Exciting news for me...hopefully not to gross for you...and sure to embarrass Kegan when he is old enough to read this! Last Wednesday I had reported that Kegan told me about needing to change his dirty diaper...well...Thursday, my smart little man did it again! We were in the kitchen and he stated to make a fussy sound so I turned from the sink to make sure everything was ok, and Kegan pointed to his diaper and then to his bedroom. I asked him if he had a stinky diaper...he said yes...and we headed off to his room...Kegan in the lead. I guess I need to start thinking about investing in a little training potty for Mr. Kegan...well I really think we are still a little away from potty training...but at least he can get used to looking at it and seeing it in his bathroom. Any tips, anyone?
Ok...well, that out of the way, lets get on with the rest of Thursday. That evening Kegan got to express his creative side on a Chat and Play trip to a pottery place. It was very fun, you go in, buy a piece of potter and get whatever color glazes you want...and go for it. They then fire it and in about a week you have a personal creation. (I should get his creation this week, sometime, I hope!) Kegan had a good time using the paint brushes...and his hands...hehe! He even wrote the "K" with his finger...with a little help! :)
Mom and Kegan with the unfinished platter. (The colors will be more vibrant once the plate has been fired.) That grin was created by a "cheeeeze"!
After the chat and play some of the moms and their babies headed off to McDonald's. The level of eateries one goes to, when with ones children, seems to really go down in quality...haha! The four boys all REALLY enjoyed themselves! This is Kegan's first official trip to McDonald's...we stopped at one once on a trip...but no playing and enjoying...so this is the first "full" experience of all the joy McDonald's has to offer.
Mom's (Stacy, Suzanne, and Julie) and son's (Gus, Riley, Cason...and of course, Kegan)eating...what a crew! I think it looks like Kegan (front right) is talking to Gus, here.
Kegan and Gus enjoying their yummy McNuggets!
The boys LOVED pushing up against this mesh and making faces and LAUGHING hysterically at one another...it was so fun to watch!
Kegan loved climbing up on the play equipment...BUT...he would fuss and fuss and fuss when he wanted to get down. He knows how to turn over to roll and slide off the bed and furniture...but he did not carry that knowledge over to getting off the equipment...we are working on that. He was getting a little better after a few times of practicing.
Contemplating how to get down...this method was not working to well for him...but I do give him an "A" for effort. :)
The four boys playing together!
Who likes to play "peek a boo"?...Kegan does, Kegan does!
What a ride down the slide! A face of pure joy!
Friday evening Kegan spent some time with Daddy on the farm. Saturday, he also got to spend time on the farm...this time with his grandpa, while I was at a ladies tea at the church. From how dirty he was that evening when I went out there...I can say, with out doubt, that he had a great time, and he slept GREAT that night!
Sunday morning we got up and had some extra time to chill before getting ready for church...here is my little muscle man. Look how strong!
Here we are to the shiner.
Sunday afternoon, we got home from church and Matthew and Kegan were playing in the living room while I was getting lunch ready. Matthew's phone rang, so he put Kegan down to answer it...and I suppose Kegan didn't have his footing...well, he tripped on Matthew's shoe and fell into the coffee table - face first.
Kegan may have a black-eye, but he is still smiling away!
I took a few more pictures today that I will try to post...of both the eye and Kegan just being cute Kegan, but this is all I have for now!
All I have to say is that I think the days of bumps and bruises are just upon us and we have a lot more coming...poor baby boy!
What a cute idea with the pottery plate - what a treasure to keep - what a great thing to show all his girlfriends!! What fun friends he has - no telling what he and Gus were discussing!! Poor little boy - let's hope it is his last shiner (but I really doubt it). Love ya Kegan!!
so precious! i say invest in the training potty. it is NEVER too early. kyleigh began earlier than normal, so go fer' it!
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