted me with a look of shock!
Look how well he is taking charge of things and really paying attention to his son's where abouts...haha...
Tuesday - After working up at the church with Aunt Stephani, we came home, Kegan napped and then he got up and outdoors to play we went...and experienced side-walk chalk for the first time. First thing...he tried to eat it like a Popsicle...yuck! Once he realized that was not good and I tried to show him he could write with it...he decided the dogs needed a little chalk on them and proceeded to try and write on both no avail.
I had to laugh when all this was going on. Kegan was very determined to try and write on Roo and she was ducking away...pulling back her ears...whatever she could to avoid the chalk!
There we we got it...writing on the sidewalk. What you see is about what we got...not too interested in the stuff, yet.
Roo's panting soon became more interesting. Kegan was fascinated with her tongue and kept trying to reach out and touch it. As you can see...he also thought it would be fun to mimic her.
Not too much green chalk on the side-walk...but he did get a more colorful face!
After dinner - I guess he has seen me sweep up after him so many times that when he got down from his chair, he went to the broom closet, got out his broom, and "swept" around his chair and under the table. Now if only I could get his sweeping to be a bit more useful!
Ride on horsey!
Wednesday we picked up aunt Stephani and headed over to see Grandma for lunch. Lunch food...good child! After lunch we headed back over to Grandma's work to see all the people she works with...ok, to show Kegan off...and to see LOTS of tractors! Tractor number 1 out of who knows how many he sat on that day!
Not a typical steering devise...not a problem...Kegan's got a hang of it.
Woo-hoo! I am ready to go!
Aunt Stephani and Grandma look on has Kegan has to touch EVERY SINGLE TOY. I think he was on sensory over-load. He would run to toy for 2 seconds, run to another toy, then another, then back to was like he was afraid if he stopped to long at one he would not get to see them all.
Gramdma pushing Kegan in the 4-wheeler. (Which had to be done with-out him seeing you do it, because if he realized he was getting help, he would go "" - He likes to be VERY independent! at a LOT of things!)
OOO...more tractors outside!
After a nice long and much needed nap we headed off to church for the youth wacky-water-Wednesday.
A few blueberries to snack on, while on the way there, turned into a very funny picture!
Haha...this is what Kegan would look like if he got a tooth knocked out...lucky for him, just a little blueberry stuck on the tooth!
Big problem! I can hang with them...adios mom!
Walking through one of the water toys.
Playing in the little pool.
Woo-hoo...sliding is better than walking this thing!
Funny... (for those of you who might worry...grandmothers...I was there, off to the side and did catch him before he went into the water)
Even funnier...
Up-close and personal peanut butter face.
After we left church we headed over to Grandma's house. We got to eat supper, see Uncle Kyle a turtle Grandma rescued off the road in the neighbor hood. I think Kegan and the turtle were equally aprehensive about meeting eachother. Kegan finally tried to feel it...the poor turtle stayed hidden in his shell.
Thursday - Back up at the church - morning, lunch, nap time, and a little of the afternoon. Aunt Stephani another lady in the church and I were setting up our room for VBS and Kegan was "helping". He actaully did VERY well and played pretty hapily...especially considering the amount of time we were up there. It was all worth it though, becuase when we left that church we got to go to the farm with daddy.
Kegan and Matthew standing by a seed test plot on one of his fields. Don't my two men look so handsome, and Praise the Lord - check out the nice grain growing behind them!
After a long day of working at the church and checking over daddies fields nothing really hits the stomach like some nice pis pisa (aka pizza)
Yummm...hungry anyone?
Ignore the fact that it is a Christmas cup and look what he is doing. I realized Kegan was always wanting our drinks and I started to think it was more becuase he wanted to drink out of our cups than what we were I started (this pizza night) to put his drink in a "real cup" not a sippie cup and he did very well and just dribbled twice down his shirt. He was very good about setting the cup down real softly and being careful to keep it upright. I was proud of him. (We tried it again today and did very good till the end of supper, and he accidently tipped it over and spilt it on his tray.) I think we might try to keep doing cups at the table and just do sippie cups through-out the rest of the day's activities (ie - walking around anywhere)
Friday - No pictures. We just went up to church again to finish up with the decorating, then Aunt Stephani watched him, while he napped, while I went and used a gift certificate, from my birthday to go get a little pedicure. After that we came home played, ate, played and went to bed. He was ready for it, too! What a day...what a week, infact!
Potty training - Well, Kegan has no clue what it means to go "pe pe"...but we do know a stinky...we have yet to make it to the toilet, but he does come and tell him "pew pew", while holding his nose, and I ask if he needs to go to the potty and he will say yes, and he runs to his Elmo potty...and sits down shorts, diaper and all...we have a lot of work to do...haha...anyways, we have yet to actaully go in the potty, but he is yea for him!
His vocabulary continues to grow - I love getting him to try new words and hearing his version of the word as he mimics us. I will try to catch some on video to post. I will also try to get him putting together his puzzles. He is very good at this...I am hoping this means he will be good at math (both using the logical/visual/ step by step/etx... part of your brain)...we shall see. In the mean time, putting together puzzles with each other is great entertainment!
He is sleeping now...prepping up and gearing for all the new adventures we will encounter tomorrow!
1 comment:
Okay, little man, have you been bleaching your hair?!! Goodness you are getting blonde - shows ALOT of outside play. Does anything scare this guy? So funny seeing him take off for the water. So cute, so full of life! I can't wait to see you. Grams misses you so much!
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