Let's start with the cute pictures I tried to take of Kegan Thursday morning (He was not in the mood to wake up - it was not till I was slipping his overalls on that he began to wake up. I had changed his diaper, taken off his sleeper, and put on his onesie and he had slept through it all.) When he finally did wake up he was less than enthusiastic about anything silly mom was doing to try and get him to smile for a picture.
Well, later that morning I got a call from the daycare that said he had thrown up. I told my kids in my class to go read a book, I did not want any questions, that Kegan was sick and I needed to call the doctor. Being 2nd graders they of course all had some story of being sick they wanted to tell me, or express their concern - very sweet, but I had no time for this, my little man was sick - so they heard a very stern Mrs. Setliff tell them to go sit down and to not raise their hand, I did not have time. I got a hold of Matthew, who left planting the fields, and went and picked up Kegan and took him back to the farm (hence the title). I then called the doctor and got him a 2:15 appointment. Now I had to go see if I could leave work to take him. The school is running low on subs, so I was a bit worried about this. I was able to find my assistant principle, explain to her what was going on, and she said they would send an aid from a pre-school classroom into my room to take over at 1:15. Of course, I did have to take a 1/2 of leave (that is supposed to cover 11:30 - 3:00, so I got gypped out a couple of hours) and since I have no leave left because it was all taken when I had Kegan, they would have to doc my paycheck for the time. Anyways, I will stop with that - it was nice that I could get away. I left at 1:15, met Matthew to pick Kegan up, and headed for the doctor. By the time we got there, Kegan was smiling and happy - little stinker, he just had a good time with daddy on a tractor, so he was as happy as could be. The doctor checked him out and said he seemed fine. Good news!
We went home and he was ready to try and eat, so we fed him. He took a nap, seemed ok, so I started putting him in his car seat so we could take food to Matthew and...up came the entire bottle...everywhere. (This is one of those things that I think would have made me nauseous myself, before, but being a mom made me be able to deal with it ok...and go...ugghh...later!) Kegan did not cry or fuss and was again, all grins after this. Hmmm.... While cleaning him up I was talking to my mother-in-law and she asked had I changed anything lately about his food and it occurred to me I had just gotten a new thing of formula. I wonder...so we got another can and when he was ready to eat, we gave a bottle with the new formula...and he kept it all down. SO....all of that and I think it boiled down to a bad can of formula. He seems to be much better now!
Other updates: I think he is getting a better idea of what his hands are for. Last night he was holding on to this bee on his bouncer and just grinning and laughing at it. (See pictures below)

We went home and he was ready to try and eat, so we fed him. He took a nap, seemed ok, so I started putting him in his car seat so we could take food to Matthew and...up came the entire bottle...everywhere. (This is one of those things that I think would have made me nauseous myself, before, but being a mom made me be able to deal with it ok...and go...ugghh...later!) Kegan did not cry or fuss and was again, all grins after this. Hmmm.... While cleaning him up I was talking to my mother-in-law and she asked had I changed anything lately about his food and it occurred to me I had just gotten a new thing of formula. I wonder...so we got another can and when he was ready to eat, we gave a bottle with the new formula...and he kept it all down. SO....all of that and I think it boiled down to a bad can of formula. He seems to be much better now!
Other updates: I think he is getting a better idea of what his hands are for. Last night he was holding on to this bee on his bouncer and just grinning and laughing at it. (See pictures below)
Here are some pictures of Kegan on a blue dog mat. Wendy had put Karsyn on a pink bear one to keep track of her growth and I thought it was a good idea, so I will occasionally put up a picture of him on the dog rug so y'all can see his growth. For those of you who know Karsyn, you will be able to see how big they would be next to each other, because the animal rugs are the same size, just different animals.

Here is another picture of Kegan, from Tuesday. Again, not happy with mommy taking his picture at 6:45. :)
Here is another picture of Kegan, from Tuesday. Again, not happy with mommy taking his picture at 6:45. :)
1 comment:
The pic's are too cute. He really has done some growing! It is so sad to see a baby or little kid throw up. Glad he is feeling better! Shame, shame on the formula people!!!
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