It has been a short time since my last post...last two past, infact. I am going to try and do better and be more prompt on my seems at times that he is learning so much that I can't keep up with it all. Therefore, before we get to pictures, let me tell you what he is now doing. First, I know my son is being raised in a different century than I because whenever I take video of him using the camera, he comes over to the camera and wants to see himself...numerouse times. Kegan also know what the computer is and gets excited when it turns on - I think he is hopeing to see that disgusting little farting dino's video. He really likes to mimic Matthew and my actions - this has been going on for a while but it is still fun to see the new things he picks up and tries to do. For instnace, he likes to try and help carry his diaper bag of lunch box and he likes to try and pick up Matthew's computer is vary he usually just pushes it around. Kegan has also leanred how to open all the doors around the house...I think he has known for a while he is just finally tall enough to reach the handles. This has made things interesting and we have to be carefull now to keep doors locked that we want to keep him out of. I would say his taste-buds have been a bit more picky too, but that just may be a phase or he might be getting a new toothe. Biggest news....I would say he now tries to walk 95% of the time...crawling is used as a last resort and when he first gets up and the morning and he is a bit sleepy to be consentrating on balance. With ALL this walking has come lots of bumps, scratches, and bruises...but he is getting to much better. Oh yes...he is also trying out new sounds when he talks. It is very funny he will look at me sometimes with the most seriouse look and just start talking...he is really trying to say something. It sounds something like, "" and so on....with voice inflection and everything. I will try to get it on filmif I have my camera with me when he does is very cute. One more thing - he likes to walk around holding his toys and brings them to he is inviting me to play with him. What a joy...he keeps my laughing!
OK-on to pictures!
Remember how I said he likes the computer - well he will somtimes climb on Matthew's computer carrier and stand on it trying to see on top of the counter, to the lap-top.
Steping up...

Getting his balance...

Giving mom a rasberry...

Oh yes...not only has Kegan learned how to open all the doors to the house he has figured out how to open the doors on the entertainment center. Oh...what new challenges that has brought us!

Checking things out...


being silly

What big eyes!

These next few pictures are from Kegan this morning...I think they are SOOO cute...that is where the title fo this post came from!
He had been awake for just a while and was still holding onto his blankie as he walked around the house.

I LOVE this picture of him. I think it is my new favorite! Is that not the most ADORABLE little smile and face...ohhh...make my heart melt!

This is one other thing that Kegan can do. He will smile when you ask him to. Is this not the typical on command face...I love it.

Once again...riding high on a tractor with his daddy when we went to eat lunch at the fields, with Matthew, today.
Ahhh - I love that picture of him with his blanket - too cute! I can't wait to see him this Thursday! Too bad Karsyn won't be here to play with him.
Oh, I miss him so much!! How I long to grab him and hug him to pieces - and get one of his hugs. Love ALL the pictures and videos! Give him a big kiss from Grams
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