I last updated this (before his tooth update) with letting everyone know what adventures Kegan had been on in Plano, up through Tuesday...that was only the beginning though. Wednesday through Saturday were full, too! Before I tell about that, here are some pictures from Sunday through Tuesday.
Playing around while mommy packed. He loves to play with that tag on the block.
Kegan and Mommy are ready for his first trip on an airplane.
You know the song "Your so vain"??? Well...Kegan loves himself in a mirror!
(Hmmm...who is that kid with a cool tongue?)
(I still can't figure him out...hmmm...)
(Let me see if I can scare him...boo!)
(I see grams in the mirror too!!!)
(I see a cute baby!!!)
Meeting Becky!
Bath time in Grams's sink.
This is why we needed the bath - a day of eating like this and anyone would need a good bath! (Is it just me or does he look more like a little boy in this picture than a baby - oh...he is growing up so fast!)
Laura is giving Kegan his last bottle...sort-of...Kegan holds it himself so Laura was holding him for his last bottle...
Wednesday - Kegan got to see Angela (Goo) again, Laura, and Alison(who is pregnant - I don't think Kegan scared her too much about this parenting thing). We all went and grabbed lunch together - but not with out him first showing off his own wonderful table manners - yummy!
Here, we are all sitting around waiting for Goo's shirt to dry - Kegan spit up all over her...again....

("I love it Mom! I love it!!!")

(Can I taste the water??!!??)

Kegan loved watching the water poor out of the hot-tub and into the pool.
The happy family!
He also got to see Courtney and her finance', Randy, that afternoon.
Wednesday evening Lindsay, Kegan's aunt, got to come over and have dinner with Kegan and I. I must say - I believe in our short visit, Lindsay was able to thoroughly spoil Kegan. She held him all she could - before dinner, a little durring dinner, after dinner, when we went to grab some ice cream -it was so sweet!

Thursday, Kegan and I made a trip to Grams's work and got to see all the people she works with. Kegan was doing his best to show off his grins and laughs. He certainly knows how and when to turn on the charm! Later that afternoon Kegan joined Grandpa for work.
Then they both took a break and went outside to play some.
(Ohh...the feeling of soft grass right under his bottom for the first time...he looks like he is investigating it.)
(I don't know what Grandpa is thinking about, but Kegan is loving whatever they are doing.)
That evening some people came over to the house - some of Grams's friends and some of mine. Below is a pictures of Courtney, Stacy, Kegan, and I.

Friday - Poor Kegan was stuck shopping with Mom and Grams during the day, but that night he got to go swimming for the first time. We all went over to Mrs. Debbie's and Mr. Bill's house (Courtney's parents) to swim! KEGAN LOVED THE POOL!!!!
("I love it Mom! I love it!!!")
(Can I taste the water??!!??)
Kegan loved watching the water poor out of the hot-tub and into the pool.
Saturday - We headed to Courtney's wedding shower and Mr. Kegan, once again turned on the charm. He smiled and played with everyone. He was so good about being passed around to all of his Grams's and mom's friends who were there. I hope he stays this easy going about stuff! After the shower - we flew home...that crazy plane ride home....
Sunday - Father's day! We went over to the Setliff's on Sunday to celebrate Father's day. They were all so happy to see Mr. Kegan!
Sunday - Father's day! We went over to the Setliff's on Sunday to celebrate Father's day. They were all so happy to see Mr. Kegan!
(Daddy and son)
The happy family!
Oh my gosh - what a total cutie! I can't believe how much he has grown - it has been too long since I last saw him. I can't wait to see him this week!
Love you all - Wendy
To bad we didn't get some of Kegan at the Backyard Bible Club surrounded by the little kids! What a fun week it was - just to fast!! But tomorrow, we get to see you two for another adventure at the beach house. Kegan certainly is having alot of vacations this summer!!
Well, I'm sorry it didn't work out for me to see Mr. Kegan, but I'm glad y'all had a good trip. Hope to see you in August!!
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