Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ta- Ta- TaDa

Kegan's new favorite saying..."Ta-ta-tada". There are 3 places where he could have picked this adorable new phrase up from - Grandma who says it when he gets changed or dressed and then looks at himself in the mirrow, daddy who says it in the evenings when he helps Kegan get ready for bed, or his favorite red, furry friend, Elmo who says it whenever he is introducing "What Elmo is thinking about tooooo-oooday!"...if you have a child who watches this, then you understand. My was a combination of all three and he decided since his life was so full of "ta-ta-tadas" he might as well start saying it...and since I laugh and say it back to him every time...all the more reason to say it...he laughs and laughs when I do it back to him. Sooo...our life is filled with "ta-ta-tada" - when we get dressed, when we get undressed, when we take a puzzle piece out, when we put a puzzle piece in, when we climb up the steps, when we go down the slide, etc...I think you get the picture. Never the is ADORABLE and it keeps us smiling through-out the day. Little man is definitely not short on confidence!!!

With all of our excitement in life's little joys this week we have kept busy.
Tuesday morning he went with me to get the oil changed in my car. The VW dealership has one of those massage chairs in the waiting room and I thought it looked like a good occupier of here Kegan is enjoy his back massage...he would laugh and laugh when it would make his body jiggle.

Hmm...what else can this thing do?

Wednesday we had lunch with Aunt Stephani and Mariann - Pizza, one of Kegan's favorites. Unfortunately I did not get out the camera. As always thought...he had one red face when all was eaten and done. That evening we went of to Grandma and Grandpa's house while Daddy was in the fields working late. We had dinner then went to play in the park down the street. Kegan LOVED the slide. This is actually something new for him. Up until about a week or two, ago, Kegan would not go down the big slides at parks, just his little one at the house. I guess one day he just decided to go for it and he liked he is slide crazy at parks...the slide beating out the famous and ever so wonderful swing, at times. Now, I know some teacher down the road is going to be upset and have to deal with this...but I let him climb up the slide...and let me tell you, Kegan is one strong dude. Sliperyflip-flops and all he can climb up on his own strength. It made for a fun evening...and a great nights sleep.

Thursday mommy and Kegan took a trip to the farm to have lunch with daddy and take another ride on the combine. Kegan had a super lunch of applesauce, french fries, some spaghetti and meatballs, and...ta-ta-tada...
CHOCOLATE CAKE! Check out the mouth ready for that yummy bite!

"Oh mom! This is soooo good!"

Frosting anyone?

After he was all sugared up we headed out to the fields.
Don't I have some handsome men!?!
Howdy mom!

A picture of the combine...for those of you who might have never seen one...I know I never had...or at least had never noticed one or knew what it is what one looks like. Huge things, aren't they?

Bright sun in the face...squinty eyes...

We have close quarters while all riding inside the combine, so Kegan moves between Matthew's lap, the floor, and my lap...and well here he decided behind Matthew would be a good choice.

After a much needed nap, we headed to the June Chat-n-Play - playing at the park, eating yummies mommy doesn't always give him, and feeding the ducks, and what turned out to be tons of turtles, too! Kegan knew exactly what they were and was exciting to see them!
Striking a pose with Doritos face...

Enjoying a very red...very drippy...very not so good idea but Kegan loved it, red Popsicle. By the end of that thing, he had red Popsicle EVERYWHERE...all over his hands, arms, face, and yes, his shirt and shorts. (It came out of the shirt...I am still working on the pants. I really must not have been thinking straight to give him RED!)

After a clean up of the hands and face he headed off to the park to play - slide, swing, marry-go-round, and a rocking duck!

Phew....what a day. He is sleeping hard tonight!

One more thing I wanted to add. This video is from Monday. Kegan is riding his horse with the squeaky ball under I had talked about a few post ago.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Harvest has begun here in South Texas and Kegan has already been out and about helping to harvest the grain.

Kegan loves to be up in the mombine... which is a combine to the rest of us. The front of the combine has a headed on it which will left up and down. Kegan would say "up up up" when his daddy or grandpa would lift it up or say "down" when it would go down. Then when some grain got caught between the header and the combine (which is normal and ok...there is a little platform there that it lands on) it must have really bothered him, though, and he knew it was not supposed to be there, because he kept saying "uh oh" and pointing to it.

He enjoys the ride, and can tell you if you are looking at a combine or a tractor - in person, and in tractor books and magazines he has. Below is a video of me trying to get him to say combine. There was a lot going on outside the window, but he finally saw the combine and said it for me. Below that are some pictures while on the combine these past few days.

Taking a ride with Grandpa

Kegan, of course, loves the driver's seat...and the horn and all the buttons that go with that spot!

Helping daddy harvest the grain. Kegan was sitting in the buddy seat...not for long though. I got up there and he took turns riding in my lap and "helping" Matthew drive.

In control and doing great!

I don't think this is how the steering wheel is supposed to don't stick your legs through it and try to drive...haha...

Laughing with daddy! ( that shirt not the cutest! We used to call him "Sprout" while I was pregant, before we knew the gender or had a name. I saw this shirt and could not resisit!)

Wearing daddy's hat and playing LOTS of peek a boo. (He says the entire phrase now...not just boo). I thought these were cute pictures of his I included a few!

For Matthew - a picture of his grain. Thank you Lord for the beautiful grain!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Well...I could not think of a more discreet title, so here is a little warning. If you want to skip hearing about my sons journey to being potty trained, then skip down not just this entry but the one before it, also and go straight to "Busy Boy" to just see cute pictures and hear non-potty stories about Kegan!! If you are interested in the world of potty forth!

Another celebration of poop occurred in our house this morning! After breakfast Kegan started saying "poo" "poo", so I asked if he felt like he needed to go potty. "Yes"..."poopoo"..."Elmo".... I quickly took him out of the high chair and he headed straight for his potty. I got him situated and he sat...and read a little...sat some a little more (we got through three bubble books).
I began to think it was another false alarm, but a good try, none-the-less by the little man...THEN...I saw...errr...smelt it. Sure enough Kegan had gone poop! Yea for Kegan. Much praising and rejoicing proceeded...and of course a little M&M.
Well, on to the nasty. We looked at what he did and talked about what it was (He kept calling it pee pee. I believe because that is what he saw in his toilet the night before)...more clapping and praising...he even joined in on the clapping and got very excited, this time!
Pointing out his job well done!
(The electric blue shorts were drawn in by me to censor the page a little!...hince why they look a little goofy and not natural! I also added a little red to the inside of his potty so everyone did not have to see the job well done.)

We then put it in the real toilet, Kegan flushed, and he said "bye bye". Too Cute!
Are we closer to being potty trained...I don't know. All I know is that was one less dirty diaper I had to change today, so I am happy! I am also VERY proud of Kegan...who will probably really be embarrassed one day that this part of his life was so chronicled!
Mommy loves you Kegan!
Kegan waving good-bye!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Elmo was SO Proud

...and Mommy, too!

Guess what we did tonight for the FIRST time. Kegan peed in his little Elmo potty.

Now to the real story...telling the whole truth...and not just enough to make my child look like he is really accelerated.

It was bath time, so I had him stripped down already, so, while we were waiting for the water to heat up and fill the tub some, I sat him down on his toilet. In his favor he did stay on the toilet for a good amount of time. The water was running, I was talking to him about try to pee...and then...all of a sudden I saw a little stream comping out...not on me...and not on the floor (as he has done in the past) but in his Elmo potty! I let him finish his little bit and get up, then showed him his great job, ran got him an M&M, and cheered. I don't think he fully understood my excitement, but he did go "yummm" when he got the M&M! We were both happy about something. After that I dumped it in the toilet and let him still cheering, him still just enjoying his M&M.

I don't think we are on a roll with the potty training, but we are taking beginning steps... :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Busy Baby

Almost two weeks have gone by, so you better believe there are a lot of pictures waiting for you to view on this update...and lots of cute stories to go with them!!!

Saturday, June 7th, Kegan attended what will be his last wedding for a while. Why you may ask...Matthew is not wanting to take him any more. Why, you may ask again...well here is the scenario. We get to the church, we sit down and visit while the music is playing, while guest are being seated. Before the grandparents or the bride and groom even start to be escorted in for the ceremony Kegan is ready to get down from the chair and out go Matthew and Kegan. I have a great husband who lets me sit in there and enjoy the ceremony, while he plays with Kegan, trying to keep him somewhat quite in the foyer. Great -ceremony over and off to the reception - Oh, Kegan should do fine there...nope! Below is the last picture taken before him and his daddy headed out (I was helping with some stuff and had to stay), but only after Kegan spilled the drink all over himself and his daddy.

Well, at least he looked real cute for his last wedding appearence for a while!

Sunday came and things were good - Matthew watched Kegan while I went to church to finish setting up for VBS, that afternoon.

Monday morning - Day 1 of VBS! The theme was Outrigger Island (Hawaiian, basically) so I tried to dress Kegan for the occasion each day, as you will see...well everyday but Monday...he just looked cute on Monday!
After a busy morning at VBS and a great nap for Kegan we took some time to draw and color...

then some time to eat our crayons...yuck! I love it after he sticks one in his mouth because he will make a terrible face and then sit there and try to get the wax off his tongue and teeth!

After some drawing and indoor played we headed outside once daddy got home.
Weee...running up and down the driveway is so fun!

Our next door neighbor came to say hello and had her razor scooter and Kegan decided he must try it! Of course Matthew held on the entire time, but Kegan was really enjoying it...not scared of it or anything.

Haha...I had to turn and take this picture. Kegan had been walking around and playing and Matthew decided to lay down on the driveway, so Kegan went over, next to his daddy and just had to lay down like him...knees bent and everything!

Then a little jumping on the neighbors trampoline! This, he also enjoyed!

Tuesday - Day 2 of VBS and the first of four themed shirts!
My little rock star in his fishing shirt.
This is a new little toy I got down from the attic for him. It had been in my classroom, when I taught for kids to read in to, etc.... Anyways, he loves to hear himself on the microphone...and loves pushing all the buttons!

The Setliff's were heading off to Ireland for a week, so Tuesday night we picked up pizza and went over to say good-bye...and Kegan of course played.
I know...not safe...but we were keeping a close eye on him. He was helping his daddy and Uncle Josh move the seat up closer to the peddles on his tractor bike. Doesn't he look like he knows exactly what he is doing...haha...

Hand me another tool, please...

My feet can touch...but only one pedal at a time...and I am still not really sure what I am supposed to do...

Wednesday - Day 3 of VBS
What a day and what a cute outfit - #2 in our themed outfits for the week.
So not the greatest picture...he looks a bit confused, but isn't the Hawaiian shirt so cute. Mrs. Setliff got that for him in Hawaii. The puzzle shape, thing, he is holding - he loves it and does a pretty good job and moving the shapes around and putting them in their spots. I turn the thing around so he chooses which shape, out of the two showing, to put his shape in to...I promise...he really is good at doing this...and loves to do it...over and over and over again....

That night we went back to church for the kids performances and he got to play a little on the blow up toys...after church...when most of the big kids were gone.

Thursday - No pictures. I believe by day 4 of VBS him and I were both just exhausted. I will say he took GREAT naps during that week!

Friday - Day 5 of VBS.
After cleaning up and putting things away Kegan and I headed over to the John Deere store in Taft with his daddy so we could all see Matthew's new tractor. This tractor even has a buddy seat...a perfect spot for Daddy's favorite tractor companion!

So I am not sure where in relation to the weekend these pictures were taken...I can't remember...but they are SOOO CUTE! Matthew and Kegan just started playing and "rough horsing" much as you can with a 19 month old (that's right 19 months this month...). I just started snapping pictures. Enjoy!
Kegan and his daddy chillen and relaxing.

Just admiring his daddy.


Anticipating the tickling....

Fallen over laughing...
Sunday was Father's Day. Kegan and mommy got up...while Matthew went to go check the sprinklers in the fields and made breakfast. When Matthew got home Kegan gave him the card he decorated and a "Worlds Best Dad" shirt.
After breakfast and getting ready we headed off to church, then had lunch at jack-in-the-Box. I know...big time, but that is what Mattew wanted. We knew if we went some place nicer it would be busy and if I cooked at home, Kegan would sleep while I was cooking and we were eating...then wake up right as Matthew wanted to sleep (what he said he wanted to do for Father's Day) Jack it was!
This week has been a bit less busy. It has been nice, though, lots of time to play outside and we have even been able to meet Matthew for lunch a few times - something Kegan and I both enjoy since Matthew has to work so late into the evenings with harvest starting.
Out to eat on Monday.
Now you see me... you don't!

Monday night Kegan discovered a new trick. If the dogs squeaky ball gets stuck under the rocking horse and he rocks on it...he can make it squeak. Haha....
This was not forgotten after Monday night though. Tuesday, Kegan gets the squeaky ball out of the dog toy box, puts it under the horse, climbs up and rocks...with lots of laughter!

I had said we spent a lot of time outdoors he would not even wait long enough for me to change him into his swimmers...haha...
(Maggie is not being hurt here...she loves to run up to the water and try to drink it.) Luck for her Kegan likes to do this....lucky for Kegan...Maggie likes for him to do this. we have on our swimmers and shorts...and we are still giving drinks to Maggie.
Maggie and Kegan playing in the sprinkler. Running in, belly first!

Side note - Why, you might wonder is Roo not in any of these pictures. Roo HATES the water and stays as far as she can from Kegan with a water hose or any sort of sprinkler.
Going to meet daddy out on the farm for lunch. Before we can go to eat...a quick tractor ride for Kegan. Here they were getting up in the tractor and Kegan heard a plane, told Matthew, and sure enough a crop duster comes flying over the Matthew and Kegan stand to watch it go by.

More outdoor fun...this time, just a shorts...a compromise in time to get ready made between Kegan and mommy.
Having fun watching the pin-wheel spin in the wind. He discovered that if he put the pin-wheel in the water and then held it up to spin...he could send water he enjoyed doing that for a bit. What a discovery for him!
After a hard day of playing Kegan needed a good dinner for his stomach...cheeks...nose...and forehead!

Random Updates and Stories:
* His vocabulary continues to improve with new words being added. I have lost track of what I have and have not updated on, so I am going to stop keeping track unless it is something big or particularly funny. He is always trying to mimic words we say and use I am glad he is eager to try.
* We sort-of...kind-of got one little poop in the potty. We were all in the kitchen and starts going "Melmo...Melmo" (his potty is an Elmo potty) so Matthew runs to take him there, while I am finishing up dinner. When Kegan gets up Matthew says there is a little something in there, but is not sure if he got it in there because he actually did what he was supposed to...or if it just happened to be stuck to his bottom and fell off. Either way we praised him, showed him, and he got a little M&M. Nothing since then...sooo...I am guessing it was a fluke. We are still not really pushing the bathroom thing...I don't think he is fully we are just letting him get used to seeing it, sitting on it...etc.... Ok...done with nasty stories. I will say, though, Matthew and I both realized we hit a milestone in our lives personally, never before had we truly celebrated a poop...hmmm....yuck....
* I think I told you that we broke down and got a DVD for the car...well Kegan now LOVES to watch his DVD (he says something to the illusion of DVD when it comes on the screen)...particularly Elmo...LOVES Elmo. So, although I am not a huge proponent of my child watching TV and he still does not watch too much at the house...except Sesame Street and/or part of Barny (he says Barny, now...super) he has actually learned a few things from Elmo. He can do parts of the "Itsy-Bitsy Spider", shakes hands when a particular song comes on, and when they are talking about singing "high" with an opera singer...he makes his voice sing high...just to name a few particular things. At least he is interacting with it. All to say...if you have a kid and are looking for some kid videos they will not get glassy-eyed on, but will enjoy and be interactive with...try the Elmo ones. Ok...done with all that.
Well, my little angel has woken up. I need to go and see what all we have to explore and discover for the rest of today!!!