Now, before I start in with Kegan's latest travels, I want to show a few pictures, since the last posting, that I thought were cute.
This was taken a while back...but I thought it was an adorable picture of my "little pumpkin head".
Tuesday was a beautiful day outside so I opened some windows up (just cracked them really so I could keep the dogs out and Kegan in...haha). Kegan kept trying to get his hand through the window to reach out and touch the dog. He would reach, bend down and look, try and reach again...he stayed entertained for a did Maggie.
The following are some pictures I took on Halloween. We don't really do much for the day, but someone had given him this adorable "western" outfit so I thought it would be cute to put him in if for the day. Here are some pics.
Oh, yes...he is in to EVERYTHING...I gave up trying to keep him away from all the I let him have one to play with. I will say though, we argued back and forth for a while. Now, when I tell him not to touch something he will take his hands off...look at me...say something while leaning forward and standing on his tip toes and then either move away...or touch whatever it is again...look at me and smile...what a handful!
Does it taste like and apple?
Look who discovered the third shelf with some of daddy's tractors on it...hehe....
Thursday, around noon, we headed off to Oklahoma (Matthew was going to the TAMU vs. OK football game on Saturday) - a day earlier than planned because Matthew wanted to go see a man, who he does some custom harvesting work with, pick some cotton up in Ok. We headed out for the TEN HOUR drive. Let's just say the Lord answered my prayer to give Kegan a calmness though the trip. He did GREAT! He hardly fussed at all! We got in about 10:30/11:00ish that night. We did not have the pack and play - long story - so we made a pallet for Kegan, on the floor, between the two beds...he slept...ok. We were dealing with pre-teething mouth pains and no sleeping most of the weekend, so considering all that...he slept well on his pallet.
(This was taken during his morning nap.)

Around lunch time, after Matthew had gone and looked at the picking operation there, we headed to Oklahoma City area. We stopped by and saw his Great Aunt Geneva and her husband Bob and his Aunt Sherrie (called aunt - she is the daughter of Matthew's grandfather's sister - Geneva). Kegan impressed all. We then headed over to see Matthew's college and his friend Geoffry. We had dinner that night with Geoffry...after we walked all around Bricktown in downtown Ok City looking for a place. I know Matthew enjoyed being able to talk to Geoffry while Kegan and I were enjoying the sites. Kegan even got to meet his first horse...he was a bit afraid of this creature whose head was bigger than his (Kegan's) entire body. Kegan and I then got to see the Ok City Bombing memorial for the first time - very heart moving.
Around lunch time, after Matthew had gone and looked at the picking operation there, we headed to Oklahoma City area. We stopped by and saw his Great Aunt Geneva and her husband Bob and his Aunt Sherrie (called aunt - she is the daughter of Matthew's grandfather's sister - Geneva). Kegan impressed all. We then headed over to see Matthew's college and his friend Geoffry. We had dinner that night with Geoffry...after we walked all around Bricktown in downtown Ok City looking for a place. I know Matthew enjoyed being able to talk to Geoffry while Kegan and I were enjoying the sites. Kegan even got to meet his first horse...he was a bit afraid of this creature whose head was bigger than his (Kegan's) entire body. Kegan and I then got to see the Ok City Bombing memorial for the first time - very heart moving.
Saturday morning we woke up and got ready for the day. After Kegan ate breakfast he went in and found what ended up being his favorite place to play the rest of the weekend - the shower area. You see, Matthew had not made reservation anywhere and by the time we found a hotel they had one room left - a handicap accessible room with a king bed - this actually ended up being perfect...better than a room we would have probably had. Anyways, because it was handicap accessible, the shower was a roll in shower and had not Kegan could just craw on in and play with all the water puddles that remained on the floor.

We all had on our Texas A&M stuff to support out Aggies. You can't see the shirt but it has Texas A&M written on it.
After we left the hotel, we went and saw Matthew's friend Brandon and his family real quick then went to visit Geoffry at his new house, till we went to go reserve a table for 17 at a Mexican food restaurant they all wanted to go to. All in all lunch ended up being - Matthew, Kegan and I, Geoffry, another friend Shannon (who also came up for the game), Matthews friends Brandon and his wife Karin, and their 4 kids, and Matthew's friends Jeff and Dana and their 4 kids...17...9 of which were kids! After a delicious meal we headed back to Brandon's house so Matthew, Brandon and Shannon could go to the game while Kegan and I hung out with Karin and her 4 kids. We had a good time - Kegan got to play and stayed very entertained with the "older" (3-7 years of age) kids!
Sunday morning we woke up, went to a church where some of Matthew's friends attended, two of which were Jeff and Dana and their kids and then we met some family members for lunch. I wish I would have taken a picture of our table of 15! It was good to see all of that side of the family - it had been since January. They all commented on how much Kegan had grown and how cute he was! After lunch Matthew and I headed to his Aunt Geneva's house to visit some more with them and his Aunt Dalores (again, called aunt - daughter of Geneva, Matthew's grandpa's sister) and her husband mike.
(Mike, Matthew and Kegan, Delores, Geneva, Bob...and you can barely see their dog, Zach.)

Playing with the light and strings on the fan. Now whenever he wants to have a light turned on or off, he will sometimes reach up in the air like he is reaching for the cord to switch it on/off - so cute!)

We then went to Jeff and Dana's house to visit for a while and ended the evening with a trip to see his friend Chad who was also in town visiting. Phew-what a day!
(Mike, Matthew and Kegan, Delores, Geneva, Bob...and you can barely see their dog, Zach.)
Playing with the light and strings on the fan. Now whenever he wants to have a light turned on or off, he will sometimes reach up in the air like he is reaching for the cord to switch it on/off - so cute!)
We then went to Jeff and Dana's house to visit for a while and ended the evening with a trip to see his friend Chad who was also in town visiting. Phew-what a day!
Monday morning we got up and headed out - first making a stop to say hello to a man Matthew worked with while he was going to school up there. We then started the long trek home, stopping once for lunch and another time to have dinner with Aunt Lindsay at her house. We finally made it home, LATE and all crashed...but not for long, because Tuesday was coming and it was going to be a big day!
Tuesday morning we headed out to get Kegan's his first hair cut. His first birthday is coming up (I can't believe it!) and we decided it would be nice for him to get a good trim - it was was getting a little long in back and on the sides would stick up over his ears. We took Kegan down to the barber shop where Matthew gets his hair but, as does Mr. Setliff, and so did Grandpa Setliff - so all in all, that makes 4 generations that the barber shop owner, Dwayne or "Shorty", as cut hair for. It was a special day for daddy and son, so I just stood back and took pictures.
Saying "hello!" and being shown the chair.
Strap him in. (You could tell Dwayne had cut quite a few young people's hair...he was making silly noises for everything he did to keep Kegan entertained and from getting scared.)
The first snip...and then a quick with drawl of the scissors to keep out of the way of little hands. As I said, you could tell he had cut a lot of little kid's hair!
" much is he taking off back there?"
One happy boy getting a hair cut - he did NOT cry once!!!
He did so well the barber thought he deserved a sucker (Kegan's first sucker ever, in fact). Let's just say he loved the sucker would be an understatement! It took him NO TIME to learn how to hold the stick and keep the sucker in his mouth.
One more picture to share. Wednesday night Mrs. Setliff and Stephani watched Kegan while Matthew and I went to help with the youth group up at church. Kegan found this frog there that plays music and sings. He DANCED AND DANCED AND DANCED to this thing and would push the button over and over again to keep it playing. It was so cute, though...he shook his toosh, moved his feet around, and bounced up and down to the music...he was having a great time with this frog and I laughed and laughed when I got to see him do all his moves!
New things:
We have been working on teaching Kegan basic signs (since he was about 6 months old) for a few words so he could communicate things like, food, water, milk, more, ect... but we have also been working on manner words like "please" and "thank you" and we are finally starting to see him use some of the signs in the right way and consistently...well his version of the sign. When he wants more food, he will clap a lot of the time...but if he is really impatient he will pound his tray...well I have shown him food and please. He has combined them though and when I say "use your manners" or "say more please" he will use this sign...consistently. He has also begun to use it say, if he wants a toy and I say "use your manner word" he will do his little sign for please. It is SO exciting to see him communicating and learning!
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