A year - who knew one year could change your life so much...and so much for the better. I could not imagine life with-out Kegan...even when he wakes up crying in the middle of the night...you may be tired, but NOTHING beats him hugging on you, with all his strength, as you pick him up to comfort him. He is a constant source of laughter in our house or when we are out and about...always sharing his sweet grins with everyone. It is amazing to watch as he learns and explores - in one year he has gone from a baby who could only move as a reflex to a little boy who can make his body move and go in the way he wants it to, who can communicate more precisely what he wants, can laugh and play games, who has distinct likes and dislikes...I could go on and on...and all in a year...I can only imagine how much he will grow and develop in his second year.
He has taught Matthew and I a lot this year - instant love, instant pride and joy, patience, appreciation for small things in life - a first smile, every smile, a tiny roll, a small inch forward crawling, a little giggle, a new respect for our own parents, worry, but with that a whole lot of faith that God has great things for him and will watch over and protect Kegan ALL the days of his life...this list too, could go on and on.
He has been a blessing in our lives and I know he will continue to be on the ups and downs that await us in the years ahead of Kegan's precious life.
Below are some pictures I have taken these first few days of his life as a one year old (and a few the couple days between the party and his actual birthday) - which I must say is weird to say. Someone asked me how old he was today and it was crazy to answer "a year."...it just did not sound right...like he can't be that old, yet...can he?
The morning after his birthday party (Monday) - playing with his toys. In fact...this toys is played with a lot and lucky for me it has some music to it...soooo...I spend the majority of my day having the song in the back of my head...haha! He loves it, though! (Check out how tall he looks - my goodness!)

All those new toys and yet...oooo...yet, nothing beats a good box to play with!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 - ONE YEAR OLD!!!
(Peek-a-boo! Guess who? A one year old is looking at you!)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 - ONE YEAR OLD!!!
(Peek-a-boo! Guess who? A one year old is looking at you!)
"I am already for my birthday mom - I have my decorations ready to go!"
We met daddy for lunch at the Cafe in Mathis...and we got to see some other farmer friends! What a birthday lunch. He even got to share some chocolate cake with mom!
"Some cool things about turning one!"
"I can drink REAL milk...not that stinky soy formula...and get a real milk mustache"
(He is not on 100% real cows milk, but is on a50/50 split of formula and cows milk in all his sippie cups. He seems to love it and gobbles it up...and...so far...he has not seemed to have any problems with the real milk - yea!)

"I can point at things and people start talking to me and telling me what I am pointing at. Wow! So much to learn!"
"I can point at things and people start talking to me and telling me what I am pointing at. Wow! So much to learn!"
(He started doing this about a week ago actually, but very sporadically. He now does it all the time...points and points and points and smiles and laughs and points again when I tell him what we are looking at. I must add, his pointing is more of his entire hand showing the direction of something...he does not just use one finger yet...it is so cute!)

" My birthday dinner with the grandparents, aunt and uncle, and mom and dad. I spent most of the night in grandpa's lap and got to share a lot of fries...after I ate the healthy stuff mom brought for me...of course. Personally, I preferred the fries!"

"Dad is ready to crash, but it is my birthday and I am still in the mood to play! I stayed up for a little while and went "fishing" for my colorful fish, aunt Stephani got me before I was even born. How could anyone put me to bed when I am smiling this cute!?!"

" My birthday dinner with the grandparents, aunt and uncle, and mom and dad. I spent most of the night in grandpa's lap and got to share a lot of fries...after I ate the healthy stuff mom brought for me...of course. Personally, I preferred the fries!"
"Dad is ready to crash, but it is my birthday and I am still in the mood to play! I stayed up for a little while and went "fishing" for my colorful fish, aunt Stephani got me before I was even born. How could anyone put me to bed when I am smiling this cute!?!"
"It was a great birthday...from this past weekend till I went to sleep tonight!"
Today - Kegan has been helping me around the house.
He loves to "help" load and unload the dishwasher. He looks like I caught him doing something he shouldn't...hmmmm...so he does know what he should and should not do! haha...He may be one, but he is very smart. There is a candy dish he is always trying to reach in to. Many times it ends up on a tall counter out of reach, but this morning he was playing in the living room area, I went to grab something from my room and I when I came back I saw him standing with one hand on the end table and the other in the candy dish. I said, "Kegan" and he turned around, gave me this same look you see below, sat down, and then smiled as if to say, "What? I am not trying to do something I know I shouldn't do." What a stinker!
Taking a ride, this afternoon, in his new wagon, to help me grab some packages I needed to pick up from a neighbors house. He enjoyed riding around the neighborhood, just looking around and enjoying the slight breeze!
What fun pictures - and what a lucky little boy! You are right - it has gone very quickly - what a difference one year makes!!
Happy Birthday Kegan and we love you VERY much.
Grandpa and Grams
Happy Birthday Kegan!
He looks so happy (and old) in all of the pictures. What a sweet, sweet boy.
He is getting so big Gail! What a cutie you have on your hands!
holley jackson
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