What a weekend it was! Late Friday night (Kegan had already gone to bed...for a while...till his coughing woke him up) Aunt Wendy, Uncle Nolan and Karsyn arrived, and a little later Grams and Grandpa got in, while I was finishing up some cookies for the party favors.
Saturday morning, though, everyone was up and ready to go for the fun day! I had to attend a shower that morning, so Grams and Wendy (and the men...sort-of) entertained the babies till I got back. While I was gone they also put together two of Kegan's toys - a rocking chair from Karsyn and a Wagon from Grams and Grandpa. Kegan was so cute in the rocking chair - he really rocked in it!

...and of course he loved the wheels on the wagon.
After all the toys were put together we all headed out for lunch at a Mexican food restaurant. Kegan and Karsyn shared a child's cheese enchilada plate. I knew Kegan liked the beans and rice...but man, he ate the enchilada real well too...even after having his yogurt he was gobbling it up. Yumm! After lunch all 8 of us headed to the Texas State Aquarium from some fishy, fun, family, time!
Here is a pictures of Karsyn on the road. I just thought this was the cutest pictures of her!

Here is a pictures of Karsyn on the road. I just thought this was the cutest pictures of her!
Once we got to the aquarium we walked around looking at the fish - the babies seemed to enjoy watching the fish swim all around and looking at the bright colors. I will say - I usually push Kegan around in his stroller most of the time...but I don't know if he will be willing to do that anymore. He was held up to get "a better look" a lot on this trip.
Getting a REAL CLOSE look at the fish!
Grandpa is already teaching him all he needs to know about fish!
Cousins looking at the big tank of fish together!
Kegan clapping for the dolphins at the dolphin show.
That night we came home, let the babies play with the men while my mom, sister, and I started working on ALOT of cupcake making and decorating for Kegan's party on Sunday.
Sunday morning we all got up bright and early to go to early service. While Matthew and I went to Sunday School, Grams, Grandpa, Aunt Wendy, Uncle Nolan, and Karsyn all came back to start setting things up for the party (well...Karsyn napped). By the time Matthew, Kegan and I got home they had done most of the work - great!
Here is the table all set up. Kegan had the chair of honor with the balloons on it at the head of the table.
The cake table set up and ready to dig in to!
Didn't they all turn out cute!?! All the cupcakes have blue and green party hats with the number 1 on them and Kegan had is own special birthday boy BIG cupcake.
While we all finished setting up and getting things ready Kegan discovered a blue bow on the rocking chair and decided a shiny, blue, bow would be a great toy to play with.
Karsyn decided she wanted in on the action too, so she got a curly, red, bow to play with.
Finally, things were set and ready and the guest arrived - Uncle Josh and Aunt Stephani and then Grandma and Grandpa and Grandad and Madaline. After a little visiting the bergurs were ready so we sat down to eat. Now Kegan had already eaten, but he of course saw food and wanted more...but I think he had already had his fill and what he had did not go down to well...and because his nap schedule was off...he was getting a bit tired, so he was held through most of lunch and although we tried to hold him off some...he was ready for bed.
He wasn't even in the mood to wear his party hat!
Sooo....Kegan took a brief intermission in his party and went to sleep. It was good though - we cleaned up and all got to chat and visit with family for a while. After about a hour/hour and a half nap he woke up...a little grumpy...but soon cheered up and was ready to finish his party!
We decided to do gifts first to give his stomach a little more time to make room for cake! He did a great job opening his gifts with his daddy - he would pull out tissue and "help" rip the paper off the boxes! I was impressed with how attentive he stayed!
Everyone was so generous and Kegan got lots of cute clothes, 2 pairs of shoes, and fun toys!
After opening the gifts we did take some time to play with his new slide and climb toy from Grandma and Grandpa.
Wendy, Nolan and Karsyn had to get on the road back to Houston, so we said good-bye to them and then headed in for cake time!
First, he had to get on his Birthday bib, from Grams. (I love this picture - look at those big toes sticking up!...haha...it made me laugh!)
Next, lets look at our cake... before it is demolished...
Dig in...He studied it for a bit and tried a little finger dipped into the icing before he dived right in to the cake.
Soo good! (I think he was pointing to his water here...all that sugar was making him thirsty.)
He cleaned his plate (I just gave him the party hat part of his cake...not the face and party hat) by the time he finished up...he then even ate some Cheerios, peas (I had to try and squeeze in something healthy) and a little oatmeal. What an eater!
Everyone else enjoyed their cake, visited a little more and we all said our good-byes to a fun day of celebrating Kegan's birthday!
"Goodnight everyone...I am closing myself in!"
He is soooo cute!!!
What a great weekend! Thank you so much for all the wonderful memories - and laughes over decorating the cupcakes!
Happy 1st Birthday Sweet little Kegan!!!
Love you lots
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