First things first - Kegan, or should I say my little fish, took his swim lessons for the summer and loved it! This year he was doing so well he went to a level 1 class (no more mommy and me classes for mr independent). He did great - he worked on swimming under water, holding his breath under water for longer, fetching toys underwater, and pushing off the side of the pool on his stomach and back and "swimming" to his instructor. He also worked on jumping in to the pool (no problem as he would take a running start), kicking his legs and paddling his arms - lots and lots of stuff! I was so impressed - as were his teachers who said he was a blast to work with and a good kid to end the morning on because he was willing to try anything and had fun doing it!!!!
Kegan and "Mr. George" splashing around
That is Kegan's little head under the water up there on the front right
Haha...playing is not all hard work!
Mommy and Ty (aka, little bother) enjoying watching swim lessons
That is Kegan with the "sugar cube" on his back. It helps them stay afloat like a life jacket, but gives them mobility to learn how to kick and use their arms...pretty cool!
Matthew started and finished (thank you LORD!) grain harvest for the year. Due to the draught he only really did 2 fields, that were right next to each other, so it was not as much as normal, but still a blessing and relief to have it done! Kegan, and this is an understatement, was VERY happy to go take his daddy lunch everyday so he could ride on the combine...although there seemed to be an equal fascination with the grain buggy (which he now points out every one we see) and the 18 wheeler (of course).
Riding around on the combine (with his orange flag he loved to play with...I don't know it was a sword, a drum name it....)
Ty with his hands in their favorite spot - HIS MOUTH!!! Ahhh...I can't get him to stop putting his thumb especially, in his mouth!
Haha...what a face on Ty! (and Kegan...I don't know what was going on, but this picture made me laugh)
Isn't he cute! I was just clicking and caught this look - I love this picture!!!
Kegan playing around with his daddy - they were having the best time together. I enjoyed sitting back, watching, and snapping away with pictures.
Checking to make sure the ear phones are on correct.
Daddy is being silly
and now with a hat on top! I just think he is so cute!
Protecting the sensitive scalp with his John Deere hat!
The men checking out the crops...or course Kegan had to join in.
Happy 4th of July - this is how we celebrated. A little watermelon in the back of the suburban while standing around the grain elevator.
Another day...another fun ride with daddy.
What did you say, mom?
sweet grins
Haha...doesn't he look like an old man driving around..haha..
I asked Kegan to make Ty smile (Kegan can always get a smile out of Ty) and this was the great smile I got! Ty LOVES his big brother!
To top it all off - last Thursday, July 9, 2008, Ty spent an evening with his Gramma while Matthew and I got to take Kegan to the circus - he loved it! Matthew and I both agreed, watching him get excited about the show was as exciting as the show it self. He loved the animals, the clowns, the music and lights...and the cotton candy he got to eat and dr. pepper that he got to drink WAY later than normal! It was a special time with just us and him! :)
At the circus (you will notice I very rarely got a picture with Kegan looking at me...too many fun things to see!)
Trying on some circus gear
checking it out and thinking 1. I look good or 2. What does mom have me in?
Yee ha!
Such excitement at seeing.... elephant pretty up close
Clown nose...the only thing free at the circus...
(The hat cost $12.00 and came with free cotton candy...haha...)
Let the show begin
Intensely watching and enjoying...
This very cool act where these guys bounced around on these "tubes" doing all sorts of tricks...and of course lots of music and lights...
I will smile mom, but I am not taking my eyes off the show
Silly clown is about right!
Kegan discovered that he LOVED cotton candy!
...and always something good, a little Dr. Pepper, especially when mom doesn't usually let Kegan have it!
What a night! Love this grin!
Daddy and son
Mommy and Son
...other random things I have captured...
After Kegan "helped" me make some bread the other day I decided to let him play a little in the extra flour...he had a blast...and I got to clean up the kitchen!
Happy boy!
Is this not a GREAT face! LOVE IT!!! Who could resist!?!
Naked baby...caught ya'
First time in the play saucer...loved it and took to it very well and very quickly!
Just lots of cute faces from Ty!
what chunky legs! I love them!
oooo...I can spin these things! (He now spins these with no effort - quick learner)
Our house in the mornings - both boys ready for some breakfast - Kegan and his cereal (maple brown sugar shredded wheat...surely the shredded wheat makes it healthy...right?) and Ty ready for his avacado or rice cereal.
First time with took a few bites, but he eats it pretty good now.
Ty also started in on the jumper-roo...he sqeals with glee on this one...especially if Kegan jumps infront of him and he jumps up and fun!
You can tell Ty is growing and learning and doing...however, he still seems to have NO interest in rolling. He has not rolled from his tummy to his back in a few weeks...and shows NO interest in turning form his back to stomach any time soon...I have tried toys and he follows them till it requires too much movement on his part. He is great at grabbing toys and moving toys to his mouth...and taking his bottle in and out of his mouth (new thing)...and has pretty good neck and back strength. All in all - he has a GREAT personality and loves to laugh and smile! :)
Kegan is really stretching his imgination muscles. I love seeing what he imagines up and the stories and adventures he goes on.
Other updates - this is such a problem with waiting so long between post - I forget stuff! :)
Well, happy to see that Ty is getting the same wonderful breakfast's that Kegan use to get. When do the peas start? :-)
I am so want to take Karsyn to the circus now - I love to go and now I have someone who will go with me!
I can't wait to see you guys this weekend - Ty has grown up so much and is just adorable! I can't wait to hold him...and hug Kegan as well (but he already has his own fan section in Karsyn!).
Love - Wendy
Gail I just love reading your updates. The boys are growing so fast! I feel like I left yesterday and Ty wasn't even born yet. The boys are so blessed to have you as a mom...all the great activities you have for them:)
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