Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Springing With New Tricks Every Day

What a week! Boy did Kegan ever enjoy his visits from the Easter bunny and hunting for eggs. This past week was also full of new words and tricks.
1. "bye-bye" - loves this word: He says it when we leave somewhere, when I get off the phone, to his pretend phone, when mommy and daddy leave him somewhere (church nursery or grandparents), etc...if he can say it, he does!
2. What goes better with "bye-bye" but "hello!" - he says this one, not on his own as much, but still knows when to use it. He loves to say it into a phone!
3. "baby" - He has said this word before, but not nearly as much! He calls EVERY baby, toddler, and kid, "baby". We will be walking through the grocery store and he will see a child, point, and say "baby". He also says baby when he sees pictures of Karsyn, or himself, or he will point to himself and say "baby". We will look at family pictures and he was say, "mama" and "dada", but when he gets to himself, he says "baby".
4. We have down the sheep sound - "bah"...but the sound is not complete unless he is sticking out his tongue to say it...too cute!!!
5. He will say "f..f" for french fries, when he sees one
6. "cheese" - explanation found below with the pictures

We are working on streaming words together, and although nothing is really audible, it is very cute to here him try to mimic what we say. For example, if I am talking to Matthew on the phone and Matthew says, "I love you Kegan" I will tell Kegan to say, "I love you dada" and Kegan will say 3 syllables of sounds, followed by "dada"...he is trying!

The picture below depicts something else he can do on his own now...sometimes...He can put a hat on his head...without being told how to, and where to put it!
He did this on the way home from church one proud of himself...and soo cute, too!

One cute story from today, before we get to the many (I believe I might have taken just a few too many pictures at will see...) pictures from Easter...and few from this past week thrown in there, too!

Kegan had woken up from his nap today and was crying. This usually indicates he is thirsty, so he will stop crying as we walk out of his room to go get water...well not today. I could not figure out why he would cry more when we left his I stood there and asked him what he wanted. He pointed to his changing table, held his nose (Which, thanks to his Grandpa in Plano and his father, he can do and does do when we change a stinky diaper.). I asked if he had a stinky and needed to change his diaper and he said "yes" we did...and he did! Do I think we are ready for potty training, no, I think this was a one time incident for a while, but I was proud of him none-the-less. Who knew I would one day be proud of a stinky diaper change!?!

Ok...on to cute pictures!!!
Last Wednesday Kegan had his first egg hunt with his friends from Stroller Strides. He was a fast learner - learned how to grab those eggs in no time.

Searching for an egg!
Got one!

Sharing an egg with his friend Alex. (Alex would not take it from Kegan just decided to throw it to Alex, instead, and that is where it landed. Obviously they were both shocked it landed there...they were both staring at it, like, " made it...)
One heavy basket!

Friday was my birthday. Matthew and Kegan took me out to eat at the Cafe in Mathis...where I think Kegan enjoyed more of my slice of cake than I got to! Well, that night Kegan's grandparents watched him while Matthew and I got to use 4 of the Setliff's Spurs tickets and go to a game. They said we could have the tickets if we traded them for baby, no tickets...haha! They were great seats, and we had a good time - just out enjoying no baby responsibilities (sorry, Kegan...).
A view of a shot being taken from the seats we were in for the first half of the game.
For the second half of the game we switched seats with the 2 friends that came with us. Check out the could see the sweat...thank goodness you couldn't smell it though!

Saturday morning...after I got to sleep in a little later than usual and got a few things done around the house, I met Kegan and Mrs. Setliff for lunch and then we hung out at the Setliff's, helping Grandma in the kitchen...well Kegan's contribution was licking the cake batter off the beaters Grandma handed him. Can you tell how much he enjoyed that? I as sure he was thinking, "Wow! Mom never gives me stuff this good!"
Taking a little lick to try it out!
Fully enjoying himself and all the sugary goodness!

Anyone else want a lick?

Sunday morning, before going to church to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, we got the first of 3 visits from the Easter bunny.
Checking out his basket...
Opening the egg and eating a little food out of it...
Another egg full of healthy goodies...


Daddy and Kegan are all smiles and ready for church! Aren't my two men so handsome!!!! (whistle whistle)

Church was great and very full and afterwards we headed over to the Setliff's house.

Here is some trial and error pictures before we got one where everyone was smiling and looking at the camera. We are very thankful for digital cameras...this is a small view from the number of pictures we did take. I just find the progress of picture taking, with a child, humorous! no one is looking at the camera...Kegan kind-of is...but he is not really into the picture.
All looking...but Kegan was not showing his beautiful smile, yet...he looks a bit confused...doesn't he?
There we go...what a HAPPY family!!!

Grandpa, Kegan, and Daddy - Mr. Setliff got Kegan to saying cheese, so, they were all laughing in the picture because Kegan would say "cheese"...grin real big and laugh! makes for a good picture!

While lunch was being finished Kegan enjoyed playing outside!
Swinging with grandpa!
More attempts at picture! (I don't think Kegan was really "enjoying" this part...but he endured...for about a minute!)
Grandma, Kegan, and Grandpa

I can't remember what he saw here and was going after, but I absolutely LOVE his face here - such excitement!
Hahah...he was tyring to turn the nozzle to get the water to come out...obviously it was a bit difficult...haha...what a face!

Grandma got Kegan is very own chair for outside...he enjoyed carrying it all around the porch!
Swinging with daddy and grandpa...again...we can't all get to looking at the camera at the same time...I took quite a few and none of them had them all I went with the one that made me laugh...I think we were "cheesing" again!
Kegan decided that his Uncle Josh needed all the Dr. Pepper bottles that were sitting out on the he took them to him, one by one. What a work-out little man!
After lunch they surprised me with cupcakes and singing of Happy Birthday! Thank goodness I did not have to blow out 26 candles. you think Kegan enjoyed his cupcake?

After lunch the Easter bunny visited us again, this time at Kegan's grandparent's house.

Wow! Looking threw his loot. Notice the fruit...the bunny knows his momma is big into Kegan eating healthy...and apples are one of his favorites! He loves the wheel barrel and it is fun to watch him pick up the two handles and try to push it around...needless to say, the stuff did get dumped out on one trip around the living room.

Egg hunt time!
See this...he would stop with almost every it up...and eat the contents...the hunt took a while...but it was so much fun to see how excited he got every time he would go to a new egg!

Investigating the bounty of his hunt!
Uh-oh...Kegan is learning this tradition they have down here in Corpus with confetti eggs at Easter...even the young are not spared...
"Hey...Hey...what happened? What is this stuff"
Investigating an egg...after he got showered with more confetti
More eggs are braking...poor boy couldn't catch a brake...not even from his dad or aunt...

Doesn't he look like a little confettie egg himself...covered all over! For the most part he laughed about it...most of the time trying to figure out what was going on.

After a very needed nap and some more time visiting, we headed home...and guess what the bunny had visited his Plano grandparents, so they sent him down the gifts the bunny had left for him up there!
Loving on his bear...very soft and so cool - the bears ears and paws change color in the sunlight
Finding the candy...
OOOO...more candy!

Well...that concludes the Easter now we are somewhat up-to-date.

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter and had a change to truely appreciate the reason for the holiday - the death an resurection of our Savior so that we might be saved!


Grams said...

What a fun day for Mr. Kegan! I love the picture of him laying on his tummy in the grass just looking at his eggs. He just looks content with life. What a nice looking mommy and daddy Kegan has. The family pictures are great. I gotta wait 3 more weeks before I can see the sweet little boy!!

Wendy said...

Awwww - so cute! I love the one with him on the groud, looking at the eggs!

What an adorable family picture - you all look so cute together!