Gramdma is doing double duty - holding Kegan and talking to Karsyn. It is so fun to watch her interact with them and be able to see how she probably interacted with me as a baby. What wisdom years can bring. I don't know if it is possible, but I really think she can talk to Kegan, and he understand. He just seemed to carry on conversations with her. It was wonderful to see.
Pappa even got in on the action and help Kegan some while we were doing some stuff in the kitchen. He even talked to Kegan - so cute!
Around lunch time, my aunt Betsy showed up, and my cousin Lynne, with 2 of her children. This was the first time for them to meet Kegan and I have to say, he enjoyed them as much as they seemed to enjoy him. Below are some pictures of the girls playing with Kegan and Karsyn. In one picture you see Julianne feeding Kegan his bottle - she wanted to help with everything that day. She helped change his diaper, fed him two bottles, and even tried to burp him. I told her I would take her down to Corpus with me so she could babysit Kegan - she smiled at the idea!
While we were eating, Kegan and Karsyn entertained themselves on the pallet laid out on the ground. They did a great job - just talking to each other, and kicking around. Now, I due have to tattle on Karsyn, at one point in time, she did reach over, take the pacifier out of Kegan's mouth, play with it for a little bit, then proceeded to stick it in her own mouth. Kegan did not seem to mind though. He just laid there happily. What a good boy - sharing his pacifier with his cousin! I am sure they will love this picture and story when they turn about 13...but I think it was rather cute!
Now, what is a Grandma to do when both grandchildren want to be held - easy, Grams just holds them both and smile the whole time! I just love this picture!
Later on that day we went to a bluebonnet patch and took some pictures of the babies. They were a LOT more interested in the bluebonnets than in taking pictures, but we still got some VERY CUTE pictures. (I am not going to admit how many I had to take to get these few - but they were worth it!) He really looks like he is studying them, doesn't he? I already have a genius on my hands. (I am the mom - I can be bias!!! :))
I thought this was cute of the cousins - they were not interested in the cameras, but it does look like Karsyn is trying to get Kegan's attention to show him something she discovered.
After the bluebonnets we all went to a strawberry patch and picked some strawberries. Kegan and Karsyn entertained Grandma, Grams, and Aunt Betsy while we all picked the berries. After that Kegan, Grams, and I returned to Grandma and Pappa's and enjoyed some more time with them.
Sunday morning we went to church with Grandma and Pappa. We took him into the service and with us and he did so good - he did not cry once! Everyone commented on how adorable and handsome Kegan was! Of course, I had to agree.
We left after lunch, came home, went to Sunday night church, came home and crashed!
I was afraid we might get the "fussy" report at school today because he might have gotten used to being help a little more, but, they said he had a great day today.
He finally seems to be getting over his cold. His coughing is a lot better, so hopefully this means we are on the downhill side of this cold. I certainly hope so - I am ready to have a full night's sleep again - he is all worth it though.
Kegan has started rolling from his back to his side a lot, so I am going to try and catch that on camera and find out a way to post it on here so you all can see. So...check back!
I think he is smart, cute, adorable, etc, too, and I am not bias, just stating a fact!
I love the bluebonnet pictures! He looks so cute!
It was so good seeing you both this weekend - maybe next time Kegan will be stealing Karsyn's pacifier! ha ha!
Love - Wendy
I think it is time that little cutie julieanne got her little knickers off and I start trying to give her a baby she is hot and at that age will be nice n tight
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