A few things of what he can do:
1. Rolls from his back to his tummy (and tummy to back as he did a few months back)
2. Sits for longer periods of time
- able to lean forward and a little to each side with out toppling over
- can reach forward for toys and bring them back up with him
3. Chews on fruits and biter biscuites and (the following given to him by other family mambes who shall remain nameless) crackers, cookies and french fries
4. Eats very well - knows a spoon goes to his mouth and gets excited when he sees it
5. Can take pacifier in and out of his mouth, feach for it, find it and put it in his mouth
6. Can take a bottle to and from his mouth and hold while he eats it - also gets excited when he sees a bottle
7. sits up and splashes in water
8. babbles and laughs and laughs and babbles a lot
9. loves to jump in his jumper roo and can move self around in his play saucer
10. can scoot on floor in circles
11. not much of a cryer, but will instead "fuss" with a low mumble when upset
12. no teeth yet...but they have got to be coming soon with all the drooling he does!
13. enjoys trying to eat books when we read
14. does not mind water getting in his face
15. responds and looks up when you say his name - don't know if he is responding to his name or the noise...but it is a step :)!!!
16. We are starting to work on sign language, but one he has learend that I did not have to teach him - if he wants picked up from the floor or froma toy, he will simply raise his 2 little arms in the air when you walk by and go "ugh"
17. The child has good reach - he will be sitting in his bumpo - twist around and grab something that I was for sure was way out of his reach (I guess I am still not used to haveing a child in the 95% on height - ha...I certianly do not know what that is like, personally...haha)
hmm....I will come back with more as I think of them
18. when you lay him down he will sometimes do a half sit up (for lack of a better way to describe it) - he lifts his head and top part of his torsoe off the ground
19. will soon be moving out of his infant car seat and into a back facing child car seat. 2 reasons: 1. his size 2. unless he is sleeping his constantly tries to pull himself up straight to look at Kegan or out the window...I think he is tired of being reclined
20. which brings me to this one - VERY observant ( I just hope he is only taking in the "good" examples Kegan is setting and not "every" example Kegan is setting...ha!)
As you can tell though he is growing and learning...and getting bigger...I am sure somewhere around 19 1/2 - 20 lbs - strong man! Ty also has the most beautiful smile - his entire face, especially his eyes, just light up when that adorable little grin begins to creep across his face:)!
Matthew, Kegan and I just love him so much and can not imagine our family with out him in it - it would be incomplete. We love you Ty! xox
(These are a few of just Ty taken over the past few days)
Supporting the Aggies - he even has the corp hair cut :)...haha...
big grins - bright eyes
9-10-09 (7 months old, this day)
What a look!
Just wanted to see what a hat looked like on his head now days...hehe...I think it accentuates the cheeks...haha
happy boy (with a milk gut hanging over the diaper...so cute!)
Handsome boy!
I love this face here!
Where did you go mom? I can only turn so far with out loosing my balance
The monthly pictures laying by the bear
Mom's favorite pictures - my chewing my toes...a favorite pass time when I am laying down
yummy fingers...sweet face
Significance of this picture: I had laid TY down, on his back, facing the other direction - went to move some laundry from the washer to the dryer and when I returned, had had turned to his tummy, and scooted himself around in a half circle...oh the day of 2 kids moving is getting closer...
We went with Aunt Stephani to have lunch with Gramma. Kegan got the new cotton picker toy and I got this great box (Seriously, Ty was entertained by this box all evening long - great toy while I was trying to cook dinner!) Clearly he is happy about it :)
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