Monday, March 17, 2008

Updates...almost a months worth

Ok - so it has been a long time in the scheme of things - meaning...Kegan has grown, learned, and changed a lot in the time between this post and the last...also meaning - it has just been a while since my last post. Between going out of town, me being sick, Kegan being sick and just plain being busy I have not had time to upload pictures and post. Things look to be calming down...maybe...and perhaps I can keep up with things better. I hope so...he is developing and doing so many new things so quickly now...I can not keep up with it when I wait this long to post.

Due to the length of time I will warn you that there are A LOT of pictures. I am going to first try to update with all his new "tricks" and cute stories...then I will get to the pictures.

Walking: Or...should I say running...or fast walking. When he decided he was ready to walk, there was no stopping him. He walks need for crawling when you can walk and almost run there...even faster.

Talking: Hmm...I am not sure what I have written down in the past, so if I repeat some fairly new ones, I apologize, and I am sure I will forget some, too. Kegan loves to do his animal sounds (whether we talk about them, or he just sees the animal in a book or picture somewhere): cow...mooo; duck...quack quack; dog...woof; fish...makes a fish face and noises with is mouth to mimic what he saw and heard while learning a fish face; and we are working on horse and sheep...he almost has sheep. Other words: "tractor" (always both syllables now...just not always all the consonant sounds) this word is sometimes accompanied by a "vroom vroom" sound, "cracker" (which comes out sounding a lot like tractor), "night night", "amen" (says this after we pray at bed time), "poppa" used for grandpa, pappa, and poppa, and there are quite a few other words he is trying to mimic - too adorable - but I would not say they could be distinguished as a word yet...I will keep you posted.

Object recognition: He follows short commands very well, which shows me he understands and comprehends many of the nouns in his environment. He can point out certain body parts: head, nose, ears, mouth (he opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue), tummy/belly/stomach (he will pull his shirt up for you), feet/toes, knees, and legs. We are currently working on eyes and shoulders and understanding when I ask about a body part using different ques like, "show me", "where is", "find your", etc....

Brain wise: He is getting better at puzzles and can put the pieces back in the correct spot on the puzzle...he is still working on the fine motor skill of moving the pieces to the right or left some to get it to fit precisely where it belongs...but he knows the placement. I don't know if I wrote this in a previous post, but he now knows how to open the doors around the house.

Foods he likes: If is a fruit, cracker or some sort of bread, Kegan will eat it. Meat and veggies are a little harder to get down him, at times. Current favorite fruit would have to be kiwi, apple, or grapes...but honestly, he will eat any of it.

Fun things he does/likes to do: He likes to dance when he hears music, he enjoys leading me around the house to show me things, stacking blocks on his own...and then knocking them down, pushing his toy tractors all over the house, climbing on things (this afternoon I saw he had pulled his little chair over to a door, stood on top of it and was playing with the door handle...and he laughed and laughed when I caught him...right before I made him get off), taking things apart and putting them back together, looking through books, looking at pictures and videos of himself on the camera, riding on tractors...and driving it if his daddy lets him, climb stairs, go down slides...oh many things!

How smart!
1. The other night I asked if he was ready for bed. He shook his head yes and walked into the bathroom by the tub - night time routine begins with his bath...and he knew where to go.
2. Helps get himself dressed and undressed: He lifts his hands to take off his shirt and uses his hands to help pull the shirt over his head. Straightens his legs when you tell him he needs to put on his pants. Really tries to help putting on shoes...places foot in the top of the shoes. Can take off his socks when asked...and then he places them on the corner of the changing table like I do...soo cute, and puts arms through arms holes when getting dressed.
3. We are working on covering his mouth when he coughs (he started mimicking Grams one I just went with it and turned it into a learning time)...and he does do it...just not super consistent yet.
4. Answers "yes" and "no" question very well - his answer matches to what he is really trying to say.
5. One morning I was cutting up some fresh fruit for his breakfast and gave him a little. Well, I guess he knew that meant breakfast and he was ready to eat, so he went to his cabinet in the kitchen, got out one of his bowls, took it over to the table and set it on the table. When I asked him if he was ready for breakfast he shoos his head yes and said "yeah" (we are working on yes mam').

I am sure I have left some things out...but that is my fault for waiting so long to write...hopefully pictures will fill in the rest.

Go back to the end of February...and that is where we start.
Feb. 23
Home from the fields and Kegan decides to take it easy. He climbs up in his chair to read his current favorite book, The Puppy Book. We look at and ready this book a lot! He loves all the pictures of the dogs.

Trying to climb a little higher up in the chair...before he is stopped by mom and dad.

February 27
It was a beautiful afternoon, so Kegan and I went to the Odem park and swang, climbed up the steps to the slide and slid down...many times! this the face of pure excitement or what!?!

Cheesy grin...but so cute!

Thursday, Feb. 28th we headed to Houston to help with Uncle Nolan, Aunt Wendy, and Karsyn's move. Kegan and I were in charge of hanging out at the house while the packers were packing on Friday and Wendy was finishing her last day at work. We just played around all morning with a few unpacked toys and hung out outside. We had a good time hanging out with Aunt Wendy that afternoon and then Uncle Nolan, too, when he flew in that night.
Aunt Wendy got us donuts for after his Nutri-Pals bar and milk, Kegan dug into the donut holes.

Ohhh.... YUMMY!

The dresser in the extra roomed turned into the changing table because Karsyn's room was packed up and full of boxes. I think it was alright with Kegan who stayed very amused looking at and laughing at himself in the mirror. It looks like he needs one beside his changing table.

Later that morning we went outside to play. Kegan enjoyed tormenting the puppies by standing right outside their cage...but of course not being able to let them out.

We were playing peek-a-boo with this tree. I LOVE this picture!!!!

Kegan found that the foot stools to some patio furniture moves so he decided to push one to the other side of the driveway. Well, since he did one I told him to take the other one over to the other side off he went.

Job well done. Both footstools moved and in line together. It was cute - he spent some time lining them up and arranging them how he wanted them.

Saturday morning, our help was no longer needed with moving so we drove over to Meme and Poppa's house. They were so happy to see Kegan...oh...I guess me, too...haha! I love to see them all interact - how special to see my son with my grandparents.
Meme and Kegan reading and looking at his toys.

Meme and I took Kegan outside to play for a while. Last time we were (a month ago) there he could only crawl along on the pave he is walking on them!!!

He spotted this in the garage and went and brought it out. I think it reminded him of his wagon at home. He stayed very entertained pushing it around and here...inspecting the tires. No lie...he went around and checked all 4 tires...pushed on them and moved them back and forth. I guess he has been observing Matthew very closely on the farm.

Just looking cute!

Kegan and Poppa!

I love this picture...both giving each other such sweet looks!

Trying on Meme's red shoes. Which reminds me - he loves trying to put on big people's shoes now - if Matthew or I have a pair laying around he will try to get it on his foot. It is so funny.

Sunday afternoon we left Pasadena, and headed to Wharton to see my other grandparents - Grandma and Pappa. Now, Kegan is going to hate this when he is older, but I got the biggest kick out of it. Grandma was watching figure skating on TV and Kegan was enthralled with it. He would play during the commercials and then stop to watch when the skating came back on.

Laughing it up with Pappa

Showing off his pearly whites...

He was trying to climb under the coffee table to go after a ball.

When we returned on Monday Kegan had started to cough some and was having some problems with a runny nose. (Oh yes...I forgot to mention he threw up, twice, at Wendy and Nolan's house...but seemed fine after throwing up the second time...all over me.) Anyways, with what looked like a cold coming on, throwing up that weekend, and having a fever Tuesday morning, I took him into the doctors Tuesday afternoon...Matthew had kept him most of the morning because I had started feeling very sick and was a bit shaking to be watching him. I was better by that afternoon, though and took him in. He still is not a fan of the doctor...the office he does not you see below...the doctor and nurse though - he starts crying at first sight of them.
While waiting on the doctor he stayed his scivies...playing with a disposable changing pad in his bag.

Wednesday, we were on medication and feeling better...and by Thursday he felt great...I on the other hand felt terrible again, so he got to spend another day on the farm with Matthew. After such a hard days work him and daddy picked up pizza (that I could smell, but not enjoy...I did not appreciate this...haha). Kegan, as you can see, LOVES pizza!

We were all feeling better by Friday and things were getting back to normal. However, I must have not yet been completely up to speed, because on Saturday he finally found out that the indoor flower pots are full of dirt (he had stripped many of the leaves off this plant when learning to walk...he would try to pull up on it...and pull off a leaf). Back to the story...I came around the corner from the kitchen and found him doing this...and then rubbing the dirt all over his belly - he is DEFINITELY Matthew's son!

The rest of the weekend went well - Kegan and I spent the afternoon with Mrs. Setliff while Matthew was out in the fields and Mr. Setliff was working.
Monday, I beleive was the day a pretty big rain/wind storm blew through Odem - lots of rain and tornado warnings...I was a bit scared, but it did not seem to bother Kegan at all - good! Matthew did come home early though - it was too wet to do anything in the fields so we got to spend time with him! Kegan was so excited to see his daddy come threw the door...he almost always says "dadda" and walks/runs over to him. OH it makes my heart melt!!! Today he decided to try on daddies boots. I love these pictures!!!!
I wish I would have centered this picture up better, but I was luaghing too much to hold still! I still LOVES this shot of my two men!!

With Daddy being home early Kegan got extra play time with Daddy so they playind with Kegan's blocks...although I don't know who was having more fun - Matthew building, or Kegan knocking it all down!?!
Laughing after he took the top off!

Helping to re-stack a large set of blocks already put together.
WOAH!!! That is one tall tower daddy and James built!
Nothing better to do with a tall tower...than knock it down.
Clean up time
"Ummm...Mom, I don't think I was supposed to be cleaned up in here, too?"

The rest of the week, although busy, was pretty normal...till Thursday morning when Kegan had his first big the head. He stepped forward off some concrete steps before I could reach him and thump! in a split second he had fallen face first on to the scattered pebble concrete. OH...I was expecting a horible sight when I picked him up...luckily it was not nearly as bad as I thought. A bruise was already swelling up and turning purple and blood was running down his forhead...but that was all. We were with some other moms so one helped me clean him up...keeping me calm, another mom had some anti-bacterial wipes, another a band-aid, and another some ointment. One mom mentioned an ABC Pediatric that was right up the raod (Kegan goes to a doctor in the ABC family but not at that location). Anyways, I followed her over there and took Kegan in. They got him in right away and becuase he was in their system they had all his records and information right there. The doctor saw him and said he looked alright and because he had not gone unconciouse or thrown up there was not threat to the brain and the spor on his head was a punture wound and did not need stitches. They cleaned Kegan up, put a butterfly bandage on it, told me to leave it on for 48 hrs, and gave him some Tylenol and we were out of there in less than an hour. The Lord was watching over us! He was a bit cranky the rest of the morning but ok after his afternoon nap.
Brusied and bandaged...but still VERY happy!

Well, his morning was not completely cranky. He was very happy when we took lunch out to daddy and he got to ride a tractor and help his daddy plant.
The other band-aid was already ripped off by Kegan so we were on to bandage number two.
Riding his own tractor.
Another shot of the bruise...which seemed to grow bigger durring the day.

All was well and by Friday morning he was good to go and we were off to Pasadena that afternoon to celebrate my Meme's 80th birthday.
He remembered my Meme and Poppa and had no problems going to them - much to their joy! They were so impressed with how his walking had improved and how much more he was speaking, in just the two weeks since we last saw them. I, the mother, was naturally very happy to hear all the compliments and could not agree with them more!
Playing outside - figuring out sun and shade.
Swinging with Meme.
He rememberd his wagon like thing, went to find it, and brought it out again...checking the tires.
Saturday morning Grams, Aunt Wendy and Karsyn arrived! Much to Gram's delight Kegan went streight to her. It had been almost two months since he had seen her...but he still remembered!
He also remembered Karsyn and they greated eachother with hugs, squeels and more squeels. Wendy has these pics on her camera...hopefully I can get them from her...hint hint Wendy....haha! Infact I was not very good at getting out and using my camera on Saturday so I don't have a lot of pictures from that day - which is a huge bummer becuase the kids were SO cute together. Here are a few I got.
They were laughing with huge smiles, while riding Poppa's wheel chair, till I took out the camera!
Playing with some balls Kegan got from Grams and Grandpa's cruise. Isn't that a cute smile!
I love this picture of Karsyn. Baby girl LOVES to put things on her head...then she will walk around the house with whatever it is - a blanket, towel, basket, tray, etc... - on her head. She is so funny!

Sitting with Meme Saturday night, after bath and before bed.
Playing with toys on Sunday morning.

Here is another head close-up...why...well he fell on his face...again...on the concrete...again...on the exact same spot, Sunday morning while walking around outside...after some craying and cleaning the scrapes on his nose, he was good to go and acted like nothing happend. His goose egg grew a little, though. I really don't think the second fall was that bad...but becuase it was on the same exact made it bad.
We left Sunday afternoon, made it in time for church that night (to the joy of the nursery ladies happy to see him...and him happy to see them...he started smiling and squeeling when we got up to the door) and then finally got home.
Today - Monday, St. Patricks Day, Kegan dressed in his green so not to get pinched and he got to drive something green - a tractor - when we took Matthew lunch. Kegan gets very observant when we are out in the fields and as soon as he sees a tractor he starts talking and saying tractor over and over...then when he sees his daddy get out of the tractor he goes back and forth between daddd and tractor. Obviously...there is no waiting in the car. We get out and start to enjoy looking at all the tractors! He is so cute out there!!!
Having fun driving the tractor.

Doesn't he look like he is really concentrating on his he knows what he is doing and is doing it with a purpose...I love it!
Playing with his fish puzzle, his grandma brought back to him from Hawii. He will pick up the fish and make fish faces at them...this is as close as I could catch to a fish face.

I also made some videos today of his walking and other things he can do...but I will post those is too late.
Little Man, If you are reading this one day - Your mommy loves you and enjoys you each and every day. You bring so much joy to my life! I can't wait to see what you discover and learn tomorrow!!!
I love you!
Mom :)

1 comment:

Grams said...

The pictures are great and I love them, but they just don't can't pick up his wonderful little personality. He is such a joy. I count the days to I get to see him again!!