* We can officially get through the entire song of "Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes..." - we had all our parts down but the eyes and as of last week, Kegan found his eyes. I think having a black-eye helped him locate it. All to say, we know all the songs body parts and others that I have previously mentioned.
* Kegan will point to himself if you say "Kegan" or ask where "Kegan" is.
* He consistently uses the same, funny little word, for banana - something to the effect of "bada bada"...he has the "b" down and the syllables...just missing a few sounds...haha...
* He tries to say water
* Finally, he is using the separate sign for "more"...instead of using his sign for "please" for both words, "more" and "please". I had not showed it to him in a while, and for some reason, I did the other day, and boom...he just picked it up. Kegan and I are also working on the sign and saying "all done" when he finishes eating - he is doing great and picking it up very well.
* He likes to turn in circles ,when he hears music, to dance.
* Makes a "neeee" sound for a horse and for an elephant, he will raise his hand like a trunk.
* Kegan pretty much has a mouth full of teeth. I stopped counting when I could not see them by just looking at his mouth. He will not keep it open long enough for me to count...just for me to see his gums are full of teeth all the way back. We switched from the finger tooth-brush to a regular toothbrush meant for 1 year old and he still is enjoying getting his teeth brushed.
* His feet are trying to run more and trying to JUMP...so cute to watch him try this - his legs bend, but his feet don't get off the ground, but don't tell him that, he thinks he is jumping!
* During this past week, I have caught the little stinker trying to climb up on the fire place, NUMEROUS times...luckily, he gets right down when I say his name and give him, "the look" - we will see how long that works!
* If you tell him to go to a room in the house, he knows where to go and and will head off. When you say it is time to eat, he goes to his chair and helps take off the tray. When you say it is time to go to the car, he walks to the back door, sometimes tries to open it, walks out and to his car door. He will then try to reach the handle to open it. He has to stand on his tip-toes and seems to almost hang a bit...but he tries!
* Kegan has learned how to get up on his slide on his own, from the back (and not just climbing up the slide part, the wrong way), then he will position himself and slide down...all on his own.
* He LOVES to give kisses. He will give me kisses when I put him in the car, while caring him, and then while we are grocery shopping he will lift up my hands and give them kisses - it is so sweet!
Ok - that is all I can remember - but wow - I can't believe how fast he is taking in information, processing it, and using it!!!
You can see - he has been busy, so here are some pictures capturing Kegan this past week.
He loves to ride around his tractor, but he can only push himself in a backwards motion. The other night, while I was cooking, I guess he pushed himself into his toy corner and couldn't move, so he proceeded to reach into his toy bucket, pull out all the toys he could reach, look at them, throw them on the ground, and the pick up a new one and do it all over again. I did not realize this for a while, he sounded happy and quiet...then I took a better look over in the corner and realized the situation. When he saw me looking, he started saying down and pointing down and off the tractor...I had to laugh. He tried to entertain himself in the midst of his predicament!
Little man was obviously not too into this photo shoot...but I though the outfit was cute. Those are his first pair of flip-flops - he is not too sure about them. He will take a few steps in them, bend over, try to pick the thing out between his toes...and then walk on...bend over...etc.... They did not stay on very much that day.
Funny smile!
Kegan got a hold of two of his tractors and carried both around the house as he followed me around. One in each hand. If he dropped one, he bent down, picked it up, arranged it in his hand so he could hold it with just one hand...then get going again. By the time I finally got my camera, he was back on the floor playing with them again. For the attention span of a 16 1/2 month old, he can actually play continually for a good amount of time, with his tractors.
"Vroom...vroom" - he says this while playing with any of his toys with wheels!
Thursday - meeting daddy in the fields for lunch. Kegan was asleep when we got there, so Matthew and I ate, then I woke up Kegan and fed him...then, after much patients on his part, I let him out of the car. Matthew felt a bit snubbed though - Kegan saw his daddy and was happy...but little man did not make it over to hug Matthew. The tractor just posed to much of a temptation...so he decided to go look at the tractor, instead!
Seeing daddy and headed that way...
Just to put things in perspective - how big the tractor is compared to Kegan. Look how little Kegan looks!
Finally, daddy gets his hug from Kegan.

After a day in the dirt - bath time is essential. To explain this picture - Earlier in the week, Matthew showed Kegan how to put his head under the running water, to rinse off the shampoo. Kegan just pulled back from putting his head under the stream from my hand. (He now will go under the stream straight from the faucet.)
After a day in the dirt - bath time is essential. To explain this picture - Earlier in the week, Matthew showed Kegan how to put his head under the running water, to rinse off the shampoo. Kegan just pulled back from putting his head under the stream from my hand. (He now will go under the stream straight from the faucet.)
After the bath Kegan got to put on one of daddy's shirts...haha...I think it is a bit big. He still looks so cute, though!
After church we headed off to the Air Show at the navel base in Kingsville, we some friends of ours, and their two kids. I had never been to one of these, but I must say, so cool! I recommend going to one, if you ever have a chance. One caution...put on your sunblock, it is just wide open spaces on top of hot concrete...so Kegan got a little sun-block sprayed on him...his arms...his legs...and his head.
See the orange thing in Kegan's ear...I need to mention one more warning...it is VERY loud, so bring your earplugs. He HATED having these put in his ear, but once in, it made the rest of the afternoon a lot more pleasant for everyone.
Gail and Matthew, at the front of a plain we got to tour (Kegan is down with our friends). This plain was flown in WWII and on the side we could see the signatures of some of the men who flew missions on this plain - it was pretty interesting.

The afternoon ended with a show put on by the "Blue Angels". They were AMAZING (and fast...so we did not get many pics, but here are some)!

The afternoon ended with a show put on by the "Blue Angels". They were AMAZING (and fast...so we did not get many pics, but here are some)!
Wow, you can really see the black eye getting "green" in some of the pictures. So cute - and busy!! I can't wait to see him (and you) this weekend!!
He is so sweet. I miss y'all.
P.S. I like your hair.
Wow - you got this post up fast! He is learning so much - I can't wait for him and Karsyn to talk to each other!
Put some meat on that eye - I don't think a black/green eye goes with Karsyn's outfits! ha ha!!!
Can't wait to see you this weekend!
Aunt Wendy
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