Friday, June 20, 2008

Elmo was SO Proud

...and Mommy, too!

Guess what we did tonight for the FIRST time. Kegan peed in his little Elmo potty.

Now to the real story...telling the whole truth...and not just enough to make my child look like he is really accelerated.

It was bath time, so I had him stripped down already, so, while we were waiting for the water to heat up and fill the tub some, I sat him down on his toilet. In his favor he did stay on the toilet for a good amount of time. The water was running, I was talking to him about try to pee...and then...all of a sudden I saw a little stream comping out...not on me...and not on the floor (as he has done in the past) but in his Elmo potty! I let him finish his little bit and get up, then showed him his great job, ran got him an M&M, and cheered. I don't think he fully understood my excitement, but he did go "yummm" when he got the M&M! We were both happy about something. After that I dumped it in the toilet and let him still cheering, him still just enjoying his M&M.

I don't think we are on a roll with the potty training, but we are taking beginning steps... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so exciting! He is getting so big!!