I love this little boy's grins - how entire face grins!!!
Doing a little water color painting (seriouse work)
Oh, those sweet cheeks!
Checkin' out the tounge
Helping Pampa blow out his birthday candles
What a birthday bash of a week (umm..a week ago thanks to mom'sdelayed posting skills)!
The celebrations began, Tuesday, November 11, with a Dino themed birthday party thrown by Grandma, for the family. (Party 1)
Kegan was thrilled, to say the least, at all the dinosaurs!
I love the look on his face here
ooo...scary dinosaur
haha...not so scary dinosaur
dino wars with Pampa
He is serious about getting those candels blown out
Makeing sure no icing is left unlicked....
...seriously, no icing is left...
super yummy!
A little more dino fun after the icing has kicked in!
This picture just makes me smile!
let the gift opening begin!
Spiderman slippers - cool!
du nu du nu (Jaws theme song...Kegan sings it when he sees sharks) - He loves sharks, by the way!
Notice what my inginuitive son did - his Spiderman 4-wheeler -it moves on it's own- is pushing the tractor
Wednesday Kegan and I got to go with Gramma to see the Dinosaurs - sooooo cool!!!! Thanks Gramma (i had too many pictures to share...so had I just picked a few....)
we all jumped at this!!!
These are short - watch them - they are amazing!!!
Party 2 - School Day Celebrations
Thursday, November 12
Before school let out on Thursday, I took some cupcakes up to Kegan and his class - all the kids got very messy...so they must have been good!
...it was also picture day at school....My handsome man ready to go
First...an observation of his shadow (He is obsessed with shadows, currently)
Showing his friends how old he is turning
smile birthday boy!
On our way to Pasadena to get Meme...and then on to Plano
I loved the hair...one good nap, here!
friday morning before heading out to Plano
drinking hot chocolate out of my Papa's fish mug
my boys with their Meme
Kegan got to go with Aunt Wendy to pick Karsyn up from school - he was thrilled. Wendy said they were so cute when he walked into her clasroom. We all just hung out the rest of the evening - enjoying some great friedsish for dinner!!! :) (Sorry no more pictures...I was not on the ball that evening) i do have a video of the kids, though!
saturday, November 14th - BIRTHDAY DAY
That morning Kegan got to go to music class with Karsyn, Aunt Wendy and Uncle NOlan (we watched COleman and Ty at the house!) - he loved it, again!
They are too cute~!
After everyone had napped and I had returned from a baby shower I was helping with we headed off to let the party begin. We went to a place called Planet Piza, in Plano. It was really neat - you buy a wrist band, then you get to ride all the rides inside that you want, as many times as you want. The kids loved it. Me - I enjoyed it, till I realized my stomach is not quite what it used to be and I got a bit queezy from going round and round!
Kegan getting ready to ride the swinging boat
enjoying the rides!
woah!!! Isn't that a great face!
Happy TY - celebrating in his own way - enjoying the entertainment of watching it all!
karsyn and KEgan ready to go
what an action shot!
woo-hoo...my little daredevil
scary thought - kegan behind the steering wheel!...let's wait a few more years to take this skill to the raod
weee!!!! They just make me smile! They have so much fun together!
Even Uncle Nolan and Aunt Wendy got in on the action :)
yee haw...city style
papa and uncle nolan taking a whirl in the cars
Grams and her 2 youngest...
part 2 of the party - at Grams and Popa's house - cake and gifts! Let's just say Kegan is set when it comes to Cars movie themed stuff - and loving all of it...haha...
He also got a rod and reel from Papa and a tackle box, too!!!! :)
happy birthday, Kegan - I loved this smile :)
Cookie cake - yumm...and less mess!
Make a wish
Kegan had already changed out of his Sunday morning clothes before Karsyn and her family got there...Flip-flops and undies goes great with a little girl in a pretty Sunday dress...haha...what makes this even better is that this picture was folloed by them playing in the front yard for a while - nice Kegan...haha...
Sunday night we went and ate dinner at Wendy and Nolan's house...and the kids enjoyed a little bit more time playing before we left Monday morning. Here they are ready to dance the tango!
We drove back to Pasadena on Monday and dropped Meme off and then headed to Wharton to spend the evening with my Grandparents, there. We had a great visit. Ty and Grandma (Mam-ma)
...and yet more fun gifts to open...
What a 3 year birthday week!!!
A few shots from my dear friend Courtney's shower that I helped with the weekend we were in Plano.
The diaper cake - I am starting to enjoy making these things!!
The hostesses and honoree (It is so neat that even after we have all gone off to college and our seperate ways we can all still get together, support one another and just enjoy eachother) What a blessing!
Laura, Courtney (mom to be), me and Angela
Anotehr good friend Holly B...well now Holly P and her 2 week old baby girl - sooo cute!!!!
The parents
Randy(who came by at the end) and Courtney
Ty joined in on the party and played some with the Grandma to be...Court's mom