Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tyson - 9 months

Ty has now been in the world longer than he was in my womb...crazy thought. Where has the time gone? Matthew took him to the doctor today for his 9 month check up, to which the doctor's first words were, "Woah! He is getting big!" He then proceeded to call him Mr. T (Matthew said) because Dr. G thought TY looking just plain ol' big like the tv character mr T...haha...and it fit with his name! more baby Ty, just Mr. T! :)

Matthew said Ty checked out well and healthy for the rest of the check-up (minus a small ear infection we got medicine for - poor child never ran a fever or showed signs of an ear infection...I felt bad). He did say to start weaning him off the bottle and onto just sippie cups. We have done water in sippie cups...ok...but it will be interesting as we start dropping the bottle for his milk and moving to a cup with it...we shall see!

The stats: (are you ready for this?)
height: 29 1/2 inches long (85%)
weight: 22 lbs 4 oz (75 %)
head circumference: 90% (hehe...lots of brains!)

Things he can do:
* clap (when excited...and sometimes when asked)
* raise his arms up and down when asked
* pincer grasp
* babbles more and more sounds (great with his "b" in balls, bubbles, boy, brother, bottle...he hears those words (or sees the object) and will start saying bububub.....)...saying his mamamam sound more! - still not really to me
* beginning to move his leg under him to get into a pre-crawling position (still protest when placed on his tummy or on his hands and knees)
* starting to try and pull up on things...will pull up on me a lot, with some assistance in balance
* has the longest reaching arms - ever! (I put something WAY out of his reach, but he will bend over, put his legs in a wide wide "v" and stretch out those arms...and grab)
* points at EVERYTHING!
* waves...sometimes...bye-bye

No pictures just yet...but some videos! (please ignore my silly comments)

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