Saturday, September 12, 2009

Catch up

I am doing something a bit different today - this is one of a few post I am going to make...just to keep things organized.

Below are some pictures taken that I did not get to post with my last post due to the fact I had too many pictures on blogger. That now taken care of (switched some things up...nothing gone though!) - thank you Wendy! - here are the rest of the pictures not put on that post!

Ty has a WONDERFUL grin...and he LOVES to share them. I just peeked my head up over the counter and this is the winning smile I was flashed :)

Oh...nothing like relaxing a little in the tub after a long day...haha...the food over the side made me laugh.

woah...trying to sit up....

A favorite pass time now days - CHEWING...just where are the teeth...the way he chews on things you would think his entire mouth were about to burst forth with teeth

About a weeks worth of laundry (actually I had put a big portion of Kegan's stuff already up - laundry was folded on the coffee table and both couches. To all those out there about to have babies - I hope you like laundry! ;)

Awww....after a long day at the farm with daddy...dirty and wiped out

Two winning smiles :)

Haha...I love how he is cutting his eyes to look at me...but will not stop chewing on those toes

bright eyes you think someone was trying to get some attention and his picture taken, too....

We were in Hobby Lobby and they had these large floor puzzles on sale: Well, Kegan likes puzzles, it was with big pieces, and it was of a John Deere Tractor - how perfect could it get!

Happy Boy with his completed puzzle

**and yes, it was a team effort -he did well, but is not quite ready to tackle this size puzzle on his own

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